(In the past few days, I was plagued by chores again, and I was unable to save more manuscripts. Starting from tomorrow, I will try to avoid chores as much as possible, and I will update four times a day and make up as many chapters as I can. How many chapters.)


Chu Nan didn’t hide his reaction, Elcatel could see it naturally.

"The Council of Elders is much more powerful than you think, and if it wasn't for Greymane Your Majesty agreeing to help, you'd be dead by now." Elcatel's expression turned serious. "But to be honest, we didn't expect Greymane's arrangement for Your Majesty this time, and Your Majesty didn't notify him in advance, but I believe that Your Majesty has no ill intentions towards you."

"No malice?" Chu Nan couldn't help sneering. "This makes me accept the challenges of the Declan Imperial Family who act recklessly all day long. Everyday all live trembling in fear, and it is called no malice?"

"Live trembling in fear?" Elcatel narrowed his eyes and looked at Chu Nan, and suddenly laughed. "Hey Chu Nan, why do I think you're so happy playing against the Declan Imperial Family who came to challenge you these days? If you're right, this is what you're most looking forward to seeing, right? I say, Greymane Your Majesty simply guessed what you were thinking, he deliberately wanted to help you."

Chu Nan fell silent.

Indeed, this situation is really what he wants to see the most. Seriously injured, it was originally intentional.

But if Greymane Your Majesty made such an arrangement according to his will, where would you start?

"Okay, let's not dwell on these issues of purpose, let's talk about practical things." Elcatel waved his hand and added: "Chu Nan, I just said that Chamber of Commerce is now The most important reason for you to value it is actually because of the Transmission Gate. We have actually studied this technology for a very long time in Chamber of Commerce and Declan Empire, but there has been no actual progress. But you Your experience in the endless abyss shows that you have a significantly different understanding of Transmission Gate. Most importantly, you are here..."

Elcatel pointed to his head.

"Although I still don't know what your specific situation looks like, it is very obvious that your brain, which has become extremely powerful after mutation, not only brings you the convenience of cultivation martial skill, but also makes you You get the same powerful convenience in experiencing other things. Because of your special, you can have a very deep understanding of those very unique Transmission Gates in the endless abyss, the data you provided last time made Chamber of Commerce and Declan Empire For the first time, we have made significant research progress on Transmission Gate."

Here, Elcatel paused, looked up cautiously, and continued: "The last time you communicated That data for Carola is very important and solves a lot of problems for the Transmission Gate study for Chamber of Commerce. Based on this, Chamber of Commerce determined that if you were able to participate in this study, this study would Get a decisive breakthrough. Even...will allow us to finally overcome the research problem of Transmission Gate, and reproduce those special Transmission Gates by manpower!"

In the end, Elcatel's eyes were bright and his face was full of Is the look of excitement.

"Oh, let go of your powerful brain and think about it, if the Transmission Gate of the endless abyss can be spread over every planet in the galaxy, then we will never travel in the galaxy in the future. It takes tens of days or even hundreds of days for such an unbearably long time. Even if you go back to Earth Federation from here, you can easily get there through just a few Transmission Gates. This will be a lot of people. The heart-warming scene means that we finally have the hope of stepping out of the Milky Way, reaching out and exploring the wider and farther parts of the universe, this must be the most romantic and intoxicating thing in this world, isn’t it?”

Chu Nan stared blankly at the self-intoxicated Elcatel.

"You have said this before, and it doesn't make sense to repeat it now. Do you really think that adding me will be able to complete the research on Transmission Gate?"

" I don't know." Elcatel shrugged the head. "As an expert who is very strict with data, I can only tell you that if you analyze and calculate from the known information, I judge that with your participation, the success rate of research on Transmission Gate can be reduced from the previous 1.78%. Raised to 13.29%, this data obviously does not mean absolute success."

"Then why are you so excited?" Chu Nan couldn't help rolling his eyes. "With a 13.29% chance, what's the point of your Chamber of Commerce taking me so seriously?"

"Don't underestimate this statistic." Elcatel's expression was serious, and he could see that he was not joking at all. mean. "Did you know? If we, Chamber of Commerce, want to increase the probability of not increasing even 0.01% in this research, we have to invest at least a huge amount of funds almost equivalent to the total foreign trade volume of your Earth Federation for the whole year? But your participation can In one breath, this probability has been increased by more than ten percent! Do you still think that our attention to you is meaningless?"

"Then I am really flattered." Chu Nan shrugged, still not very much care.

In the end, he still doesn't quite believe that he can play such a big role by himself.

And the most important thing is...

"Whether I can survive this month is a question, those Declan Imperial Family who came to challenge are getting stronger and stronger, and one by one. You can't wait to kill me, I can..."

"Of course you can." Elcatel interrupted Chu Nan. "Or, you have to live. Although I am still very dissatisfied with your deliberately provoking the entire Declan Imperial Family, I think this is a very stupid choice, but I believe your brain should have made enough accurate judgments. Since you have If you do, then you will have the confidence to live. Otherwise, you would have run away, right? Even more how, during this time, the Chamber of Commerce will continue to test the Declan Imperial Family, we have to make sure they Won't send some troublemakers in to make sure you survive."

Chu Nan was even more confused.

"Then what do you mean by coming to me specifically? Just to tell me that you, Chamber of Commerce, value me very much and that you have confidence in me?"

Elcatel smiled stand up.

"These words are just to make you understand your current situation. This is what you really need to do."

Elcatel raised his left arm, and the personal terminal on his wrist released a virtual On the screen, an agreement appeared on it.

"This is an agreement entrusted to me by the Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors to sign with you. If you are willing to sign, Chamber of Commerce will use greater resources to assist you in your fight against the Declan Imperial Family, It can also ensure that you will not die accidentally, you can take a good look."

Chu Nan frowned, his eyes swept across the virtual screen, and after a while, the entire agreement was brought into his eyes and into his mind.

After a while, he had analyzed the core points of the entire agreement, and sneered in his heart.

Very well, Declan Empire wanted to use Vianne's Imperial Princess and his own life to tie him to the Declan Imperial Family carriage, and now the Chamber of Commerce More directly, this agreement is basically intended to let him sell his entire being!

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