The protocol looks good on the surface.

Chu Nan participated in the research project on the Transmission Gate by the Chamber of Commerce in Noyanthem, and the Chamber of Commerce in Nouyanthem paid Chu Nan the corresponding remuneration, and these remunerations were very generous, in addition to the direct monetary remuneration In addition, Chu Nan will be given a series of preferential policies within the Chamber of Commerce in Norantham, so that he can obtain the highest services in any industry under the name of Chamber of Commerce in Norantham in the future.

Even the agreement states that Chu Nan can obtain an important researcher position in the Chamber of Commerce Earth federal branch of Norantham, and it is clear that the sequence of this position in the Chamber of Commerce and the Earth federal branch will be The chief researcher is equivalent to the chief researcher. Like the special guest official, it is extremely special and also enjoys corresponding special treatment.

In this way, the deal certainly looks great to Chu Nan.

He can immediately become an important researcher of the Chamber of Commerce of Nogentum, not to mention that he will become an important great character in the Earth Federation from now on, and also in the entire Chamber of Commerce of Nogentum. become more important.

But the key issue with this agreement is the "Becoming a Member of the Chamber of Commerce at Norantham".

The agreement stipulates that from the date of participating in the research project, Chu Nan will become a full-time employee of the Chamber of Commerce of Noventem. Considering the interests of the Chamber of Commerce, it must not have excessive relations with any other forces.

And this "any other force" not only refers to the Declan Empire, but also the Earth Federation.

The most important thing is that this agreement does not indicate a clear time, only that "until the end of the Transmission Gate research project" is the time for the end of the agreement.

But the devil knows when this research project is over, and it is more likely that even if the research has been successful, the Chamber of Commerce will not clearly indicate success.

As long as they continue to drag on with this excuse, Chu Nan will remain a member of the Chamber of Commerce at Norantham and will still serve them.

After reading the agreement one by one, Chu Nan couldn't help shouting the head.

Declan Empire used his accusation of stealing the Obliteration Core Technique, forcing him to confess his engagement with Vianne Imperial Princess to tie him to the carriage of the Declan Imperial Family, while Nourytham Chamber of Commerce is limiting him with the temptation of huge profits.

This galaxy's Two Great Influences take a different approach, but the goal is the same, that is, they all want to monopolize him.

From this point of view, the Two Great Influences have obviously put a lot of effort into his competition, and they even fought each other for a few rounds in private, but Declan Empire started faster, Laika. Prince Si also knew him better because he had been in contact with Chu Nan for a longer time, so the direction of his attack was more accurate.

"I won't sign this agreement." Chu Nan retracted his gaze towards the virtual screen and shook the head to Elcatel. "I don't like to be anyone's tool, so it's fine for me to help research Transmission Gate, but I don't want to sell myself to you."

Elcatel laughed, not seeming surprised by Chu Nan's refusal.

He directly closed the personal terminal and said with a smile: "Hey, Chu Nan, you don't have to show so much hostility to me, I'm just here to propose such an agreement to you on behalf of the headquarters. I had already severely criticized their ideas at the meeting, but the old fogeys just ignored my opinion.”

Chu Nan was silent, he had made his attitude clear, at Elcatel In front of such a person, there is no need to talk nonsense.

"Okay, I'll pass your words on to headquarters. It's just a pity..." Elcatel sighed. "If you are willing to sign this agreement, we will become real colleagues and companions in the future, and we can have a lot of time together to communicate and share wonderful ideas about our special brain. But since you don't agree, neither will I I advise you, because it makes no sense."

Elcatel pointed to his head again.

"Protect yourself, although I'm sure the Declan Empire didn't really want to kill you, but the Declan Imperial Family who came to challenge you may not all think so. If you really To be killed by them would be a big loss for our Chamber of Commerce, and even a big loss for all human beings in the entire galaxy."

Chu Nan couldn't help laughing: "You are exaggerating.

"No, no, it's not an exaggeration at all. Transmission Gate's research is arguably the most important research after the space-warp research that concerns the entire human race. You are the researcher for this research. Key man, your death is of course the worst loss. It's just a pity that these savage guys from Declan Empire don't know this key, they are still trying to kill you for their ancient but ridiculous tradition and honor, it's sad ."

"Don't worry, I won't die that easily." Chu Nan shrugged.

"Of course, I believe in your strength." Elcatel patted Chu Nan's shoulders, and his expression suddenly became solemn. "But you must be careful, the Declan Imperial Family is not monolithic, there are many people who want to see Prince Lycas' jokes and want to seize every opportunity to hit Greymane Your Majesty, so they will definitely choose the most powerful Your opponent will challenge you and try to kill you."

Chu Nan grinned: "Really? I'm very welcome."

Seeing Chu Nan's face expression, Elcatel laughed, said no more, turned his head and walked away.

He came and walked fast, and a moment later disappeared into the far side of the sky with the low-altitude hovering shuttle that belonged to the Chamber of Commerce in Norantham.

Looking in the direction where he disappeared, Chu Nan touched his chin and couldn't help laughing.

Elcatel seems to be wasting his time to come to him this time, but he answers a lot of questions in Chu Nan's mind.

The reason why he was caught by Declan Empire this time and made such a bunch of unfathomable mystery troubles, it seems that it has nothing to do with his personal strength, Transmission Gate is the key.

Declan Empire and Norantham Chamber of Commerce are clearly aware of the importance of Transmission Gate, or they have long been aware of this problem, only the appearance of Chu Nan has given them a further study. Chance.

Prince Laikas has been with Chu Nan in the endless abyss and knows this best, so Chu Nan immediately took action as soon as he arrived at Landis, and also took out Vianne Imperial Princess to try to imprison him. Hold Chu Nan firmly.

The Chamber of Commerce has been slow to respond, and now it can only passively try to get Chu Nan through other means.

If Chu Nan had just signed that agreement, Chamber of Commerce would have a very strong reason to intervene, but Chu Nan refused, and when Elcatel went back, they might have another headache for a while.

"Hey, I didn't expect that I would have such a powerful value unexpectedly." Chu Nan looked down at his palm, thoughts move, a small space of energy gathered, and after a while, it has become an endless abyss The same spatial structure as the Transmission Gate.

During the days he was locked in, he worked tirelessly every day and was able to easily simulate the Transmission Gate.

This is his greatest magic weapon now. If necessary, he can directly break through the space and escape according to the simulated Transmission Gate.

He believes that this technology is unique and unmatched, and even if surrounded by Star Level Martial Artists, he has absolute certainty to escape.

And this is also the biggest support for him, obediently and honestly being imprisoned these days, never thinking about escaping, but using a more laborious way to prove himself.

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