In the 23 years since Montgomery practiced martial arts, he has competed with others and fought thousands of times, but none of them have made him as depressed as today's competition. Also very unfathomable mystery.

This guy with a weird name like "Virgin001 1" is just as weird as his name.

Obviously, his external martial skill is indeed as high as what the Fool Sanxuan said. This is from the fact that he can always take the lead in his moves, which makes Montgomery always uncomfortable. come out.

But his Inner Breath cultivation technique is really unfathomable mystery.

At the beginning, Montgomery thought his cultivation was a tough Inner Breath cultivation technique, but then he immediately switched to a feminine Inner Breath cultivation technique.

Next, his cultivation technique seems to be a fusion of the first two cultivation techniques, becoming both rigid and soft.

But when Montgomery felt that he was indeed different from ordinary Martial Artists, and at the same time, he had successfully cultivated two different Inner Breath cultivation techniques, his Inner Breath in the next battle changed again.

In each of the next fights, this guy is not only in the outer martial skill, but he also uses his fists, feet, hands and legs together. has changed.

Every time Montgomery met him head-on, he could clearly feel that his Inner Breath was obviously different from the one just now, clearly using a different cultivation technique.

At first, Montgomery was shocked.

In his common sense, every Martial Artist should obviously focus on cultivation, an Inner Breath cultivation technique, which will help to improve quickly.

Even if you want to inspire yourself through cultivation and other Inner Breath cultivation techniques, you can at most take one or two of them.

However, he has played against Chu Nan for a long time, and he has been fighting head-on for dozens of rounds. Every time Chu Nan's Inner Breath is different, the Inner Breath cultivation technique used is different.

A rough calculation shows that this guy has mastered dozens of Inner Breath cultivation techniques!

How is this possible?

However, the fight between the two continued, and the Virgin001 1 was still in the fight. The Inner Breath kept changing, and gradually, Montgomery became numb.

This guy is clearly a pervert!

While numb, Montgomery was impatient.

Although this pervert has mastered dozens of different Inner Breath cultivation techniques, his Inner Breath is still obviously inferior to that of Montgomery, so Montgomery has always been confident about his victory. Absolute confidence.

However, the external martial skill mastered by this guy is obviously far beyond the Inner Breath cultivation technique. Although Montgomery obviously wins the Inner Breath, Virgin001 1 basically does not give him the opportunity to fully exert his strength, allowing him to fight well. Very frustratingly depressed.

In a hurry, he wanted to quickly solve Virgin001 1 and end the battle, but suddenly exposed weak spots one after another, but was hit by Virgin001 1 many times.

If it wasn't for Virgin001 1's Inner Breath not being strong enough to threaten him, he would be the loser now.

In desperation, Montgomery could only continue to fight with each other.

In the end, this guy is so weak with Inner Breath, and he keeps fighting like this. In the end, it must be him who runs out of Inner Breath first, and he must be the one who loses.

Chu Nan doesn't think so.

In other words, Chu Nan had no concept of victory or defeat in his head at this time.

After the successful integration of the Sanyang Sunburning Technique and the weak water core technique for the first time, Chu Nan was inspired by it, and immediately began to experiment with other different cultivation techniques simultaneously in vivo.

Although there were several errors and flaws in details, after experimenting again and again, Chu Nan was finally convinced that different cultivation techniques could work simultaneously in the body, not only Running two cultivation arts at the same time, three, or even four, and more can be done!

After experimenting with all the low-level cultivation techniques that he has mastered, and after trying four cultivation techniques to run at the same time with success, Chu Nan has a new discovery.

When the Inner Breath fuses together by different cultivation techniques, the characteristics of Inner Breath that originally belonged to their respective cultivation techniques become inconspicuous, but as long as Chu Nan is willing, one of the characteristics can be manifested at any time. .

For example, now he patted Montgomery's arm with his palm, and the Inner Breath pouring out of his palm implied four different attributes. It could not completely prevent Chu Nan's Inner Breath from invading, forcing him to retreat to avoid Chu Nan's pursuit.

