Chu Nan was suddenly disappointed.

Before Angelina said she would tell Overi Venerable about Chu Nan's problems and let Overi Venerable help him solve it, Chu Nan had great expectations.

It must be known that Ovelli Venerable is the most Peak and powerful Star Level Martial Artist, and her accomplishments in martial arts are far higher than Chu Nan's countless levels. The problem should not be a problem for her at all.

And Olivier Venerable really came in person, and showed a strong interest in Chu Nan when we met just now, very helpful to Chu Nan to solve the problem, and even brought Chu Nan with him Taking a trip to space allowed him to experience the situation after breaking through the universe in advance.

However, when Chu Nan really opened his mouth to ask her to help, he was so flatly rejected.

"Why is it impossible?" It was not Chu Nan who asked the question, but Elvie. She stared at Overy Venerable with wide eyes, eagerness. "Overy Venerable, do you think the problem of Chu Nan big brother's cultivation technique can be solved? But now his physical problem is gone, and the most important thing is the cultivation technique. If it can't be solved, how can he Isn't it... or can't break through Zhou Yutianguan?"

Seeing Elvie's extremely concerned eyes and Chu Nan's disappointed look, Ovieri Venerable laughed and shook her head.

"You have misunderstood. When I say impossible, I don't mean that Chu Nan's cultivation technique problem is impossible to solve, but I impossible to teach him a cultivation technique that suits him."

Elvie let out an "oh", still very disappointed, and there was even a hint of displeasure in her expression.

Just now, she still felt that Ovieri Venerable was a very generous and kind senior, worthy of her idol, but didn't expect her to be so stingy, she didn't even teach Chu Nan a cultivation technique willing.

In comparison, although Chu Nan was still a little disappointed, he didn't think there was anything wrong with Oville's answer from Venerable.

Any cultivation technique is extremely important for Martial Artist, even more how is the most crucial Inner Breath cultivation technique.

Chu Nan's problems are so complicated, so the Inner Breath cultivation technique that can solve his problems must be invaluable.

No matter how good his relationship with Angelique is, and how much Overi Venerable appreciates him, it is impossible to teach him such a precious cultivation technique directly.

After all, he's not Overy Venerable's recipe.

And Chu Nan calmed down and thought about it, and felt that there was still a problem.

The meridian all over his body is now completely open, including tens of thousands of peripheral meridians. He believes that apart from himself, there is absolutely no second Martial Artist who has done this.

So other ready-made Inner Breath cultivation techniques should not be impossible to help him solve the problem of successfully using all meridian, because it is not necessary at all.

Overy Venerable, even if she is a Star Level Martial Artist, must have mastered such a cultivation technique.

Thinking of this, Chu Nan felt relieved.

He saluted Ovérie Venerable and said, "I'm sorry, Ovérie Venerable, I'm too impatient to make such an excessive request from you, please don't mind."


Overy Venerable looked at Chu Nan with some amusing, and then looked at Elvie, who was still pouting and seemed very dissatisfied, and shook her head: "I said, you two, let me finish. When I say that it is impossible to teach Chu Nan cultivation technique, I really have not mastered such a cultivation technique. And I am sure that such a cultivation technique that is completely suitable for Chu Nan does not exist at all!”

"Huh?" Elway was taken aback.

If Ovérie Venerable is unwilling to teach Chu Nan cultivation technique, then although Ai Erwei has some grievances for Chu Nan, it is understandable.

But now she says that such a cultivation technique doesn't exist at all, so...then Chu Nan's problem can't really be solved?

Chu Nan's reaction was completely different.

From Ovieri Venerable's tone, he heard another meaning.

"You mean..."

"Hey, I mean very simple. There is no ready-made cultivation technique, but... he can create his own cultivation technique. ."

Seeing Overie Venerable's face as it should be by rights, Elvie was stunned.

"'s not that easy to create a cultivation technique by myself, let alone the Inner Breath cultivation technique..."

Although Elvie's martial skill level is not high, she has a very good background. Well, the information that is usually accessible is much stronger than the average Martial Artist.

Ordinary Martial Artists know how difficult it is to create their own cultivation techniques, and she has a more profound experience.

Her mother is actually from a very traditional family with martial arts. The "Gaia holy light" core technique mastered by her grandfather's family is also known as one of the top ten Inner Breath cultivation techniques in the Federation .

However, although this "Gaia holy light" core technique is said to have been created by the ancestors of grandpa's lineage, it took several generations of efforts to truly perfect this cultivation technique, and After gradual improvement, it became one of the top ten Inner Breath cultivation techniques in the Federation.

It can be seen that to create a new and powerful cultivation technique, it depends not only on one genius, but on the efforts of many geniuses, even generations.

Although Chu Nan is young now, if he wants to break through the Eternal Universe, he must solve the problem of cultivation technique. It is always impossible to wait for several generations to work hard.

Overy Venerable ignored Elvie, who was even more disappointed, but looked at Chu Nan with piercing eyes and asked, "Before discussing my own cultivation technique, I would like to ask Chu Nan first. , do you have high expectations for breakthrough after the Eternal Heaven Pass?"

Chu Nan was taken aback: "Do you mean high...specifically what do you mean?"

“With your innate talent, I believe that even if you choose any cultivation technique at random, you can cultivate to a sufficiently profound level. And with your current physical foundation, as well as in the test I just gave you. I don’t think there will be any problem for you to break through the Chouyutianguan in the future. The only problem is that if you break through the Chouyutianguan with a general cultivation technique, then you will be basically stereotyped. Remember what I said just now that there is no regret?"

Chu Nan pondered for a moment, then said nodded: "I think I understand what you mean. In fact, this is similar to my own thinking, if I Continue the cultivation of the current Nine Revolutions Core Technique, then if you break through the universe in the future, your future growth can only be limited to such a foundation. But if you can create a better cultivation technique by yourself, the future foundation The higher it is, the faster it grows. Right?"

"Safe and correct!" Overi Venerable snapped her fingers at Chu Nan, looking excited. "Your current physical foundation is something I've never encountered before, you can even call it perfect, it would be a pity if you didn't make good use of it. How is it? Chu Nan, are you interested in researching with me? Come out with a brand-new Inner Breath cultivation technique that can best utilize your strong physical foundation?"

Chu Nan's eyes shined: "Why not?"

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