The group of young men looked towards Chu Nan in amazement, then burst out laughing in unison.

One of the young men with a scar on his face pointed at Chu Nan, and said with a smile full of mockery: "Boy, brothers are busy going to have fun, if you are sensible, get out of the way, or else Don't blame us for being rude!"

Chu Nan shook the head, too lazy to continue talking nonsense with them, he moved his feet and disappeared instantly.

The gang only felt saw a flash, and then they felt a heavy blow to their lower abdomen. The severe pain made them unable to do anything at all. They could only hold their stomachs together and bend down in pain. Come.

As for the girls in my arms, it is naturally even more neglected.

Chu Nan's figure flashed, and he stretched out his hand and pushed on several girls, which slowed their falling speed, but he was only one person after all, so he could only let them fall slowly on the ground. land.

"Shit, you are *courting death!" When the first girl just fell to the ground, the scarred man who was scolding was the first to ease up, pointing at Chu Nan and scolding loudly, He rushed over and kicked Chu Nan.

Chu Nan coldly snorted, raised hand, bang, just slapped on the calf he kicked over.


The calf of the scarred man made a crisp sound like a wooden stick breaking, and the whole calf was immediately broken from it. Miss Chu Nan's side.

Then Chu Nan turned slightly on his side, and the scarred man's body was swayed by the force of the foot, and he fell to the ground with a thud.

At this time, he felt the severe pain coming from his calf and couldn't help screaming loudly.

Originally, the conflict between them didn't attract much attention. After all, conflicts like this can be seen everywhere in the carnival night, and it is simply unremarkable.

But now the scarred man's scream is too intimidating, immediately attracting the attention of countless people around him.

Seeing the man with scars fell to the ground, his calf folded into a terrifying angle, and even his bones were exposed, everyone couldn't help but secretly panic.

Several companions of Scar Man were also startled.

This guy looks so young, he looks delicious and pretty, and he has a martial skill.

Several people looked at each other, stretched their hands into their arms, took out the small round stick they used to deal with the young girls just now, stretched out their hand and pressed it, the front end of the small round stick stretched out more than one meter long The beam of light waved towards Chu Nan.

Chu Nan startled.

The beam of light carried by this small round rod should clearly be a particle beam. Although it is inferior to the standard military particle beam knife of the Earth Federation army, it is also absolutely impossible in Earth Federation or any other country. It shouldn't be something that just a few hooligans can wield.

It seems that the sapphire Star Domain is known as the most chaotic area on the outer side of Orion's spiral arm, and indeed the name is not in vain.

Of course, Chu Nan has no fear in his heart.

Although these little hooligans are armed with extremely lethal weapons, they obviously don't have any powerful martial skills themselves.

Seeing them rushing over, Chu Nan's figure flashed.

"crack crack ka-cha..."

Several palpitating crisp sounds came out, and the small round rods in those hands all fell to the ground, but it was Their arms holding the small round rod were all snapped off by Chu Nan's palm.

Several people let out the screams of heaven shaking and earth shattering at the same time. They lifted their broken arms one by one, their faces twisted in pain, and one of them even rolled on the ground in pain.

Seeing their performance, Chu Nan couldn't help being stunned.

Isn't it just a broken arm, as for such an exaggeration?

Angelbely broke the arms and legs of so many hooligans, and I have never seen them behave so badly.

Chu Nan disinclined to pay attention to the performance of these guys, kicking them to the side one by one, then squatting down, pressing his palm on a girl who passed out, the flame of life activated, Inner Breath circulated for a week, and the girl soon woke up under the stimulation of life force.

While she was still at a loss, Chu Nan had already come to another girl and also reached out.

After a while, the three girls woke up one after another, seeing the situation in front of them, and quickly figured out what was going on.

Obviously, after they followed these hooligans to the tavern, they didn't know when they were drugged just now. After that, they still kept a trace of reason. They fainted by other methods and planned to take it away forcibly.

If it wasn't for the younger looking boy in front of them who saved them, what would happen to them next, one can imagine what would happen to them.

However, although the eyes they looked towards Chu Nan contained a trace of gratitude, they were more frightened.

This guy looks like a herbivorous man who is harmless to humans and animals. How could he be so ruthless?

Is...he's a pervert?

Chu Nan didn't know that his actions made these three girls have such an impression in their hearts. Seeing that they were fully awake, he waved at them.

"If you have nothing to do, just leave. Of course, if you are still willing to go with them, I won't stop you."

The three girls looked at those who were still The little hooligan whose face was distorted in pain, looked at Chu Nan with even more frightened eyes, gave a salute to Chu Nan, turned around and trotted away.

Seeing them walking away, Chu Nan turned around and looked towards the hooligans while remaining calm and composed while handling pressing affairs, and asked with a smile, "Hey, don't you call people? "

Several hooligans looked at each other in blank dismay.

What does this guy mean?

"Damn it, you brat are so arrogant!" The scarred man had barely turned over and sat up at this time, but he couldn't stand upright at all because of a broken leg, but he still pointed at Chu Nan and cursed. "You kind of wait here, when our boss comes over, you brat will be dead!"

"oh?" Chu Nan raised his eyebrows, without the slightest fear, instead He squatted down in front of him, showing a look of great interest, and asked excitedly: "Really? Is your boss very difficult to deal with? Go and call him over."

Scar The man looked at Chu Nan in astonishment, seeing that the excitement on his face didn't look like a fake, he couldn't help but feel a little hairy in his heart.

However, the severe pain from the calf made him immediately put aside this strange emotion, and he didn't care about it, he stretched out a finger and pointed at Chu Nan unceremoniously.

"That's what you said, don't run if you have a seed!"

Chu Nan smiled, and he leaned over and sat next to the scarred man. Come down, and then said with a smile to the other stunned little hooligans: "Hey, why are you guys still standing here? Why don't you call your boss to come over and avenge you?"

The little rascals looked at each other in blank dismay again. this the opposite?

Shouldn't it be that they said they wanted to call someone, and the guy in front of him should be scared away?

Or did they just drop the scene and run away?

But what's going on now?

"Fuck! You idiots, why are you still in a daze! Hurry up and yell at Mr. Taman, saying that someone here has named him to smash his place!" The man was in a hurry.

Being so cursed by him, the little hooligans reacted, hesitated for a while, separated two guys and ran out, but the remaining three stayed here, took Chu Nan and the knife The scarred man is in the middle.

Chu Nan gave them a rather playful smile.

"Don't worry, I can't run, it's better to say that I want your boss to come over. Tell me, is your boss strong? If it's not strong enough, it will disappoint me too much."

This time, not only those little hooligans, but also the crowd around, all looked at Chu Nan with extremely strange eyes.

This kid is a lunatic!

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