Montgomery didn't give Chu Nan much time to think.

Seeing Chu Nan slapped himself, he actually stood there and pondered, Montgomery suddenly felt that he was being underestimated, and he was furious. , once again turned into a mass of fire and rushed towards Chu Nan.

Compared with the contempt for Chu Nan just now, Montgomery is now serious, and his momentum is even more amazing under spare no effort, which fully shows his strong strength as a two-star contender.

In a flash, he had already invaded in front of Chu Nan, punched out, and hit Chu Nan like a meteorite with fire.

Chu Nan woke up from his thoughts, just glanced at it, and immediately judged that if he still used those low-level Inner Breath cultivation techniques to meet the enemy, he would definitely not be able to take Montgomery's fist.

However, one of his original purposes was to test the application of the cultivation technique in actual combat. Now even seeing Montgomery's terrifying momentum, he is reluctant to use the Nine Revolutions Core Technique directly.

Thoughts move, in a flash, Chu Nan suddenly had a bold idea.

Since a low-level cultivation technique can't match, let's join two cultivation arts together!

Chu Nan made a slight movement under his feet, avoiding the most ferocious point of Montgomery's fist, and slapped it with a backhand, turning it into a palm shadow in the sky. strips of different major meridian.

The Sanyang Sunburning Technique and the weak water core technique are activated at the same time, and the two Inner Breaths begin to run along the trajectory of the two Inner Breath cultivation techniques at the same time.

next moment, the two Inner Breaths have converged in another major meridian.

"pu ——"

Chu Nan shook his body, spurt a mouthful of blood, and his body could no longer support his predetermined movements.


Although Chu Nan had avoided the most ferocious point of Montgomery's fist in advance, he was still hit by this fist firmly on his left shoulder.

The terrifying force immediately drove Chu Nan's entire body to fly, and at the same time, it rotated in a high-speed counterclockwise state for dozens of laps in the air, and then flew more than ten meters fast, with a bang. It landed on the ground, and then rolled for more than a dozen laps, finally barely stopping.

Montgomery stared at his fist in amazement.

Judging from the previous battle, although this Virgin001 1 is indeed not strong in Inner Breath, it does have deep attainments in the external martial skill.

Montgomery thought that his fist would still be evaded by the opponent, and he planned the next move in advance, but he didn't expect to hit it directly with such a punch!

What's even more surprising is how this guy spits out mouthful of blood as soon as he starts playing?

What the hell?

Looking at Chu Nan, who was lying motionless on the ground in the distance, Montgomery still regretted it.

Just now, for the change of the latter move, he left this fist a lot of strength. If he had known that this guy could not be avoided suddenly, this fist should have used all his strength to ensure that he would be directly abolished with one punch. Instead of just beating him down like he is now.

"Damn it, this kid is quite tenacious." Watching Chu Nan swayed, but quickly got up, Montgomery couldn't help frowning, and then coldly snorted. "But so what? With a guy as weak as Inner Breath, can he still play a flower?"

Before Chu Nan stood up, Montgomery had already rushed over again, punched out again.

Watching Montgomery approaching with astonishing momentum like a fireball, Chu Nan raised the corner of his mouth and revealed a smile.

The experiment just now was undoubtedly a failure, but through the data feedback obtained from the experiment at this time, he clearly found that his bold idea was not illusory, but a real possibility !

The reason why there are two Inner Breaths conflicting within the meridian himself, causing him to suffer internal injuries, is entirely because the two Inner Breath attributes are completely opposite.

The Inner Breath brought out by the Sanyang Sunburning Technique is as fierce as fire, but the Inner Breath brought out by the weak water core technique is as feminine as water. Weird.

But through this time conflict, Chu Nan realized one of the changes from various extremely subtle data, so he thought of the possibility of adjustment.

Seeing that Montgomery was approaching, Chu Nan took a light breath, launched the Inner Breath, and injected two different main meridians at the same time. In an instant, they each followed the trajectory of the Sanyang Sunburning Technique and the Weak Water Core Technique. Smooth for half a circle, then meet in the main meridian that just slammed together.

But unlike just now, before the two different Inner Breaths collided together, Chu Nan adjusted the two Inner Breaths respectively, weakening some of the attributes.

A moment later, the two Inner Breaths collided.

Although one side is still as fierce as fire, and the other side is still as feminine as water, but under Chu Nan's deliberate control, the two Inner Breaths of different attributes did not collide directly, but directly merged together. , into a perfect blend of fire and water.

After the main meridian flowed out, the two Inner Breaths each ran along the remaining trajectory, and then injected into Chu Nan's right arm at the same time and merged into the palm of the right palm.

Chu Nan shot with one palm.


This time, Chu Nan didn't dodge and slapped Montgomery's fist directly.

The fists and palms intersected, and the red light on Montgomery was flourishing, as if someone had suddenly added a ball of oil to the fire, and the momentum skyrocketed.

The Inner Breath contained in his fist also soared, and the formidable power of this fist suddenly became extremely terrifying.

After hitting Chu Nan's right palm, Montgomery stood completely motionless, but Chu Nan flew out.

However, this time was different from before, Chu Nan fell down steadily, and he couldn't see any embarrassment.

This time it was clear that Montgomery had the absolute advantage, but his face was gloomy, and there was a hint of surprise in his gloomy expression.

What Inner Breath cultivation technique is this Virgin001 1 practicing?

The characteristics of his Inner Breath in the previous two palms were completely different, one was strong and the other was feminine, and now this third palm is even more strange.

When the fists just met, Montgomery felt that the Inner Breath gushing out from Chu Nan's palm was clearly extremely strong, but at the next moment, his Inner Breath suddenly became very feminine, making Montgomery Mao The full strength Inner Breath seems to have lost the point of force all at once, and it feels extremely uncomfortable.

Just as he reacted to it, the Inner Breath pouring out of Virgin001 1's palm became fierce again, and then immediately became feminine again.

This guy, Inner Breath can be fierce and feminine for a while, and the combination of hardness and softness is almost perfect!

How is this possible!

If this guy has such a terrifying cultivation technique, how can the Inner Breath be so weak?

Chu Nan over there was in the exact opposite mood than Montgomery.

Through the attempt just now, he successfully combined the two different Inner Breath fuses of the Sanyang Sunburning Technique and the weak water core technique.

These two Inner Breath cultivation techniques are both the most low-level F-rank martial skills, and their naturally formidable power is extremely weak, but when Chu Nan successfully fuses them together, the Inner Breath immediately becomes much stronger. .

More importantly, this Inner Breath actually incorporates the characteristics of two cultivation arts at the same time, becoming both rigid and soft.

Although it was just a hasty experiment just now, there are still many details that are not perfect and mature, but based on the cultivation technique after integration, not to mention the Inner Breath cultivation technique that is far superior to F-rank, even if Chu Nan feels that he is It is not an exaggeration to be rated as C-Rank or even B-Rank cultivation technique!

But that doesn't matter to Chu Nan.

The really important question is... if these two different Inner Breath cultivation techniques can be combined, can the other two different Inner Breath cultivation techniques also work?

More importantly, if two fuse together can be successful and effective, then can three different Inner Breath cultivation techniques work?

Or four or even more different Inner Breath cultivation techniques, can they be perfectly integrated?

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