Montgomery was stunned for a moment, then reacted, looking at Chu Nan in the distance, laughed heartily.

He was slapped on the right shoulder by Chu Nan just now. He was already mentally prepared to suffer a little injury, but he didn't expect that after Chu Nan's slap, the strength of his palm would be similar to that of the man. The revealed Inner Breath was far weaker than he expected.

The result is that Chu Nan's palm not only failed to hurt Montgomery, but was counter-injured by Montgomery's powerful Inner Breath.

After trying to understand the result, Montgomery couldn't help but sighed in relief and felt very proud.

It seems that the Fool Sanxuan is right, this Virgin001 1 is indeed a very delicate external martial skill, and it really seems to always be able to predict the opponent's actions one step ahead, making Montgomery be restrained everywhere and fight. very uncomfortable.

But his Inner Breath is too weak.

The Fool also said that the Inner Breath intensity of Virgin001 1 should be equivalent to the intensity of the fourth rank Inner Breath Grade, but from the previous palm, his Inner Breath intensity is even higher than that of the ordinary third rank Inner The Breath Grade Martial Artist is slightly stronger, but also limited, not at the average level of the fourth rank Inner Breath Grade Martial Artist.

What's the use of this kind of guy even if the external martial skill is so subtle?

Montgomery even felt that even if he stood still and let this Virgin001 1 attack, the powerful Inner Breath alone was enough to make Virgin001 1 have no way to take him.

Thinking of this, he pointed at Chu Nan from a distance and said with a big smile: "Hey, boy, you don't know where you learned a good martial skill of external martial arts, so you dare to come here. Challenge me, the two-star champion? Ha, with your weak Inner Breath, do you think there is any hope of winning?"

Chu Nan glanced at him, didn't bother to pay attention to him, but continued to keep it in his mind Calculate quickly.

The external martial skill he used in the palm of his hand was indeed March Slaughter Divine Palm and Liu Yun Wuding Palm, but the Inner Breath cultivation technique he used was not the Nine Revolutions Core Technique, but a The F-rank Inner Breath cultivation technique exchanged from the martial skill database is the Sanyang Sunburning Technique.

Although this Inner Breath cultivation technique has been proficient in cultivation, it is only a crude F-rank cultivation technique. In the battle just now, let's not talk about mobilizing the Inner Breath in all directions, even the basic Inner Breath with palms. The law almost failed to complete successfully.

If it wasn't for Chu Nan's in-depth research on this cultivation technique and the most appropriate response immediately with his strong data ability, the palm he just slapped on Montgomery's shoulder would not be just The Inner Breath is weak, and maybe it's impossible to integrate into the Inner Breath at all.

If that's the case, he could have been directly injured by Montgomery's Inner Breath counterattack.

"Hmm... Judging from this palm, the suitable meridian mobilization of the Sanyang Sunburning Technique should be like this..."

Chu Nan calculated and deduced it in his mind. , re-determined a plan, looked towards Montgomery, who was still laughing and mocking, and slapped it with a palm.

Montgomery's mouth curled into a sarcastic smile.

This guy, even if the movement method is very subtle, so what? Inner Breath is not enough, that is your fatal injury!

Seeing Chu Nan rushing in front of him, Montgomery loudly shouted, fiery-red rays of light flashed all over his body, punched towards Chu Nan.

Chu Nan's palm changes, once again avoiding Montgomery's fist, pointing to where he must be saved.

However, Montgomery didn't seem to see Chu Nan's palm at all. Regardless, he still kept punching straight at Chu Nan.

"hehe, boy, your Inner Breath is so weak, what if you hit it? I dare to take a punch from you, sir, do you dare to take a punch from me?"


Montgomery sneered in his heart, watching his fist approaching Chu Nan's chest quickly, as if Chu Nan was smashed into a ball of white light by himself.

But the next moment, Chu Nan's body flashed strangely, but it made his fist miss Chu Nan's chest by the slightest, and Chu Nan's palm had already hit him firmly 's lower abdomen.


Montgomery could only feel a terrifying force coming from his stomach, and his whole body flew high in an instant.

He started big, adjusted his Inner Breath quickly, the man forcibly turned twice in the air, stumbled to the ground, then stepped down a little, took a few steps back, and looked at Chu Nan in disbelief .

The intensity of the Inner Breath on Chu Nan's palm was obviously much higher than that of the first palm just now, so he couldn't completely offset it with the Inner Breath alone, so he suffered a little damage.

What surprised him even more was that the Inner Breath in Chu Nan's first palm was clearly a fierce and stubborn type, so he suffered a big loss by meeting force with force.

But in the palm of the hand just now, the Inner Breath in Chu Nan's palm was suddenly replaced by a feminine and soft type, turning the Inner Breath brought by his fierce Heavenly Fire core technique into invisible, a palm shot. Next, let him suffer a little loss because of this.

If it wasn't for the strength of Chu Nan's Inner Breath, it was still not strong enough, this palm would cause serious injury, and the system would directly judge it as going to battle strength.

"Damn it, how can this kid have two different Inner Breath cultivation techniques? Is there something wrong with him?" Montgomery looked at Chu Nan in confusion, and found that he couldn't see through the guy in front of him.

Chu Nan over there still ignored Montgomery. After hitting this palm, he already took all the data contained in the palm into his mind and started to analyze it.

As Montgomery felt, he changed another Inner Breath cultivation technique in his second palm, which is also an F-rank cultivation technique from the martial skill database, named weak water core technique.

The Inner Breath mobilized by the weak water core technique is more feminine, which is completely different from the Sanyang Sunburning Technique, and the meridian of the Inner Breath is also very different. It can almost be said to be two completely different Inners. Breath cultivation technique.

Under normal circumstances, of course there is no Martial Artist who will cultivate these two cultivation arts at the same time.

Aside from doubling the time consumed by the two cultivation arts at the same time, just the completely different characteristics of the two cultivation arts may cause the Inner Breath disorder and damage the meridian during cultivation.

Of course, this is no problem for Chu Nan.

Actually, with great stat abilities and his perfect control of the Inner Breath, combined with a fully channeled meridian in his body, he'll now have it from the Chamber of Commerce in Norantham, and The Inner Breath cultivation technique redeemed from the martial skill database has all cultivation success without encountering any obstacles.

What he is doing now is just experimenting with these cultivation techniques in practice.

Not only this stop, but in the twenty consecutive battles he participated in the ring competition, he used a different Inner Breath cultivation technique in every battle and even every move.

The Sanyang Sunburning Technique and Weak Shui core technique that he used on Montgomery's two palms just now are the two Inner Breath cultivation techniques he finally tested.

Through these experiments in actual combat, he can feel the changes brought by these different Inner Breath cultivation techniques when working in meridian more clearly.

Combining his longest cultivation time and deepest understanding of Nine Revolutions Core Technique, Chu Nan seems to have grasped something vaguely.

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