Chu Nan did not pursue, but stood still and pondered another question.

In the test just now, he actually tested a total of 47 different Inner Breath cultivation techniques. Because of the different cultivation techniques, every main meridian and secondary meridian in the body were mobilized.

This is totally impossible for other Martial Artists, because the meridian in their body is not fully open like Chu Nan.

And this is also the biggest problem that has been bothering Chu Nan during this period of time, that is, how to change the Nine Revolutions Core Technique, so as not to waste other Nine Revolutions Core Technique that can't be used after the complete opening meridian.

The current experiment gave Chu Nan an inspiration.

Nine Revolutions Core Technique cannot be used, does not mean that other Inner Breath cultivation techniques cannot be used.

The experiment just now proved that it is also feasible to use two or more different attributes of the Inner Breath cultivation technique at the same time.

In this case, why not use the Nine Revolutions Core Technique, together with other cultivation techniques, to mobilize all the meridians at the same time?

Just do it.

Chu Nan thoughts move, the powerful Inner Breath is used from the dantian, splitting into multiple strands at the same time, pouring into different main meridian.

The most powerful one is naturally the Nine Revolutions Core Technique which belongs to Chu Nan cultivation.

In addition to this, Chu Nan actually used another thirty-five different Inner Breath cultivation techniques at the same time, in conjunction with the Nine Revolutions Core Technique, and instantly made the Inner Breath fill all the main meridian and secondary meridians in the body. raw meridian.

This approach, for any other Martial Artist, is extremely crazy and impossible to complete.

Because there must be conflicts between different cultivation techniques, it is impossible to use two at the same time. Like Chu Nan, who uses thirty-six different cultivation techniques at the same time, let's not talk about how it is possible to be distracted at the same time. Thirty-six uses, even if it is mobilized, it will only lead to the complete loss of control of the Inner Breath due to the extremely complex conflict between the different attributes of the Inner Breath, and the meridian will collapse.

However, these problems, which are completely unsolvable for other Martial Artists, are not too difficult for Chu Nan, who has lightbrain-like data processing capabilities.

He was a little cautiously when he first ran the Inner Breath.

But under his incomparably precise Inner Breath control, and soon Inner Breath has been running for a week in all primary and secondary meridians in the body, the Inner Breath turns dantian, except for the augmentation of the Nine Revolutions Core Technique , also carries the different attribute increases of the other thirty-five Inner Breath cultivation techniques.

This Inner Breath, which seems to be a mess at first glance, fuses together under the precise control of Chu Nan, and is not separated from each other after being imported into dantian.

Chu Nan is another thoughts move, and another Inner Breath flowing out of dantian, but it is the second turn of Nine Revolutions Core Technique.

Originally only the Nine Revolutions Core Technique can obtain the second-turn boost, but now it has easily brought in the other thirty-five Inner Breath cultivation techniques, so that they also get the same boost.

These Inner Breath cultivation techniques are further integrated into the Nine Revolutions Core Technique because of this, Chu Nan even feels that all the meridians in his body are fused together.

Soon, the second transfer was successfully completed.

Chu Nan could not help laughing out loud when he felt the different Inner Breaths that were amplified by each of them and flowed into dantian again.

"Ha, it's so simple! Very good! hahaha..."

"Good sir!"

A roar suddenly sounded in front of Chu Nan , but it was Montgomery's face full of anger, red light all over his body, and another punch came over.

Chu Nan glanced at him, coldly snorted.

"Young Master, I've solved the most important problem now, and I'm not in the mood to play with you."

After saying that, Chu Nan slapped it with one palm, mobilizing the second turn of the meridian of the whole body. The Inner Breath frantically merged into the right palm and struck out like lightning, directly hitting Montgomery's fist.


Under Montgomery's horrified gaze, Chu Nan's palm poured out an extremely terrifying Inner Breath, which directly smashed his fist, Arm, patted on his chest.

Then Montgomery turned into a white light and disappeared instantly.

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