Bright sunlight filtered in through the window.

Feeling the light in front of her eyes, Elvie woke up.

She opened her eyes and saw a white but unfamiliar ceiling. She was stunned for a while before she realized it.

She was supposed to be... injured during the experiment?

So it should be in the hospital now?

Elvie moved her hands and feet a little, but she didn't find any signs of discomfort in her body, not even a feeling of weakness. Instead, she felt energetic and full of energy.

There's something wrong with that, it's just a very hungry stomach...

"gu gu gu ——"

I just felt it Hungry, the stomach has made a low-pitched cry at the right time.

Elvie blushed suddenly.

"Should no one notice?"

Elvie nervously glanced in the direction of the door of the ward on the right, but did not find any silhouette, and immediately sighed in relief.

"It's okay..."

But before she could breathe out a breath, a joyful voice suddenly sounded from the left.

"Very good, Elvie, you're finally awake!"

Elvie startled, her body shrank involuntarily, then she was stunned for a moment, and she came to her senses.

This voice...

Elvie quickly turned around and saw Chu Nan with her back to the sun, looking at her with a gentle smile on her face.

"Chu Nan big brother, you...why are you here?"

"If I'm not here, do you think you can get better so soon?" Chu Nan laughed shrugged rhetorically.

"oh?" Elvie rolled her eyes and moved the Inner Breath to circulate around her body. She felt that the meridian in her body was intact as before, and the Inner Breath was running without hindrance, even compared to before. She seemed to have gotten through a few more meridians, and immediately understood the whole story. "So you cured me?"

"Yeah. Otherwise, with your serious injury, how could it be so easy?" Chu Nan replied, "shook the head, frowned": " Elvie, what kind of experiment are you doing? You hurt yourself like this? Do you know that if you weren't found early, you'd be in danger now."

" Don't worry, I know it."

Elvie showed Chu Nan a bright smile, tried to sit up first, then moved her hands and feet, and after confirming that there was really no problem, she moved from He jumped up from the hospital bed.

"Let's go."

"Go? Where to go?" Chu Nan was taken aback.

"Go to the lab." Elvie looked excited. "Chu Nan big brother, I have a big discovery! You know what? I spent two days researching and finally made a very crucial discovery. I think with this discovery, you can completely target your body. Improve, so that you can break through the Eternal Universe without difficulty! Come with me, those research materials are now left in the laboratory, and I can't tell you here."

As Elvie said, she reached out to hold Chu Nan's hand.

Chu Nan let her hold him, but instead of being pulled up by her, he pulled her back.

"You just woke up, don't worry about these things, it's better to check them first."

"What more do you need to check?" Elvie waved her hand. "With you here, Chu Nan big brother, I'm in good health now. Let's go, I can't wait to tell you about the discovery. Chu Nan big brother, aren't you in a hurry to break through Eternal Sky Pass?"

"Of course I'm in a hurry,'s not that important compared to your health."

Chu Nan's expression was serious, and there was a hint of a trace in his hand when he grabbed Elvie. The flame of life penetrated into Elvie's body.

Elvie felt the special breath of the flame of life, and of course she understood what Chu Nan wanted to do, so she stood still and let Chu Nan investigate.

After the flame of life circulated and recovered in Elvie's body, Elvie smiled proudly at Chu Nan.

"How is it? Am I completely healed?"

"Well, your body should be fine, but..." Chu Nan pointed to Elvie stomach. "Aren't you hungry?"

Elvie blushed suddenly, knowing that Chu Nan must have heard the sound of her stomach just now.

Under shame, she couldn't help complaining: "You and Angel's elder sister's flame of life is good for everything, but it's not good that it makes people feel very hungry. "

Chu Nan laughed: "There's no way, the flame of life is to stimulate your own life force to recover, not to help you heal out of thin air. If you want to blame it, you are too seriously injured, and it completely heals and consumes Too much, you have too much life force, it will be a problem if you don’t feel hungry.”

Elvie pouted and wanted to complain again, but found that it was better not to mention it. As soon as she talked about being hungry, she felt a stronger sense of hunger coming from her stomach, and it even made her feel hungry and hurt, and if she wanted to complain, she just swallowed it back.

"Okay, don't worry about other things, let's find a place to eat first, I'm starving to death!"

Chu Nan smiled slightly, but still didn't follow Elvie left, but turned around and reached out under the small table next to the hospital bed, and found a steaming breakfast.

Elvie slammed her eyes: "Okay, you're kidding me, so you've already prepared it!"

Chu Nan handed over the breakfast, and Elvie grabbed it I grabbed it and ripped open the packaging without any regard for the image, and ate it up.

Seeing her devoured look, Chu Nan couldn't help laughing.

Although Elvie's appearance at this time doesn't seem to be in line with the restraint and elegance she should have as a girl from a big family, but with her beautiful face that still has a hint of childishness, it looks very real and lovely, making her look very real and cute. People feel more friendly.

"Come on, tell me, Elvie, you should be studying the problem of genetic modification of the cultivation technique related to me. How could you make your Inner Breath out of control and the meridian damage seriously?" Chu Nan sat down again and asked.

Elvie swallowed the steamed bun she had just entered, took a mouthful of milk, put out a breath, and then replied, "This is related to my research results. Chu Nan big brother, you You should know that the so-called Tyrant Body is to affect and change the human body through the operation of the Inner Breath in the meridian, right?"

"en. This is the basis of all Martial Artists." Chu Nan replied with a nod.

"But do you know that Inner Breath actually affects not only the human muscles, bloodline, and skeleton shown on the surface, but actually directly affects genes?"

Chu Nan opened his eyes slightly: "Do you mean that all cultivation techniques can directly affect genes, not just the flame of life?"

"Yes." Elvie Orthochromatic nodded.

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