Overy Venerable is of course impossible to stay here and give Chu Nan personal guidance at any time.

During these two days in Earth, she just took the time to learn about Chu Nan's specific cultivation technique, and then gave Chu Nan a few pieces of cultivation technique information and made a few comments , and left in a hurry.

But before leaving, she and Chu Nan exchanged personal terminal numbers, saying that Chu Nan can contact her anytime if he has any questions in the future, and she will answer Chu Nan immediately.

And she also said that she would spare as much time as possible to help Chu Nan conduct research on the cultivation technique, so that he could obtain the complete cultivation technique earlier, so as to break through the universe perfectly.

Chu Nan doesn't hold out much hope for Ovérie Venerable to put herself into the research of cultivation technique, after all, she is a Star Level Martial Artist and one of the great characters of the federal cream of the crop. Busy, as you can see from the fact that she came and went in a hurry on both occasions to Earth.

So she definitely doesn't have that much free time to help Chu Nan with his research. For Chu Nan, Olivier Venerable has helped him a lot by being able to answer his questions at any time.

More importantly, the opportunity to be in touch with a Star Level Martial Artist at any time is extremely rare.

Before this, Chu Nan never expected so much, no matter how good his relationship with Angelina was.

After Ovérie Venerable left, Chu Nan returned to the usual Academy life.

However, the difference is that now Chu Nan pays more attention to the student database than before.

"Hey, Chu Nan, why are you still exchanging F-rank martial skills?" Mondeo glanced at the things on the virtual screen of Chu Nan's personal terminal and asked in surprise. "Haven't you been promoted to E-rank long ago? If you want to exchange it, you can also exchange it for the E-rank martial skill in the database."

paused, Mondeo's expression changed and he asked: "You Shouldn't you still want to research the martial skill to exchange points? Now it's not as cost-effective as it used to be."

Mondeo is right.

Just before half a month, the Martial Artist branch suddenly issued a new regulation, claiming that in order to allow students to better improve themselves and move towards higher goals, the Martial Artist branch will restrict students who use martial skill research to exchange points. The system has been changed. In the future, students can only get full reward points if they study a martial skill that matches their student's level. However, if they study a martial skill that is Level 1 lower than their student's level, the reward will be halved.

And if it is two levels lower, it will be halved again, and so on.

As soon as this regulation came out, many people speculated that it was all aimed at Chu Nan.

With Chu Nan's amazing performance in the ultimate arbitration, everyone believes that he is fully capable of studying all the F-rank martial skills in the martial skill database.

According to the calculation, Chu Nan does nothing and only needs to study more than 10,000 kinds of F-rank martial skills in the database, which is enough to get hundreds of thousands of points.

Someone has calculated that with so many bonus points, Chu Nan even has extra points to exchange for S-Rank martial skill, not to mention rushing to S-Rank students!

And with Chu Nan's terrifying ability, maybe he won't even need a year to complete this job!

And if Chu Nan entered the Academy for less than a year, he has already become an S-Rank student, and even exchanged for S-Rank martial skill, then the Martial Artist branch has a huge academic system credits this time. Reform is a joke.

In order to maintain the motivation and pressure brought by the points system to the students, a typical example like Chu Nan is certainly not desirable, so it is reasonable for the Martial Artist branch to make such a regulation change.

Now that Chu Nan is already an E-rank student, if he continues to study F-rank martial skill, even if there is a reward point, it will be directly halved.

Compared with the previous one, it is undoubtedly very uneconomical.

Of course, this is only for Chu Nan.

Even if it is halved, Chu Nan can get 10-20 points for researching an F-rank martial skill. With the speed of his research on the martial skill, he will still be better than the average student. Points are much faster.

It's just that he is now less than 2,000 points away from becoming a D-Rank Academy. Now he is still studying F-rank martial skills and improving rapidly, but after becoming a D-Rank student, Research F-rank martial skill points reward halved again, it is very uneconomical.

As for researching the corresponding E-rank martial skill and even D-Rank martial skill...

F-rank martial skill everyone believes that Chu Nan can easily and thoroughly research, and earn points for it Rewards, but it's hard to say whether the higher level martial skills can do the same.

"No, I just want to study these martial skills. As for the reward points, it's a matter of course." Chu Nan shook the head and replied.

"Oh? Your understanding of the martial skill is so strong, you still need to study these F-rank martial skills?"

Mondeo carefully looked at the virtual screen curiously and found that it was poured on it. It's not all F-rank martial skills, but there are still several E-rank martial skills in the database.

"E-rank martial skill is not good enough...it's almost a ghost! E-rank martial skill is just like that, why do you study it?"

Seeing that Mondeo is still a With a puzzled face, Chu Nan laughed, knowing that it wasn't like this guy explained it clearly, and he didn't want to get a quiet research space, so he zoomed in on the virtual screen and pointed to the martial skill list above.

"Look carefully, do you see any similarities between these martial skills?"

"The same?" Mondeo scratched his head, frowned and stared at the virtual screen for a long time, A sharp slap. "These all are Inner Breath cultivation technique! No, these seem to be Inner Breath cultivation techniques... What? Chu Nan, haven't you all cultivated Nine Revolutions Core Technique to Fifth Layer, aren't you satisfied? Are you still planning to do this now? Can't I change the cultivation technique?"

"Of course it's impossible." Chu Nan smiled and shook his head. "I just encountered some problems when I broke through from Nine Revolutions Core Technique Fifth Layer to Sixth Layer. Now I want to solve it, but I have no ready-made experience. I can only find some inspiration by studying other Inner Breath cultivation techniques."

"That's it..." Mondeo understood a little, patted Chu Nan's shoulder, and sighed: "Who made you choose the Nine Revolutions Core Technique. This thing has never been used in the history of the Federation. Several people have cultivated to Sixth Layer, but there is no previous experience for you to learn."

Chu Nan shrugged: "Yes, so I can only come by myself now."

" But..." Mondeo opened his mouth and hesitated. After thinking for a while, he patted Chu Nan on the shoulder again, showing an encouraging look. "Anyway, go for it."

Watching Mondeo leave, Chu Nan couldn't help laughing.

This guy is clearly not optimistic about himself, but he doesn't want to hit himself.

But if he knows that what he really wants to do is not just to find a way to break through the Nine Revolutions Core Technique Fifth Layer, but to create a brand-new and more advanced method based on the Nine Revolutions Core Technique. The complete cultivation technique, I am afraid that not only is not optimistic, but will feel that Chu Nan must be crazy.

"Ha, it would be fine if it were Overi Venerable's words."

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