At the same time as Rodman blasted this fist, Chu Nan's mouth already raised a smile.

"The move is quite subtle, the Inner Breath is also very strong, and it integrates very well with the move, doesn't mobilize the energy of space."

Chu Nan gave a comment in his heart , take a step forward, shoot it with a palm, the Inner Breath is activated naturally, and the spatial energy in the surrounding space also converges.

It is the modified March Divine Palm First Style palm method.


This palm is impartial, just hitting Rodman's fist, but it's a direct fight with him.

On the surface, Rodman is tall and strong, and his fists are almost as big as Chu Nan's head. This punched out imposing manner is amazing and his strength is incomparable. The palms were light and fluttering and could not see much strength.

However, in this reckless fight, Rodman shook his body, spurted a mouthful of blood, and staggered back a few steps, obviously suffering an internal injury.

Neither Nebula Academy's students or Shalam Academy's students who were watching the game were in an uproar.

Before the battle, not many people thought Chu Nan would win.

Even Chu Nan's confident Nebula Academy students, at most, think that Chu Nan can be on an equal footing with Rodman, the fifth-rank Inner Breath Grade Martial Artist.

But didn't expect, this was the first fight, and Chu Nan actually seriously injured Rodman!

Rodman managed to stabilize his body, lifts the head and looked at Chu Nan in surprise.

Although he lost to Chu Nan in the Western Cloud Star Martial Artist competition more than half a year ago, he doesn't think he is weak, but thinks that the most important reason is to underestimate the enemy, followed by Chu Nan outside His martial skills are very profound, so he can't be inferior in moves, and he is the most popular.

In the past six months or so, he was fortunate enough to be instructed by a famous teacher. Not only did his Inner Breath greatly improve, but his external martial skill became much more proficient. The skill is enough to win, but I didn't expect Chu Nan First Move to have a meet force with force with him.

What surprised him even more was that in such a frontal shock, Chu Nan actually shot himself into an internal injury with one palm!

How is this possible!

"Chu Nan, you...did you cultivate the new Inner Breath cultivation technique?" Rodman couldn't help asking.

From Chu Nan's palm just now, he felt that it contained a special force, which made his powerful Inner Breath unable to resist at all, so that he was slapped back by Chu Nan's palm.

This force is different from the Inner Breath he felt when he fought with Chu Nan before, so he made him think that Chu Nan must be the same as himself. A new special cultivation technique has been developed.

Hearing this question, Chu Nan confirmed once again that although Rodman has reached the intensity of fifth-rank Inner Breath Grade Martial Artist, he should not have comprehended the spatial energy. A regular Martial Artist just entering fifth-rank Inner Breath Grade.

“This is not a special Inner Breath cultivation technique. You can ask Longka teacher later. I won’t explain it to you here.”

Chu Nan pendulum He waved his hand, interrupted the conversation, and slapped it again.

This palm is the same as just now.

Although this set of palms has been improved, he has no problem practicing by himself, but he has not experienced actual combat, so he does not know what the formidable power is.

Now there is an opportunity to test it without the need for actual combat, but I just took the opportunity to try it.

With one palm, Chu Nan felt the familiar surging of the Inner Breath and the same familiar spatial energy gathering.

He is now in a virtual space constructed by "Martial Spirit", which can perfectly simulate human body data, movements, and even the operation of the Inner Breath. How can he simulate space energy? run?

If the technology of the Chamber of Commerce of Norantham can do this, doesn't it mean that their research on space energy has also reached an extremely profound level?

If that's the case, why work with a Martial Artist like myself to collect data?


shouting loudly interrupted Chu Nan's thoughts, allowing him to recover from his distracted state.

After taking a look, Rodman has already punched in front of him.


Chu Nan let out a low voice, and his powerful data ability instantly judged the trend of Rodman's fist, turned over the palm, but had already photographed it just now. The Divine Palm Second Style of the March slaying became the Sixth Style, which accurately blocked Rodman's fist.


Although a little distracted, Chu Nan’s palm still exerts the characteristics of killing the Divine Palm in March, fully mobilizing the space energy, and the palm looks It was light and light, but its strength was still amazing. Not only was it able to easily block Rodman's attack, but under the surging energy of the space, it also directly knocked Rodman back.

This time Rodman didn't ask any more questions. After taking a few steps back, he attacked again without saying a word.

Facing Rodman's fierce assault, Chu Nan slapped one hand after another, each palm fully exerting the powerful formidable power of his modified March Divine Palm, perfectly integrated With the use of Inner Breath and space energy, not only did he completely suppress Rodman in the external martial skill moves, but he also almost crushed him in the frontal Inner Breath force.

After dozens of back and forth battles like this, Rodman was slapped by Chu Nan again, barely landing on the ground to stand firm, but instead of attacking, he stood in place, frowned. Looking at Chu Nan with a look of frustration.

"I thought that my improvement over the past six months had surpassed that of the overwhelming majority, and I could completely wash away the shame of being defeated by you before, but didn't expect your improvement to be greater than mine. I can't Don't admit it, Chu Nan, you are really a genius."

Chu Nan couldn't help laughing: "What? You still think it's a shame to be defeated by me before?"

Rodman Gently snorted: "Of course. At that time I was a Second Rank Inner Breath Grade Martial Artist, and you were just a trifling Tyrant Body Grade Martial Artist, and I was defeated by you, how is it not a shame?"

"Then if I count the intensity of Inner Breath now, I can't even get the third rank Inner Breath Grade. You, a fifth-rank Inner Breath Grade Martial Artist, can't beat me, isn't it a shame?" Chu Nan asked hilariously. .

"It's different." Rodman shook his head. "Everyone is an Inner Breath Grade Martial Artist. We only have some differences in the intensity of Inner Breath, but you are much stronger than me in other aspects. It's normal for me to beat. Besides...Chu Nan, have you realized the energy of space? ?"

Chu Nan slightly startled, then nodded with a smile.

"It looks like you're not as stupid as you seem."

Rodman was furious: "Why do I look stupid?" Immediately, he responded, Stunned: "You actually realized the energy of space? How is this possible! How long have you been an Inner Breath Grade Martial Artist?"

Chu Nan spread his hands and smiled.

"No way, this is innate talent."

Rodman could only be speechless.

After a while, he nodded: "Well, you are indeed excellent innate talent, I am not as good as you. But Chu Nan, this does not mean that I will always be inferior to you. Even if you realize the energy of space now , but your Inner Breath is not enough, your body is unstable, it is impossible to break through the Eternal Sky Pass in a short time, and it is very likely that you will not be able to break through the Eternal Sky Pass in the future. But I may break through at any time, maybe When did I become a Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist and you were still in the Inner Breath Grade."

"many thanks for caring." Chu Nan smiled indifferently. "But I'll talk about it when you become a Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist."

"I hope the two Star Level Martial Artists are wrong about you, if you have a It's such a pity that a Martial Artist with such innate talent can't even break through the Eternal Universe." Rodman said.

"Relax, I will definitely break through."


Rodman nods to Chu Nan again, and chooses to admit defeat and quit than martial stage .

Chu Nan then exits.

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