Moonlight poured into the ward through the window, casting a dazzling spot on the smooth floor.

As the night wind blows the curtains, the light spot keeps shaking, making Chu Nan's body flicker.

Chu Nan suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyes shone brightly, making him stand out in the dark ward.

After a while, the light in his eyes slowly faded away, returning to calm.

However, if you pay attention to his eyes, you will find that his expression is obviously brighter than before.

Chu Nan had an odd smile on his face.

I didn't expect to find a best Inner Breath circulation method so far because of the cultivation in the ward.

According to the newly calculated trajectory of Inner Breath to run Inner Breath on the basis of Nine Revolutions Core Technique, after a cycle, the intensity of Inner Breath has increased by 0.681277%!

Compared to the normal Nine Revolutions Core Technique Fifth Layer core technique, this boosting speed is three times faster!

If the cultivation is carried out at this speed, a complete thirty-six cycles of Inner Breath cultivation are carried out every day, and the strength of the Inner Breath is equal to one week of cultivation according to the normal Nine Revolutions Core Technique Fifth Layer!

As a result, after completing the thirty-six cycle cultivation just now, he actually obtained a qualitative breakthrough in the intensity of the inner breath, which was directly upgraded from the second rank inner breath grade to the strength of the third rank inner breath grade!

Chu Nan was a little surprised and didn't know whether to cry or laugh for this result.

The thing he misses most today is helping Elvie heal her wounds, and now she is staying in the ward to keep vigil to take care of Elvie, but he didn't expect Elvie to be still in a coma, but he got it from other sources. a huge gain.

At other times, Chu Nan would have jumped for joy.

But now, he was just laughed, and he still focused his attention on Elvie on the hospital bed.

It has been about six hours since Chu Nan cured her at dusk, but Elvie still hasn't opened her eyes.

However, according to the examination results of the hospital, her physical condition has now returned to normal, and she did not wake up, not in a coma, but fell asleep because of exhaustion.

As for when to wake will wake up naturally after a sleep, but there is no need to worry.

Listening to Elvie's gentle and steady breathing, Chu Nan felt a lot more at ease, but looking at her frowning brows in a state of sleep, Chu Nan still had a trace of apology.

In the evening, Joshua secretly came to visit Elvie again, and told Chu Nan why he would say that Elvie did this all because of Chu Nan.

It turns out that Joshua discovered that since Chu Nan left from Elvie's laboratory the day before yesterday, Elvie has been staying in the laboratory and never came out.

According to Joshua's observations, Elvie has been researching for more than two days, and she has never rested!

Joshua didn't know what Elvie was researching so fascinated, but he knew that Elvie would become like this after Chu Nan came to see Elvie, so she naturally thought that It was Chu Nan who did it.

Chu Nan doesn't dispute this.

He also guessed that Elvie was very likely to give him a research result as soon as possible, so she conducted research all night long, so that she was exhausted now.

Of course, just being overtired won't be so serious. If Chu Nan guessed right, Elvie is very likely to use some of her research on herself, which is why it is so serious. 's injury.

"Ai, it's so stupid, I'm not in a hurry." Chu Nan sighed inwardly, glanced at Elvie on the hospital bed, and couldn't help extending the hand, intending to touch her 's brain.

As soon as she stretched out her hand, Elvie suddenly moved and her head shook.

Chu Nan stopped for a moment, and Elvie suddenly mumbled again at this time.

"father...I...I don't do it...I don't want to go to my aunt's house..."

Chu Nan is startled again.

This guy... could be talking in his sleep.

"father...Auntie she doesn't like me and I don't like her either, I want to go home..."

Chu Nan felt sad in his heart.

Elvie was probably dreaming about the unpleasant time she lived at her aunt's house before.

Judging from the fact that she dreamed of these things, that experience undoubtedly did a great deal of damage to her.

Thinking that Elvie is still not enough to be a fourteen-year-old little girl, Chu Nan couldn't help feeling a little sympathy for Elvie.

Fortunately, she persevered now, and was not forced to live at her aunt's house again by her father.

But she ran to the Nebula Academy alone, without any relatives and friends, and she was indeed lonely.

If I hadn't met her by myself and introduced Angelique to her, I'm afraid her life at the Academy would have been even more difficult.

"big brother, I don't want... I don't want to marry... No, I might as well marry Chu Nan..."

Chu Nan was stunned for a moment, unable to bear Laugh.

Well, it turns out that in Elvie's dream, she was a spare tire.

Elvie muttered a few more words, the main content seemed to be about her family forcing her to go on a blind date, but she was unwilling.

Hearing this, Chu Nan couldn't help feeling emotional.

Don't look at Elvie was born in a big family, but she is not free in many places.

She is only fourteen years old, and her family has already started making arrangements for her marriage.

Thinking of the group of Life Science Academy students who came to the ward to visit in the afternoon, and the guys who always pestered Elvie before, who really fell in love with Elvie?

Elvie muttered for a while, then turned over and changed the subject.

"Chu Nan big brother, don't worry, I'm sure... I'll definitely be able to research it!'ll definitely be able to break through the Eternal Sky Pass!'re my hero, you're sure It will be very difficult to deal with..."

Chu Nan couldn't help blushing slightly.

It seems that she saved Elvie from those guys at Aucma Star, which really left a deep impression on her little girl's heart.

He even became...her hero!

"Chu Nan big brother, although I already have a big brother, but you are also willing to be my big brother, I am very happy... Maybe you are not my big brother, we are also very good friends. Okay. You you like me? No, you must like Angelbelli elder sister, she is older than me, you must think I am a child. But...but mine Her breasts are bigger than Angel's elder sister..."

Well, the more you say it, the more outrageous it is.

What the hell is this guy dreaming about?

Next, Elvie muttered a few more words about Chu Nan and Angelique, and finally fell into silence.

Chu Nan long sighed in relief.

I don't know if Elvie is too tired, or because she has just recovered completely from a serious injury, or if she has the habit of talking in her sleep, she will talk so much in one night, but she still talks in her sleep. so clearly.

If she wakes up tomorrow and knows what she said in her sleep, and that Chu Nan heard it all, she won't be ashamed to die?

Chu Nan glanced at Elvie, and reached out to cover her with the quilt she threw aside just now, while secretly making up her mind.

In any case, Elvie must not know what happened tonight.

However, just as he sat back down, Elvie suddenly swung her fist hard, knocked the quilt into the air again, and shouted loudly.

"Virgin001 1 You bastard! Why is it not online!"


Chu Nan was completely stunned.

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