Chu Nan frowned in thought.

To be honest, he didn't quite believe the conclusion that Elvie gave.

If, as she said, any cultivation technique can directly change human genes, then the flame of life is not so special.

He can even directly improve his physical body by simply relying on the Nine Revolutions Core Technique, so as to successfully break through the Eternal Heaven Pass, without having to use any flame of life, high-frequency vibration Inner Breath and Ziyun Bahuang forging movement method These are very special cultivation techniques.

"Theoretically, yes." Elvie nodded confirmed Chu Nan's guess, but then shook her head again. "But in fact, this is impossible. When the common Inner Breath cultivation technique was created, the purpose was to increase the intensity of Inner Breath, and the improvement and strengthening of the human body were only incidental, and few Inner Breath cultivation techniques were used at first. When it was created, it was directly aimed at improving the body, not to mention directly improving the genes.”

“So the reason why the Flame of Life is special is entirely because of Oviere Venerable. ?" Chu Nan asked again.

"I think that's right," Elvie said. "As far as I know Overy Venerable, she has been improving the cultivation technique of the flame of life over the years. This can actually be experienced from her appearance. Twenty years ago, she was a normal Female growth trajectory, but in the past two decades, she has obviously become abnormal."

"Does it mean that she has recovered one's youthful vigor?"

" en." Having said this, Elvie became excited again, she put down the breakfast in her hand, and stared at Chu Nan: "Chu Nan big brother, you said that the last time you saw Oviere Venerable was Right? What does she look like now? Isn't she very young?"

"Well...more than young, just from the outside, she looks like two or three years older than me." Chu Nan said with a bitter smile. "But Angelique said it was only because she didn't cultivate the flame of life to a high enough realm before, but now she has cultivated a realm high enough to recover one's youthful vigor, and it will become like this."

"No, I'm sure, her current cultivation flame is completely different from her original cultivation." Elvie said confidently. "The Inner Breath cultivation technique, which is directly improved by genes, is essentially beyond other ordinary cultivation techniques. Other cultivation techniques may have problems with physical tempering, but cultivation flames of life will not. When the time comes when Angel's elder sister breaks through Zhouyu Tianguan, there will never be the problem of insufficient physical tempering that you are facing now, Chu Nan big brother."

"That's true. , Angelique herself..."

"Hey, who is mentioning my name?" A bright voice suddenly sounded at the door of the ward.

Chu Nan and Ai Erwei turned their heads in amazement, and saw Angelique appearing at the door of the ward at some point, accompanied by Jia Congyun, the nurse in charge of Ai Erwei, and Several students in Life Sciences Academy uniforms.

Seeing the two turned their heads and looked over, Angelique walked over quickly, raised her hand, and showed Elvie the steaming breakfast.

"Elvie, you must be starving? I know Chu Nan will help you..." He had already eaten half of his breakfast, and stayed for a while, then turned his head and looked towards Chu Nan, saying with a smile: "So you've already prepared it."

"Of course, I'm very happy now. Experienced." Chu Nan shrugged, said with a smile.

Angelberry shoved the breakfast in front of Chu Nan: "Then let's eat this breakfast for you, you must be patronizing to buy breakfast for Elvie, haven't you eaten it yourself?"

"No, I'll give this to Elvie. I'm sure she can't get enough of it."

Elvie blushed and muttered softly. : "I'm not a rice bucket..."

Having said that, she still reached out and took it.

Perhaps it was because she had consumed too much life force, she felt hungry as never before, not to mention one more breakfast, another one is fine.

"Eat slowly." Seeing her appearance, Angelina warned repeatedly. "According to my experience, especially when you are too hungry, don't eat too much in one go, eat too fast, otherwise your stomach will be uncomfortable."

Elvie asked in surprise: "Angie Belle elder sister, did you always go hungry before?"

"Well, you also know that using the flame of life will consume life force. Yan treats myself, so I go hungry a lot. And there are many times when the Master leaves me alone, and I can't find anything to eat for days in a row."

Chu Nan and Elvie looked at each other in blank dismay.

"No way? Why did Overi Venerable leave you alone?" Chu Nan asked in disbelief.

Judging from the circumstances of her meeting with Overi Venerable that day, as well as her experience with Angelique Venerable for such a long time, the relationship between her and Overi Venerable should be a master and disciple. It is very close, it can even be said to be a biological mother and daughter, how could Overi Venerable do this to Angel Belle?

"It's nothing, it's just to exercise my ability to survive alone." Angelique Shrugged, looking like she didn't care. "By the way, why did you mention me just now?"

Chu Nan opened his mouth to answer, but Jia Congyun, the nurse and the group of male students who came to visit Elvie had already swarmed come over.

After the nurse conducted a re-examination on Elvie, she determined that Elvie had fully recovered, and agreed to Elvie's request to be discharged immediately.

Guaranteed by Director Jia Congyun, Elway's discharge procedures were done very quickly, and it only took less than half an hour to complete everything.

As a result, after a tossing, Elwei clearly suffered serious injuries with a lot of meridian damage to her whole body, but it was a miracle that she was discharged from the hospital completely without staying in the hospital for a whole day.

When sending Elvie out of the hospital, Jia Congyun also specifically pulled Chu Nan aside, saying that Chu Nan's method of helping Elvie to heal her injury is very valuable for research, and I hope he can do it in the future. Come to Life Science Academy regularly to get involved in more research.

Chu Nan was a little overwhelmed by his diligence, but he reluctantly agreed on Elvie's face.

So it was another tossing. After the male students were also driven away, the excited Elvie immediately pulled Chu Nan straight to his laboratory, and Angelique also walked away. The face followed curiously.

The three of them entered the laboratory. Elvie originally planned to turn on the instrument and was about to explain her findings to Chu Nan, but she glanced at Angelique who was looking all around curiously, and rolled her eyes. An idea came up.

"Angelberry elder sister."


"Come on, take off your clothes."

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