"No regrets?"

"Yes. The so-called no regrets actually means one thing, that is, a Martial Artist once After you have broken through the Eternal Sky Pass, there is almost no turning back. Breakthrough is a breakthrough. What will you be like when you break through the Eternal Sky Pass? No matter how much your strength improves in the future, it will be impossible. There is no chance to regret the second time to break through the Eternal Heaven Pass, so there is no regret in the Heaven Pass."

"Isn't it right?" Chu Nan frowned. "But I heard that Martial Artist felt dissatisfied, and simply abolished the whole-body cultivation technique, completely re-cultivation, and still able to break through Zhouyu Tianguan for the second time and re-cultivation success expert."

"There are indeed such examples. But do you know? Even if the cultivation technique of these re-cultivation is different from before, when he breaks through Zhouyutianguan, he will still follow the previous path after all. There are too many impossible changes to make a breakthrough," Overi Venerable continued to explain patiently.


"The reason is very simple, once the inner small universe is formed, the connection between the physical body and the space energy will be fixed, and it is almost impossible to change. Even if you Re-cultivation techniques, tempering fleshy body, will still go to the old way. The only thing that can be changed is the way of using space energy.”

Speaking of this, Chu Nan finally understands .

No wonder An Qibeili said that she wanted to pass the level perfectly, and also said that Feng Mingxi definitely hopes to pass the level perfectly, so as not to leave regrets that cannot be made up in the future.

"But...is it so easy to break the level perfectly?" Chu Nan glanced at Angelique and asked doubtfully: "The so-called perfect breakthrough should be the inner small universe and space energy. Perfect interaction, can you mobilize space energy very easily?"

"It can be roughly understood like this, there are some differences in details, but it can only be understood by yourself." Oweili Venerable continued. : "In addition, the perfect breakthrough is only based on the cultivation technique of one's own cultivation, and it is considered a perfect breakthrough if it is perfect within the scope of this cultivation technique. As for Chu Nan, you..."

Ovi Li Venerable looked at Chu Nan's eyes with a gleam of interest.

"Angie Belle said you've really got through the whole body meridian, and I just found out about it. Tell me, how did you do it?"

Chu Nan hesitated After a while, I decided to tell the truth.

It's hard to come across a powerful Star Level Martial Artist like Ovelli Venerable who is willing to give careful guidance, so you must seize the opportunity.


After listening to Chu Nan say that he used the Inner Breath to forcibly break through the meridian, and then strengthened the meridian through the continuous damage and repair of the meridian, including the Austrian The three of them, including Venerable, were shocked.

"Chu Nan big brother, you... don't you feel pain?" Elvie looked at Chu Nan with unbearable eyes and asked with concern.

"It hurts, but I'm used to it when it hurts." Chu Nan shrugged with a relaxed smile.

Angie Belle blinked: "Okay, Chu Nan, you always said I was a pervert before, but I think you are really a pervert. How can someone play with their meridian like this? ?”

Chu Nan laughed, and when she wanted to reply a sentence, Overi Venerable frowned, asked: “How did you come up with this?”

“Oh, this is It's because of my previous experience in the Western Cloud Star Martial Artist Tournament..."

Before she finished speaking, Elvie clapped her hands.

"I see! I read the report, Chu Nan big brother, although you defeated that Maluk in the Western Cloud Star Martial Artist Tournament, but you broke your whole body meridian. At that time According to the report, your chances of surviving are very small, and even if you do, you will be completely paralyzed by the meridian fracture. But you are completely healed later, is it because of this process that you came up with this method?"

"Smart." Chu Nan gave Elvie a thumbs up. "Yes, after the whole body meridian repair, I found that my meridian was obviously strengthened, so I thought, will meridian be strengthened in this process of repair and regeneration? So I tried it out, Then it turns out that it is indeed possible. Next...you saw it."

Hearing this explanation, even Ovieri Venerable's eyes looking at Chu Nan couldn't help but be a little dull.

After a while, Olivier Venerable grinned, showed a very happy smile, extended the hand vigorously patted Chu Nan's shoulder, said with a laugh: "Very good, Chu Nan, no wonder Angie Beili can be friends with you, and I like you very much. Come with me!"

"Come with you?"

Chu Nan was stunned for a moment, and was about to ask where he was going When he went, he suddenly felt a strange space energy rushing in, wrapping his whole body.

next moment, he felt that the surrounding space was distorted, everything in front of him disappeared at the same time, and then countless very subtle, flashing lights of different colors quickly passed in front of him, and then returned to light.

"Okay, stand firm."

Overy Venerable's voice sounded, but it felt a little strange, not like it was coming from the air into the ear, but like a direct The same sounded in his ears.

"Stand firmly?"

Chu Nan just had a doubt in his heart, when he suddenly felt that he lost his center of gravity, his body turned uncontrollably, and he soon changed. Gotta get up and down.

No, this simply has no concept of top and bottom, because there are no feet at all!

At this time, he is simply in a void!

Chu Nan stared at the huge sphere in the distance, the large blue sky on the sphere, and several pieces of land covered with greenery and yellow, and soon changed the scene in front of him with the previous one. A lot of pictures I've seen are linked together.

This sphere is clearly Earth!

And now he is simply in space!

Chu Nan was stunned for a moment. He looked left and right and found that there was no support. He was completely alone in the void.

Overy Venerable was actually beside him, smiling at him.

Chu Nan opened his mouth to ask, but found that he couldn't make any sound at all.

There is a void in space, and the voice in his mouth naturally cannot get out at all.

"Okay, don't panic, I'm just going to take you to space to see." Overi Venerable's voice sounded directly in Chu Nan's ears again. "Don't ask too much, just relax, don't use the Inner Breath resistance, I'll let you experience what the real cosmic space energy is like."

Chu Nan is now very clear, which is sure Ovi Li Venerable takes herself to space.

This took him by surprise.

Star Level Martial Artist itself is able to traverse the universe at will, and also has the ability to directly perform super Space Jump, which is something everyone knows.

But Chu Nan didn't expect that Overi Venerable was powerful enough to take him directly from Earth to in the sky, and to ensure that he survived intact in space.

Feeling no discomfort in her body, Chu Nan was very puzzled.

He obviously couldn't even breathe air, but there was nothing wrong with his body, and he didn't know how Overy Venerable did it.

But now is not the time to tangle over these minutiae issues. After hearing Overi Venerable's order, Chu Nan calmed down and reluctantly nodded to Overi Venerable.

"Very well, be prepared, remember not to mobilize the Inner Breath at will."

Overy Venerable ordered another sentence, Chu Nan immediately felt an almost endless, distant feeling. More pure space energy than he had felt before madly poured into his body.

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