"Dad, don't you mind? I think that kid seemed to have a good chat with you just now."

Toyer Tavern Behind a window on the street, a youngster in the uniform of a tavern attendant asked Father Haskeman beside him with a puzzled face.

"If he was killed by the people who were called by those guys later, I'm afraid it wouldn't be good..."

"Let's kill him." Ha Father Skeman was shrugged with an indifferent smile on his face. "If he can't even handle such a thing, it's not worth my waste of energy on him. But as I see it, the people who are called by these boys will definitely not be his opponents, so wait. Let's watch the show."

"Is that so?" The young waiter immediately showed an excited expression when he heard that from Father Haskeman. "No one has been making trouble in front of our pub for many days, and I'm worried about the excitement."

"Smelly brat!" Father Haskeman slapped him on the head from behind. "You don't think it's a big deal to watch the fun, but I'm still worried about causing people's lives and affecting the business of the tavern."

The young waiter laughed: "There are dozens or hundreds of people who don't die in the carnival night. Human, it's nothing at all. Besides, the business of our tavern is not important, do you think so?"

Father Huskman snorted gently, didn't pay any attention to him, but focused his eyes On Chu Nan sitting by the street outside the tavern.

"Boy, let me see how much your real strength is worth my effort."

And Chu Nan, who was over there, has completely ignored his surroundings. The curious eyes of the onlookers sat next to the scarred man, ignoring the hateful eyes he looked at. It didn't look like he had just broken his leg, but instead started chatting with him cordially.

"Come on, tell me, what is the strength of the Taman boss you just mentioned? Is there an Inner Breath Grade? How many levels?"

The scarred man glared fiercely Chu Nan glanced at him: "mind your own business! If you're scared, get out now, or wait until Boss Taman comes, and you brat will be dead!"

"Of course it's off to me. It's over." Chu Nan said as it should be by rights. "If he's not strong enough, wouldn't I wait here for a long time in vain? Of course, if he is really very strong, then I can only run away, right?"

The scarred man is quite powerless rolled the eyes.

What the hell is going on with this guy?

It is said that he is a newcomer who is full of the so-called sense of justice, but he knows that if he can't beat him, he will run away.

You can say he is a smart guy, how could a smart guy get into trouble and still wait here for someone to call someone?

Don't he worry that he really can't run away for a while?

He didn't know, in fact, Chu Nan already knew it.

These little hooligans can be said to have no martial skill at all, just some ordinary person, so the so-called boss in their mouth, even if they are stronger than them, must be limited in strength, and should not be so powerful Martial Artist.

Chu Nan's purpose is not to provoke the Boss Taman they said, but to draw out the people behind Boss Taman.

"I heard that carnival nights are mainly dominated by the five major gangs. Do you also belong to a certain gang?" Chu Nan asked again.

The scar on the scarred man's face twitched, and his expression was a little embarrassed.

Carnival nights are indeed controlled by the five major gangs, but they are only the bottom hooligan, and they are not qualified to join the five major gangs.

Don't even say it's them, even the Taman Boss they say can only be regarded as a member of a small gang outside the five major gangs.

How could the official members of the real five gangs come to such a small tavern because of a few unremarkable chicks?

Seeing his expression, Chu Nan roughly understood what was going on. Laughed, he changed the question and continued to chat with him.

Although the information provided by the Academy contains a lot of things, Chu Nan still knows very little about Leppler Star and the biggest city carnival night, so take advantage of this waiting time. It is also good to inquire.

The scarred man didn't want to answer Chu Nan's question, but he was always threatened by him sitting next to him, but he had to say it.

Fortunately, Chu Nan asked some less important questions, and he answered them without affecting anything.

As soon as the two asked and answered, gradually it really turned into a chat.

About half an hour later, the surrounding onlookers had already dispersed after seeing that there was no liveliness to watch. The boss Taman said by the scarred man arrived slowly.

"Boy, are you the one who injured these brothers?" As soon as he appeared, the old man Taman was full of anger and asked Chu Nan angrily.

Chu Nan glanced at him, a trace of disappointment on his face.

This guy has a strong physique, but since he appeared until now, there has been no sign of Inner Breath on his body, and he may not even be an Inner Breath Grade Martial Artist.

For such a trifling Tyrant Body Grade Martial Artist, he waited half an hour for it, which was really not worth it.

However, in order to be able to catch bigger fish, this is also impossible.

Seeing that the Taman boss was still going to yell, Chu Nan didn't have the slightest intention to continue talking nonsense with him, stood up and punched him.

The fist is flat, but it fully mobilizes the muscle strength of the whole body, and the speed is extremely fast.

It's Hong Clan Everlasting Fist First Move First Style, riding a horse to punch.

That Taman boss didn't expect Chu Nan to start a fight without a word. In a hurry, he performed well, loudly shouted, blocked Chu Nan's fist, and launched a counterattack at the same time.

This move is a combination of eliminations and fights, which fully reflects that he has a very good martial skill in external skills, but he has enough qualifications to be called the boss by those little hooligans.

However...it doesn't help.

After testing the opponent with one punch, it was only about the level of a third rank Tyrant Body Grade, Chu Nan didn't even use Inner Breath or high level martial skills, he just used Hong Clan Everlasting Fist cooperated with all kinds of F-rank martial skills he had mastered, and he completely suppressed him with ease. Then, he aimed at the gap, and punched the opponent's chest with a punch.


Taman boss spurt a mouthful of blood, staggered back a few steps in confusion, and looked at Chu Nan with surprise.

He knew very well that the force on the other side's fist was extremely terrifying, and his ribs actually broke two.

Obviously, he is by no means a match for this man.

After taking two breaths, he asked Chu Nan in a deep voice, "Boy, are you here for us?"

I don't even understand those farts. Unlike the little hooligans in the gang, although the boss of Taman is not too smart, but after all, he is also a small cadre in the gang, experienced and knowledgeable.

Seeing that the youngster on the opposite side is quite strong, and that he is not even an opponent, he immediately guessed that the other party came with a special purpose.

Maybe it's the helper invited by the hostile gang!

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