As soon as I walked out of the game room, a group of classmates had already gathered around, and the faces of the group were all excited and curious.

"Chu Nan, have you realized the energy of space?"

"Yes, that guy just said that you realized the energy of space, is that true?"


“Chu Nan, you are also very awesome, aren’t you? You haven’t reached the third rank Inner Breath Grade yet, how can you feel the energy of space?”

Hearing the questions from the students in front of him, Chu Nan was a little amused.

It seems that although it has been more than a month since the school started, the students still don't know much about his strength, but now it is exposed because of this competition.

"Well, I did realize the energy of space. As for how I realized it... This is because my cultivation technique is quite special."

"Huh? Chu Nan Isn't the Nine Revolutions Core Technique you cultivated, so what's so special?" a classmate immediately astonished and asked.

"No, the Nine Revolutions Core Technique is quite special, but I've never heard of it being so special that people can feel the space when they don't even reach fifth-rank Inner Breath Grade. Energy." Another student looked puzzled.

"Well...the Nine Revolutions Core Technique is not that powerful, it's just a special cultivation technique that I cultivated." Chu Nan replied.

Hearing this answer, the students could only look at each other in blank dismay and were speechless.

Inquiring about other Martial Artist cultivation techniques is a taboo, but now Chu Nan has made it clear that he doesn't want to say it explicitly, and of course they can't ask.

"Okay, classmates, don't surround Chu Nan, we are still in class." Manduka teacher patted his hand and called away the students surrounding Chu Nan. "This is the end of today's discussion with Shalam Academy, but you have also seen that with this game, we can achieve competition with young martial artists from other academies in other countries, so..."

Speaking of this, the Manduka teacher paused, looked around the students, and suddenly changed the subject.

“How many of you have played Martial Spirit?”

The students looked at each other and raised dozens of arms with a swipe—including Chu Nan is included.

Manduka teacher laughed when he saw it: "Oh, so much has been played, so it's simple. Now I'll let you know in advance, and it will be there in five months. The biennial Orion Martial Artist Academy Alliance tournament, in this tournament, you will meet students from other countries on Orion's spiral arm, all of whom are Martial Artists of the same age as you. In order to achieve good results in this tournament, You'd better get in touch with young martial artists in other countries in advance to get familiar with their martial skill style."

"So teacher, do you mean that we all play "Martial Spirit"?" One the student asked.

"Well, except through the "Martial Spirit" battle platform, it is usually difficult for you to contact Martial Artists from other countries. In "Martial Spirit", as long as you upgrade to a certain level, Martial Artists from other countries will be matched, so it is very helpful to play "Martial Spirit" more." Manduka teacher replied.

“Manduca teacher, why do you seem to be doing sales...”

Manduca teacher laughed: “Nogentum Chamber of Commerce didn’t give it to me Money, and this thing costs 49,000 federal dollars per unit, which is not cheap. I don’t recommend you to buy it yourself. Of course, in order to allow you to have more contact with foreign Martial Artists, and to increase the chance to compete with them, Academy Next, we should buy a batch of game warehouses and open them up for you to use, so you don't have to worry that you won't have a place to play if you don't buy them."

"Really? That's very good!"

The students cheered immediately upon hearing the good news.

Chu Nan glanced at the game bay in surprise.

The Nebula Academy is worthy of being the largest academy in the federation. Such a game warehouse costs 49,000 federation coins. It is said to buy a batch and buy a batch, all it does is to let students They only have the opportunity to contact foreign Martial Artists.

Of course, Chu Nan believes that this is also an investment made by the Academy in hopes of achieving good results in the upcoming tournament of the Orion Martial Artist Academy Alliance.

But this so-called "Orion Martial Artist Academy Alliance tournament", why didn't I hear it when I was at Western Cloud Academy?

Well...I think it's because Western Cloud Academy is not qualified...

While thinking about this question, a communication request prompt suddenly came from the personal terminal.

Chu Nan looked down and found that it was actually from Elvie.

"Why this time..."

Chu Nan slightly frowned, rejected the communication request, and sent a message to indicate that he was in class and was inconvenient to answer the communication.

After a while, Elvie replied with an "oh", and then she was silent.

Chu Nan was a little puzzled, but thought that if there was anything important, Elvie would definitely tell herself that since there was no movement, it proved that there was nothing at worst, and it would be the same to ask after class.

With his wrist down, Chu Nan continued to concentrate on his lectures.

Manduka teacher analyzed and summarized the long-range competition between Nebula Academy and Shalam Academy just now, and selected a few to focus on.

Chu Nan's final battle with Rodman is the focus of the Manduka teacher's account, as Rodman is one of the only fifth-rank Inner Breath Grade Martial Artists sent by the Shalam Academy One, Chu Nan easily beat him.

In order to explain clearly, Manduka also asked Chu Nan to tell some details of the battle in public.

But for Chu Nan, this detail is really nothing to say, because he defeated Rodman firstly by relying on his own data ability to take the lead in martial skill moves, and secondly, Relying on the special March Divine Palm to drive space energy, it also crushed Rodman in strength.

This way of winning is too special, and there is almost no reference. Even if Chu Nan explained it clearly, the other students couldn't learn anything from it, and he couldn't really explain it.

So he can only analyze the characteristics of Rodman's martial skill.

With strong data ability, Chu Nan analyzed Rodman very thoroughly, and even described the characteristics of his cultivation technique, which added a lot of understanding to other students.

A class is over, and it's almost noon.

Chu Nan opened his personal terminal while walking towards the cafeteria, intending to send a message to Elvie to ask about the situation.

As soon as she raised her hand, Angelina suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

After seeing Chu Nan, she grabbed Chu Nan's arm, dragged him, and ran quickly out of the Academy.

"Hey, Angelina, what are you doing in such a hurry? I haven't eaten yet."

"You'll know when you go."

Angelique dropped a sentence and continued to pull Chu Nan to speed up.

Chu Nan wondered in his heart, but he could only follow behind her and disappeared outside the gate of the Academy in a short while.

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