As the No. 1 Academy in the Federation, Nebula Academy owns an Academy Hospital, which is actually next to the Life Sciences Academy.

Chu Nan followed Joshua into the hospital in a confused manner and went straight to the inpatient department.

On the way just now, he asked Joshua several times what was going on and why he said Elvie was sick, but Joshua was obviously hostile to him and didn't pay attention at all. him the question.

Chu Nan is impossible now that Joshua was arrested and beaten, tortured and questioned, and he could only follow behind in a mute voice.

After entering the inpatient department, Joshua took Chu Nan straight to a ward on the third floor.

Before coming to the ward, Chu Nan saw a bunch of people being driven out of the ward.

The nurse in uniform looked impatient and drove the group out like a duck.

"Do you guys know that patients need a quiet rest? Stay away from me! Don't go in again!"

Chu Nan glanced at the group People, I found that several of them were all I had seen before.

And one of the most conspicuous of them, was the first time I sent Elvie to the Life Science Academy to report, I had a relationship, and I saw it again later, and secretly found Kemer and The brunette boy the others tried to frame themselves.

The last time Joshua mentioned him, his name...should be called Kulenka.

But Chu Nan didn't bother to pay attention to him at this time, and walked over quickly, forcibly squeezed through the crowd.

However, just as he was about to enter the ward, he was stopped by the nurse.

"Hey, didn't I say that you are not allowed to go in again? Hurry up and walk away! Otherwise, believing or not I'll call security?"

Chu Nan went into the ward. I glanced at it, but because there was something blocking it, I couldn't see anything at all, and naturally I couldn't see Elvie's silhouette.

"I just came here, how is Elvie doing now?"

"You also came to see Elvie?" The nurse glanced at Chu Nan, coldly snorted. "Stop talking nonsense, Elvie is still in a coma and needs to rest. No one is allowed to visit. If you want to see her, come back tomorrow."

"But I..."

"No but!" The nurse interrupted Chu Nan roughly.

Chu Nan was anxious and wanted to push the nurse away and rush in, but his reason told him that he couldn't do that. After thinking about it, he asked in a low voice, "Can I go in and take a look? Just a glance will do, okay?"

"No, just wait for me." The nurse still looked upright and unmoved.

"Can you tell me how Elvie is doing now? Is she in danger?"

"I've said it many times just now, she's still in a coma , whether there is mortal danger will not know until the specific diagnosis results come out, it is useless for you to ask here again and again. Get out of the way!"

I still can't determine whether there is mortal danger when I hear it. danger, Chu Nan was in a hurry. A little under his feet, the nurse and the people around him who were blocked only saw a flash, and Chu Nan was already disappeared.

next moment, Chu Nan has appeared in the ward, and at a glance, there is a hospital bed in the middle of the ward, and Elvie is lying on it.

Seeing that Elvie closed her eyes tightly, her face was pale, and there was almost no blood on her little face, Chu Nan's heart suddenly lifted.

He scurried to the side of the bed in one step, reached out, grabbed one of Elvie's hands, and poked in with an Inner Breath.

As soon as this Inner Breath entered Elvie's body, Chu Nan immediately started.

As soon as the Inner Breath entered Elvie's secondary meridian, she immediately felt a frantic aura that was used crazily, and the Inner Breath he protruded was instantly impacted to pieces. .

And in that instant, Chu Nan had already found out that this secondary meridian in Elvie's body had been damaged everywhere, it could almost be called dilapidated, and it was difficult to maintain the meridian at all. of normal operation.

And the violent breath that is pounding back and forth in the meridian is clearly the Inner Breath that has been out of control!

“Why did Elvie suddenly lose control of the Inner Breath?” Chu Nan thought of doubts in his heart, but he didn’t have time to think too much. He grabbed Elvie’s other hand and protruded a trace of Inner again. Breath.

As before, this Inner Breath just entered Elvie's body and was immediately washed away by the violent Inner Breath.

This time, Chu Nan didn't dare to continue doing this. After thinking about it, a faint white radiance appeared on his palm, and a ray of flame of life penetrated into it.

Different from the ordinary Inner Breath, the flame of life is not directly dispelled by the out-of-control Inner Breath in Elvie's meridian because of its very special nature, but is unimpeded by her meridian. flow inside.

Chu Nan pushed this flame of life to circulate in the meridian in Elvie's body very quickly, and then discovered a fact that shocked him.

At this time, more than half of all the meridians in Elvie's body have been damaged to varying degrees. Among them, seven primary meridians and sixteen secondary meridians are almost completely destroyed!

In the case of Meridian being so severely damaged, the Inner Breath in her body is seriously out of control. She has been able to hold on until now without major problems, entirely because her strength is not strong and Inner Breath is weak for the sake of.

If her Inner Breath is a little stronger, maybe her whole body is meridian damaged, then even if the Nebula Academy Hospital has the medical technology of Earth Federation cream of the crop, it is difficult to guarantee her life safety.

"Fortunately, I came early." Chu Nan was secretly grateful, but he was not panicked.

Meridian's massive damage is an extremely serious injury for both the ordinary person and the overwhelming majority Martial Artist, but for him it is almost commonplace and not a particularly serious problem.

He is experienced in treating damaged meridians and is confident enough to help Elvie repair the serious injury she is now in.

However, just as he was about to mobilize the flame of life with all his strength to heal Elvie, a scream suddenly sounded behind him.

"What are you doing!"

Chu Nan frowned and looked back, and found that the lady nurse who had just blocked the door had rushed in, apparently reacting that Chu Nan might rush in. into the ward.

Seeing Chu Nan's actions, she was shocked, rushed over and grabbed Chu Nan's arm.

"She is very dangerous now, you can't touch her casually! If something goes wrong, it might kill her!"

I was blocked from the door by the nurse just now At this time, a group of people followed the nurse and rushed in again. Seeing Chu Nan's actions, and hearing the nurse's words, they also scolded Chu Nan angrily.

"Let go of Miss Elvie!"

"Boy, do you want to kill Miss Elvie?"

"You bastard! If What's wrong with Miss Elway, I promise to let you die!"


Chu Nan ignored them and just glanced at the nurse coldly.

"Let go, I can cure her."

Miss Nurse grabbed Chu Nan's arm tightly and shook her head vigorously.

"Impossible! You're not a doctor! Miss Elway is seriously injured now, don't act rashly! Otherwise, she may be in real danger!"

" Damn, is you brat crazy? Can you cure Miss Elway? It's a joke!"

"Let it go!"


The group of students also shouted. Several students with exceptionally strong physique even left the crowd and walked towards Chu Nan. It seemed that they planned to use the martial power to pull Chu Nan away.

Chu Nan raised his eyebrows and wanted to kick all these guys out now.

With them around, he would definitely not be able to treat Elvie's injuries on meridian with concentrated attention completely.

But it's obviously impossible to fight here.

When the situation was tense, a voice suddenly sounded behind everyone.

"Let him try."

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