As I said before, outside the Nebula Academy, around the Nebula Academy, a small city has been formed.

On the periphery of this small city, in fact, like all cities, there is a similar existence to the suburbs.

Angie Belle pulled Chu Nan out of the Nebula Academy and went straight to the "suburbs" in the south-east direction.

After passing through the large luxury area in the center, a shanty town with low and even dilapidated houses appears in front of you. The environment here is much worse than that of the central area. The people who live here are also obviously far less well-dressed than those in the central area.

If you want to compare it, it can probably be regarded as a slum in the small town of Nebula Academy.

Chu Nan wondered why Angelina brought herself here, but Angelina didn't explain much along the way, she was just busy on her way, and Chu Nan could only follow silently. .

After walking in this way for a while, and then bypassing a small river ditch full of stench, Chu Nan heard a faint sound of moaning and whining from the front, and there was also a trace of wind blowing from the air. Bloody taste.

Chu Nan thought inwardly shouted was not good.

In this situation, could it be a large-scale bloody incident?

Sure enough, after bypassing the two houses by the small river ditch, an open space surrounded by houses appeared in front, similar to a square.

And at this time, the square was full of people lying all over the place. Many people had bloodstains on their bodies, and even many people had broken hands and feet, revealing amazing wounds, and their breath was weak. It looks like it could be killed at any time.

Seeing this tragic situation, Chu Nan couldn't help but startled.

It's a big surprise to see such a sight in a place less than five kilometers away from the Nebula Academy in a straight line.

"Hey, Chu Nan, don't be in a daze, hurry up and save people." An Qibeili patted Chu Nan's shoulder and pointed to the right: "I'm in charge of this side, you're in charge of that side."

After saying that, Angelina ignored the appearance and ran straight to the young man who was closest to her with a broken thigh and his bones were exposed. White radiance revealed, helping the young man heal his wounds.

Chu Nan is still at a loss, but seeing Angelababy's actions and the miserable appearance of the people around him, he didn't plan to ask any further questions, he looked around, He chose the guy closest to him who seemed to have the most serious hands, walked over, squatted down, and pressed his palms on the man's arm that was about to break in two.

Originally, there was still a trace of suspicion in his eyes when he looked at Chu Nan, but when Chu Nan combined the high-frequency vibration Inner Breath's flame of life, that person's pain was relieved first. Doubt immediately turned into gratitude.

Although this man's arm injury looks scary, it's just a fractured injury after all, and it's not really terrifying.

Chu Nan now has a lot of experience in treating similar fractures and injuries for others, and has become more skilled in treatment.

It didn't take long for him to pick up the man's broken arm, and let his bones grow back, completely back to normal.

As for the scattered small wounds on his body, they have already fully recovered under the action of the flame of life.

Because this person's life force is a little stronger than that of the ordinary person, Chu Nan took a little longer, and it took 13 points to get it done.

I turned around and saw that Angel Belle over there was already treating the third person.

Chu Nan shook his head helplessly, knowing that Angel Beili was definitely not the first time to face such a scene, she was much more skilled than him.

"Okay, go to the side, don't get in the way." Chu Nan patted the man he had healed, motioned him to move away, and then came to another man who was also seriously injured .

As one wounded after another was healed under Chu Nan's hands, Chu Nan also became more and more skilled, and finally the same injury took even less time than at first At least one third time.

This is also due to his strong data ability, which allows him to immediately grasp the specific situation of the opponent's injury with great accuracy, and then immediately calculate the most appropriate treatment method and the required flame of life. Intensity, so that the Inner Breath can be successfully treated in the shortest time while using the least amount of Inner Breath.

But because there are so many injured people, it will be two and a half hours after all the injured people in the square have been treated.



Chu Nan and Angelina put out a breath at the same time, raised their hands and looked at each other At a glance, Qi Qi couldn't help showing a satisfied smile with a hint of tiredness.

The two of them were treating the injured people one by one, but they just finished the treatment of the last two people in the middle of the square.

"How are you? Chu Nan, how are you feeling? Tired?" Angelique asked.

"It's alright." Chu Nan shrugged, silently letting his Inner Breath aside. "That is, the consumption of Inner Breath is a little big, nothing else."

"Well, I will adjust the breath first, you can help me watch it, and I will change you later."

Angelique explained, she sat directly on the ground, closed her eyes, the white radiance of her breasts showed slightly, and it was obvious that she was running a cultivation technique to restore the damaged Inner Breath.

Chu Nan is a little weird.

What is Angelina doing in such a hurry to restore her breath? And also specially asked himself to help her watch?

is it possible that she is afraid of encountering any danger here?

But since Angelina said so, Chu Nan also made an all-out effort to stay by her side and watch over her carefully.

The flames of life are not only extremely effective for the recovery of others, but also more effective for their own recovery.

In less than five minutes, Angel Beili had opened her eyes, her eyes were full of light, and she had regained her radiant appearance.

"Okay, Chu Nan, it's up to you to adjust your breath, I'll watch it for you, you can adjust your breath for a while." An Qibeili said.

"Isn't it necessary? I think it's okay, but the Inner Breath consumes a bit, so it's fine." Chu Nan shook his head.

"No, must recover as much as possible!" Angelique's expression was more serious than ever.

Chu Nan was stunned. He looked at the people around him who had been treated by the two of them just now. He thought to himself, where is the danger here, why are you so nervous?

However, Angelique's expression was serious, not joking, and Chu Nan could only obey.

He also sat down, closed his eyes, and focused on breathing.

Compared with Angelina, Chu Nan actually has Nine Revolutions Core Technique, the flame of life and high-frequency vibration Inner Breath, and in the true sense of the whole body meridian, Chu Nan recovers more quickly.

After the Inner Breath ran rapidly for thirty-six cycles in all the meridians in the body, Chu Nan immediately felt that the dantian was filled with full Inner Breath again, all the meridians had the Inner Breath running, and the whole body was full of bones Also full of power.

He slowly put out a breath, opened his eyes, and jumped up.

"Okay, Angelina, it's time to tell me what's going on here?"

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