Chu Nan and Angelique were both taken aback.

“Why did you ask me to undress?” Angelique astonished.

"I'll do a detailed inspection for you." As if thinking of something fun, Elway smiled excitedly, and while speaking, took Angelbely's hand, Take her to the experimental bench. "I want to compare the physical data of you and Chu Nan big brother to see the specific differences. You have cultivated the flame of life since you were a child, right?"

"en." Qibeili nodded complied, and asked suspiciously, "Is there any use in comparing the data of the two of us?"

"Of course it does!" Elvie said with great certainty. "Through my research on Chu Nan big brother, I have basically discovered the specific effects of internal strength core technique on human genes, and if I can analyze in detail the relevant data of your Martial Artist who has cultivated the flames of life since childhood, I can go further. It's confirmed. If my inference is correct, the results of this experiment should be very helpful to Angela elder sister and your cultivation of the flame of life."

"Oh? Is that so?" Angela Belle was obviously moved by Elvie, looking very interested, and without the slightest hesitation she reached out to unbutton her upper body.

"Hey! Stop it!" Chu Nan finally couldn't help it and shouted.

Angelberry stopped and turned her head with Elvie, looking towards Chu Nan with a puzzled look.

"Is there a problem?"

"Of course there is a problem!" Chu Nan pointed to himself. "I said Angelique, I'm still here, what are you taking off?"

"Is there a problem with this?" Angelique still had an unfathomable mystery on her face. "I just took off my clothes."

"It's still..." Chu Nan patted his forehead speechlessly. "I said, don't you think of me as a man?"

"Of course I know you're a man...oh...I see." Angel Belli looked suddenly enlightened. "You're shy. It's okay, I just have to take off my coat, right? Elvie?"

"Well, I don't have to take off my underwear, I just need to get most of your The physical data is enough." Elvie nodded, not forgetting to cast a contemptuous look at Chu Nan. "Chu Nan big brother, when it comes to scientific research, gender doesn't matter. Didn't you strip naked in front of me last time?"

"Hey, I was wearing underwear last time, okay? "Chu Nan retorted weakly.

"Then ask Angelique elder sister to take off her underwear this time?" Elvie turned to Angelique and asked, "Can I, Angelique elder sister?"

"Okay." Angelique had a really indifferent expression on her face, as if she didn't realize that Elvie was joking. "Although Master often says that you can't show your body naked in front of other men, she also said that you must learn to show your beautiful body in front of someone you like. I like Chu Nan, so I go naked in front of him. No problem. But I don't know if my body is good or not."

Chu Nan and Elvie were stunned.

At this time, what the two of them noticed was not what Angelina said it was okay to be naked in front of Chu Nan, but the previous sentence...

"An Qibeili" Qibeili elder sister, what did you just say? like Chu Nan big brother?"

"Yeah, I like him." Angelique nodded very simply. "He's my first friend, and of course I like him."

"It turns out that I like him like this..." Elvie patted her chest, sighed in relief.

Chu Nan also relaxed along with him, but was a little disappointed at the same time.

"Okay, okay, I surrender." Chu Nan raised his hand and smiled wryly. "Angie Belle, you can just take off your coat, but don't take it off. Elvie, don't make a fool of yourself, you know that." Take off your coat, lie down on the experimental table, adjust the instrument, and start the human body test on Angel Belle.

"Angie Belle elder sister, the whole process will take about half an hour, you can lie down on this for a while." Qibeili cut off a section of hair on her head and put it into another instrument next to it for testing.

After doing all this, she came to Chu Nan.

"Chu Nan big brother, do you think Angel's elder sister's body looks good?"

Chu Nan rolled the eyes: "Stop talking nonsense and talk about business."


Elvie pursed her lips and laughed. After operating on the workbench, she brought up a virtual screen with a piece of information displayed on it.

“Chu Nan big brother, you see, according to my research on you, I found that your current body actually presents a very unbalanced posture. If you look at it from the perspective of genetic engineering, you The whole body now looks like a... a freak."

"Freak?" Chu Nan was stunned. "Is it such an exaggeration?"

"Look at this picture." Elvie called up a schematic diagram of the human body, which marked the various data obtained from Chu Nan. "According to the latest research in genetic engineering, what determines the current state, development trend and future potential of the human body is actually related to genes, and one of the important data is the Kroner index. The data of your human body detection and the Kroner index calculated by analyzing your genetic chain. The darker the color, the higher the Kroner index, that is, the state of your Avatar and the higher the future development potential. The lighter the color, the opposite."

Chu Nan looked at the schematic diagram of the human body with a very uneven color and a dark color of one dollar, thought for a while, and asked, "You mean me What's the whole body of the... The Kroner index is very uneven, so the whole body looks like a freak?"

"That's almost what it means." Elvie recalled another schematic diagram of the human body. "This is a schematic diagram of the relevant data of an ordinary beginner Inner Breath Grade Martial Artist. You see, the closer to the lower abdomen, which is also what martial artists usually call the dantian position, the higher his Klar index, and the closer he is to the body. On the surface, this index is lower."

"What does this mean?"

"A normal Martial Artist follows the normal cultivation process, when breaking through to Inner Breath Grade, It should be like this. But Chu Nan big brother, your cultivation process is obviously abnormal. Because according to your original cultivation situation, when you break through to Inner Breath Grade, it should be like this.”

Elvie once again called up another schematic diagram of the human body.

Compared with the previous schematic diagram of the ordinary Inner Breath Grade Martial Artist, the color of the human body in this picture is obviously lighter, and there are some uneven colors around it.

"If you follow your cultivation process, Chu Nan big brother, you should be like this. The human body is indeed not as tempered as a normal Inner Breath Grade Martial Artist, and it is obviously flawed." Elvie continue to explain. "But Chu Nan big brother, your innate talent is very good. Not only did you cultivate a very special high-frequency vibration Inner Breath, but you also learned the flame of life. As a result, you forcibly changed the human body and genetic sequence that should have been shaped in adulthood. It's just... the flaws are still very obvious."

Chu Nan's eyes fell on the schematic diagram of his human body that Elvie first called up, looking at the abnormally uneven human body. After thinking about it, he asked, "How should we solve it?"

Elvie showed a confident smile.

"It's very simple. Chu Nan big brother, you didn't know where the problem was before, so there were so many flaws. But you know now, with the special cultivation you have now mastered. technique, Chu Nan big brother, you are so smart, do you still need me to tell you how to solve it?"

Chu Nan was startled, then his eyes lit up.

That's right, he used to know that there were defects in his physical body, but he didn't know where the defects were, so it was difficult to solve them.

Now that Elvie has clearly pointed out the flaws to him, what can't be fixed?

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