Chu Nan stood in the virtual battle room, looking at his opponent with some puzzlement.

This guy named Montgomery has been scanning himself up and down since he came out, as if he had something inexplicable about him.

"Hey, I accept the challenge quickly, don't waste your time." Chu Nan couldn't help but urged after waiting for a long time to see his opponent ready to accept.

"What's the rush." Montgomery replied. "You tell me first, are you new here today?"

Chu Nan glanced at him unfathomable mystery.

"Yeah, what's wrong?"

"What's wrong?" Montgomery's eyes widened. "You mean, as soon as you come today, you can come and challenge me, the two-star champion?"

Chu Nan is even more unfathomable mystery.

"What's so strange about this? Okay, let me ask you one more question, do you accept the challenge? If you're not ready, I can apply for the system to judge directly. You should be very clear, you If you refuse to accept it, the system will definitely judge you to be timid."

"Bah! I am a two-star champion, so I will timid in front of you?" Montgomery spat and looked at Chu Nan couldn't help but ask: "I'll ask you one last question, and I'll accept it if you answer it."

Chu Nan reluctantly sighed: "Okay, you can ask. It's really troublesome... ...I'm in a hurry."

"Tell me, did you just challenge one-star champions and win ten consecutive victories?"

"Hey, you Isn't it nonsense? According to the rules, if I hadn't won ten victories against the one-star champion, how could I have the qualifications to challenge you?"

"No, I'm not talking about ten victories, It's a ten-game winning streak. Winning streak! Understand?"

"That's right, it's ten-game winning streak. Okay, can we play now?"

Chu Nan Impatiently, he challenged the other party again. He has already decided that if this guy wants to waste time, he will definitely apply for the system arbitration judgment immediately.

Anyway, what he needs now is the contribution value that will be rewarded after a successful attack. Winning by himself is the same as winning by the system.

"It's really a ten-game winning streak..." Montgomery looked towards Chu Nan with a hint of caution and vigilance.

Montgomery was a little surprised when the Fool Sanxuan told him just now that the challenger named "Virgin001 1" was the one who defeated him just now.

As long as the contestants who successfully become the one-star champion through the challenge in the virtual arena will leave traces in the event record, but the fool has checked it three times, this Virgin001 1 has never been a one-star player before. Star Champion, then his greatest possibility is that he is a newcomer to the ring competition today.

And he just came today, and he was able to get the chance to challenge Montgomery, the two-star champion, he must have won a series of consecutive victories, and it also included the winning streak against the one-star champion. .

Although Montgomery felt that he could easily defeat the overwhelming majority one-star champion with his strength, he couldn't guarantee that he would be easy in every battle, let alone a ten-game winning streak.

The Virgin001 1 in front of me can do this, and its strength should not be underestimated.

But through the information provided by The Fool's Three Considerations just now, when fighting against him, the Inner Breath strength of this Virgin001 1 is also the level of the fourth rank Inner Breath Grade, compared to his fifth-rank Inner Breath Grade Martial Artist is obviously a lot worse, but there is no need to worry too much.

Montgomery is confident that he can easily defeat the opponent, as long as he is careful about some of his strange foreign moves.

Before meeting, once again jumping out to challenge War God, Montgomery chose to accept without the slightest hesitation.

When the countdown number in front of him skipped, Montgomery immediately lifted his footsteps and rushed towards Chu Nan punched out.

Being able to serve as the two-star champion for a long time in this virtual ring competition, Montgomery's strength is naturally not weak.

In addition to the cultivation of Inner Breath to the fifth-rank Inner Breath Grade, and even the distance to breakthrough Eternal Sky Gate is only one step away, the flaming red fist he masters is also quite unique. The boxing technique at the office was rated as A-Rank martial skill.

Combined with his B-Rank Heavenly Fire core technique and the same B-Rank 8-step movement method, he can also be regarded as a well-known in fifth-rank Inner Breath Grade Martial Artist figure .

The Inner Breath strength of this Virgin001 1 is only about the fourth rank Inner Breath Grade, which is obviously far from him. If you want to beat him, you must master an extremely powerful external martial skill.

But...want to surpass his Martial Skill of Flaming Red Fist and Eight-step Daily Movement Method? That's only possible with a whole set of A-Rank martial skill, even S-Rank martial skill of cream of the crop.

Montgomery did not believe that this Virgin001 1 could possibly master such a powerful external martial skill, because how could a Martial Artist who is qualified to master such a Peak martial skill come to participate in this virtual arena with nothing to spare?

Looking at Montgomery's footsteps, a fiery-red aura emerged from his body, like a raging fire, and Chu Nan showed a hint of admiration in his eyes.

This guy deserves to be a two-star champion, and his strength is obviously beyond the one-star champion he defeated before.

This fist looks simple, but the combination of Inner Breath, movement method, and fisting is very good. The most important thing is to show a press forward, an overwhelming imposing manner that is speechless, which makes people only watch At a glance, there is a feeling of speechless rivalry involuntarily, and it is a loss when you come up.

In terms of the opponents Chu Nan has played against, this guy just has this fist, he can definitely compete with Rodikar, who Chu Nan played against in the entrance examination.

Of course, Rodi Carr is less than twenty this year, and this guy must be over thirty just by looking at him.

even more how Chu Nan is now stronger than he was in the entrance examination. At that time, he was already able to defeat Rodikar, so how could he have any fear now.

Watching Montgomery attack like flames, Chu Nan's data flashed in his mind. After Montgomery came to a precisely calculated distance, he took a step forward, twisted his body slightly, left. The palm seems to be shot slowly and quickly.

With the movement of the palm, the Inner Breath was activated naturally, and at the same time, the space energy in the surrounding space had been activated, just penetrating Montgomery's terrifying fist, pointing directly at his lower abdomen.

This palm is not a proven palm method, but the March Divine Palm modified by Chu Nan.

Compared to Montgomery's fierce punch like Raging Inferno Blazing Praire, Chu Nan's palm looks light and powerless on the surface, just like a leaf falling into the flaming fire, it is no different from striking a stone with an egg.

But Montgomery was obviously startled, and forcibly held back his fist, weighed down, and kept his right fist on the offensive, his left fist was shot from below, pointing at Chu Nan's elbow, but it was a move Even defending and attacking, the response is not slow.

However, he just made a move, but Chu Nan was like a prophet, his wrists changed instantly, and the palm shadow changed, like a floating cloud, which is exactly what he learned from Xue Changhao. .

Different from March Divine Palm, which seems to be a simple move but can naturally induce space energy, Liu Yun Wuding Palm cannot naturally induce space energy, but it is an A-Rank martial skill after all. The subtlety of the law is far from being able to mention on equal terms that the March killing Divine Palm, which was nothing more than an F-rank martial skill before.

When this palm was shot, Montgomery only felt a palm shadow in front of him, as if covering his whole body, there was no way to avoid it.

Stunned, he could only completely withdraw his attack and quickly retreated.

But his move seemed to have been expected by Chu Nan long ago. At the same time as he stepped back, Chu Nan's footsteps had moved slightly, and the ghost-like came to his side.

next moment, Chu Nan has slapped Montgomery's right shoulder.

"pa ——"

The crisp voice sounded, Montgomery swayed, but Chu Nan shuddered, pulled away and quickly retreated, and in the blink of an eye, he had already retreated to more than ten meters away. .

This slap was obviously his hitting Montgomery, but it turned out that he was at a loss.

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