Everyone turned their heads to follow the voice.

The students surrounding him made way to reveal a middle-aged man behind him.

"Director Jia." The nurse exclaimed.

"President Jia!"

"President Jia, why are you here?"

This is the voice of those students.

This sudden middle-aged man Chu Nan has also met at the entrance ceremony of Nebula Academy before. It is Jia Congyun, the dean of Life Sciences Academy, and he is also in charge of Academy Hospital. the director of a department.

After walking through the passage that the students gave way, Jia Congyun first glanced at Elwei on the hospital bed, then turned his head and looked towards Chu Nan with a solemn expression.

"Student Chu Nan, you should already know what Elvie's situation is now, right?"

Chu Nan glanced at him in surprise, nodded.

"en. Elvie's meridian damage is very serious now, and the Inner Breath is also out of control. If we use the words of our Martial Artist, it is a serious cultivation deviation."

Hearing this answer, the surrounding students all cried out in surprise.

Although these students are all students of the Life Science Academy, but also not ignorant of the martial skill, I couldn't help hearing that Elvie's meridian was seriously damaged and the Inner Breath was out of control to the point of cultivation deviation. Both startled.

How could Elvie be so seriously injured all of a sudden?

The key is, how should this be treated?

"Now that you know, are you sure you can cure her?" Another question from Jia Congyun surprised the nurse and the students even more.

It turns out that what Dean Jia said just now "let him try" is not a joke!

Why is this guy?

He is clearly an ordinary student of the Martial Artist branch. What ability does he have to heal Elvie's serious injury?

"It should be possible." Chu Nan said resolutely.

"Okay, I can let you try it, but it must be under our strict monitoring. In the event of an accident, I will immediately interrupt your treatment of Elvie." Jia Congyun said resolutely.

Chu Nan hadn't answered yet, and the surrounding students couldn't help shouting.

"President Jia, how can you hand over Miss Illway to him?"

"That's right, how can he cure Miss Elway? You can't do that Is it sloppy?"

"President Jia, with the hospital's technology, can't you cure Miss Elway? Why should her wool be treated by this guy?"


"Shut up." Chu Nan let out a low voice, interrupting the shouting of the people around him. "I care more about Elvie's life than you. If I'm not sure, will I let her take a risk?"

"Nonsense, why are you sure?"

" That is, who do you think you are? Can you be better than the doctor in the hospital?"

"You are just..."


Jia Congyun suddenly raised his arm, and the surrounding students immediately held back their words.

"I believe Chu Nan is much better than all of us here in terms of his ability to treat meridian damage. Handing Miss Elway to him would be better than our hospital. Much more effective."


Students looked at each other in blank dismay.

They didn't believe that Chu Nan had the ability to cure Elway, but Jia Congyun said so, and they couldn't refute it.

"Okay, you all quit." Jia Congyun waved his hand.

Though the students were unwilling, they could only obediently retreat.

"Chu Nan, if you can't cure Miss Elway, don't even think about leaving the hospital today!" Before leaving, a student made a fiercely threat to Chu Nan.

Chu Nan rolled his eyes, ignoring him.

After the students had all left, Jia Congyun asked Chu Nan again, "Student Chu Nan, do you need another quiet room for you? What else do you need? "

"No need." Chu Nan waved his hand. "Just watch and don't let people disturb me."

After saying that, Chu Nan no longer paid attention to Jia Congyun, and he didn't bother to think about why Jia Congyun thought he could cure Ai Erwei, grasping Erwei's arm again with the palm of her hand, the white radiance of her breasts revealed, and the flame of life was fully activated.

While investigating Elvie's body just now, Chu Nan had already found out all the details of the meridian damage in Elvie's body, and recorded all the data.

Now what he has to do is actually very simple, just use the flame of life to repair Elvie's damaged meridian.

Of course, before that, he has to deal with the Inner Breath that has been out of control in Elvie meridian.

Fortunately, Elvie is only at the level of third rank to fourth rank Tyrant Body Grade. The Inner Breath is not strong. Chu Nan controls the flame of life and integrates the high-frequency vibration Inner Breath, which is easy to grasp. The trajectory of the space-time Inner Breath in her body, and then a little bit guide these Inner Breath to run along a fixed trajectory in the meridian, and then gradually affect them, so that it slowly slows down, and finally calms down.

Under Chu Nan's deliberate guidance, these Inner Breaths began to slowly run along another trajectory, completely avoiding her damaged meridian.

Meanwhile, Chu Nan unleashes the flame of life to repair Elvie's damaged meridian.

This part of the process is much simpler.

Under the action of Chu Nan's flame of life infused with the high-frequency vibration Inner Breath, the meridian in Elvie's body recovered rapidly at a very remarkable speed.

In less than half an hour, all the meridians in Elvie's body were completely restored to their original state, and no trace of damage could be seen.

This is still Chu Nan trying to be as perfect as possible, deliberately slowing down the speed, otherwise, he could even finish in ten minutes.

The flames of life circulated in Elvie again, after confirming that all meridians were restored to their original state, and those damaged meridians had unexpectedly improved strength after recovery, Chu Nan sighed in relief, take back your hand.

At this time, Elvie's breathing became steady again, and her face became rosy, but she still didn't seem to wake up.

"She is still very weak, go and prepare her nutritional supplements." Jia Congyun explained to the nurse who had been waiting beside her, and drove her out of the ward, and then asked Chu Nan said: "Student Chu Nan, you really have such a magical ability, which is really admirable."

Chu Nan only had time to think about the issues that he had neglected before.

Glancing at Jia Congyun, he was a little strange.

"President Jia, how can you be sure that I have this ability?"

"First, I know that you were meridian in the Western Cloud Star Martial Artist Tournament. , and finally fully recovered. Second, I know that you have mastered the flame of life. Third, and most importantly, I know that you have not only repaired your own veins many times, but also many times Helping others with similar injuries."

Chu Nan is even more bizarre.

He was completely unfamiliar with the entire Dean Jia, how did the other party know that he had these experiences.

"It's very simple, this is what Elvie told me herself." Jia Congyun smiled and pointed to Elvie on the hospital bed. "Actually, Elvie had already mentioned to me before that, if she has such or similar problems, the best way is to find you or Angelique."

Speaking of this, Jia Congyun bitterly laughed.

"I thought she was just talking casually, but I didn't expect this to happen now. It seems that she was mentally prepared, but it was my negligence."

Chu Nan looked at Jia Congyun in puzzlement, and then looked at Elvie on the hospital bed, feeling even more puzzled.

What the hell is this guy thinking?

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