It seems as if the endless space energy is constantly pouring into Chu Nan's body, and it is rapidly flowing out from it, just like a waterfall, which is constantly pounding Chu Nan's body. Flush quickly.

In the scouring of space energy over and over again, Chu Nan felt that every inch of his body was transformed by the space energy everywhere.

At first, he also felt that the movement of space energy in the body was not so smooth. Although it was unimpeded in the meridian, it always seemed like a smooth river in some parts of the muscles and skeleton. A pebble appeared in the middle, and encountered a small obstacle.

But under the constant scouring of space energy, these obstacles are gradually washed away and disappeared.

In the end, all obstacles disappeared, and the high-speed flow of space energy in Chu Nan's body no longer hindered it, as if he really regarded his fleshly body as transparent, and moved around without any scruples flow.

Suddenly, all the space energy stopped at the same time, Chu Nan's body and surrounding space completely returned to normal, and all the space energy returned to the most normal state of calm.

Chu Nan opened his eyes and looked at Ovérie Venerable opposite him suspiciously.

What the hell was Overi Venerable doing just now?

Overy Venerable looked at Chu Nan with surprise. She carefully looked at Chu Nan several times up and down, and put her hand on his shoulder.

"Okay, let's go back."

As soon as Ovérie Venerable's voice rang in Chu Nan's ears, next moment, Chu Nan found that those people with different kinds of characters appeared in front of him again. A light bar of bright color, and then between light and dark, he has returned to the small restaurant.

After taking a look, I saw Angelique, who was smiling, and Elvie, who was looking at her with extremely curious eyes.

"Chu Nan big brother, Angel's elder sister said that Overi Venerable must have taken you into space, is that true?" Seeing Chu Nan came back to his senses, Ai Erwei immediately asked in surprise.

Chu Nan blinked, recalling the brief but extremely surprising experience just now, he couldn't help but glanced at Oville Venerable, only to see her smiled and said to Elvie: "Why? Do you want to go to space too? Do you want me to take you to see it?"

Elvie immediately threw away Chu Nan and ran directly to Oville's Venerable's side, repeatedly nodding.

"Okay, okay!"

"Okay, let's go."

Overy Venerable grabbed Elvie's arm with one hand , Chu Nan immediately felt an unusually strong, even terrifying space energy fluctuation surged up in the space around Ovérie Venerable and Elvie, and then the two of them were disappeared.

Chu Nan glanced blankly at the empty space in front of him, then turned his head to look at the waitress in the restaurant not far away, and found that she was covering her mouth at the moment, her eyes looking round at this place. Side, obviously also frightened by what happened here.

"That...Angie Belle, does Overi Venerable often do this?" Chu Nan asked Angele after calming down.

"No, apart from me, I've never seen her lead anyone else to make a space jump before." Angelina shook her head, said with a smile: "It seems that the Master really I like you and Elvie very much."

"That's really many thanks to her..." Chu Nan thought about what happened in the sky just now, and asked again, "Then When Olivier Venerable took you to the sky before, she also used space energy to give you... um... how should I say? Did I rinse you?"

"The Master did this to you just now Is it?" Angelina looked excited. "Very good! The Master really likes you!"

"wait a minute" Chu Nan still has some unfathomable mystery. "You first tell me what is the purpose of doing this?"

"The Master said that doing this can improve my perception of space energy, which is very helpful when I break through the universe. But doing this It was very painful, I almost couldn't stand it at the time. If Master hadn't heard you say that he could endure the pain of breaking the meridian, he would definitely not have done this to you."

Chu Nan immediately started and couldn't bear it. He looked up and looked towards the top of his head, but only saw the ceiling of the small dining room.

"Shouldn't she do the same to Elvie? Elvie has never suffered any hardship before, so she definitely can't stand it!"

tone barely fell , Without waiting for Angelique to answer, Chu Nan felt an unusually strong wave of spatial energy emerging from the space in front of him, and then the silhouette flashed, Overi Venerable and Elvie appeared in their original positions at the same time.

Elvie seems to be not quite used to space jumping on the fleshy body.

Then she immediately put on an excited expression and said to Overi Venerable: "This is incredible! Overi Venerable, this is the meat that only you Star Level Martial Artists can do. *Body space jump, right? This is too powerful! You can jump directly from Earth to space!"

Looking at her expression, she didn't seem to be suffering at all.

Overy Venerable smiled and said, "Not just jumping from the surface to the sky, but even jumping directly from this galaxy to another galaxy."

"Really? "Elvie widened her eyes. "I've only heard that Star Level Martial Artist can do this, but I always felt that human power alone shouldn't be able to do it, so I always suspected it was just a legend. I can't imagine... I can't imagine it's true!"

“Of course it is.” Ovieri Venerable laughed. "When necessary, it's much faster than taking the spaceship, because you don't have to wait for the spaceship to take off. For example, when I came to Earth this time, in order to hurry up, I just jumped directly from a place six hundred light-years away, and only It took less than five hours to arrive."

It's okay that she didn't explain, but when she explained this, not only Elway's eyes widened, but even Chu Nan was shocked.

Although I knew for a long time that Star Level Martial Artist was so powerful, it would still be incredible to experience it for myself.

Is this kind of power really within the power of human beings?

Seems to have seen through the minds of the two, Oville Venerable smiled and waved at the two of them.

"You don't have to be so surprised. When you two become Star Level Martial Artists, you will be able to do it yourself."

Elvie immediately paralyzed like a deflated ball After getting down, he pouted and said, "How is this possible..."

"How do you know if you don't try? I never thought that I would become a Star Level Martial Artist one day."

Olivier Venerable smiled and encouraged Elvie, then turned her head to look towards Chu Nan, her expression became serious, her eyes showed a trace of contemplation, but she did not speak for a long time.

Chu Nan felt a little nervous when she saw it, and couldn't help but ask: "That...Overy Venerable, is there something wrong with me?"

" have nothing wrong with your body and can be called perfect. The question I'm thinking about now is the same question you said to Angelique before."

" Oh? Is it the cultivation technique I talked to Angelique last time?" Chu Nan immediately got a shock and asked quickly.

"Yes. With your extremely special perfect physical condition, it is impossible for any Inner Breath cultivation technique to fully utilize your advantage, which is indeed a waste. So what you need now It is a special cultivation technique that is very suitable for you."

Chu Nan eyes shined.

"Would you like to teach me such a cultivation technique?"

Looking at Chu Nan's expectant eyes, Olivier Venerable looked the head with great certainty.

"This is impossible."

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