As if to confirm Elcatel's words, after he left, the Declan Imperial Family who appeared in front of Chu Nan to challenge him really became stronger and stronger, and even more ruthless. There are a few who almost suffer and perish together with Chu Nan both sides.

But unfortunately, with Chu Nan's current strength, unless Star Level Martial Artist is dispatched, it will not pose a substantial threat to him at all.

And Chu Nan was not rude to them at all. Although he did not kill anyone, every Declan Imperial Family he defeated was seriously injured, and those who came up clearly wanted him. The dead guy was beaten ruthlessly by him to the brink of death. If Chu Nan hadn't deliberately left a trace of life, they probably wouldn't even be able to persist until the Elder Council came forward.

Chu Nan's tough counterattack has brought a very significant effect. Every day, the Declan Imperial Family who came to challenge Chu Nan is significantly less than before.

Chu Nan has fully proved his strength these days. Those Declan Imperial Family with average or even low strength will of course give up their unrealistic fantasy and dare not provoke Chu Nan again.

But this also means that everyone who dares to continue to challenge Chu Nan must be a well-known figure in the Declan Imperial Family. If you are not confident in your own strength, how dare you come .

The Declan Imperial Family defeated them one by one, and finally, a familiar person stood in front of Chu Nan.

"Yo, Prince Montico, long time no see." Seeing Prince Montico flying over quickly, Chu Nan was surprised, then raised his hand and greeted him with a smile. "I thought you would be too ashamed to come to see me."

Prince Montico's face changed slightly and landed in front of Chu Nan.

Chu Nan is obviously referring to the fact that he testified in the trial hall that Chu Nan stole the Obliteration Core Technique from Pamela, and among all the Declan Imperial Family younger generation who testified at that time, he The testimony of Chu Nan is the most critical and direct, almost directly confirming the existence of Chu Nan's guilt, allowing the Elder Council to convict Chu Nan in the most brutal way.

Before that, he had been posing as if he was thinking of Pamela and came to Chu Nan for help.

As a result, he testified like this at the trial, which was tantamount to the greatest betrayal of Chu Nan and Pamela.

"Chu Nan, you know, I am also compelled by circumstances." Prince Montico twitched the corner of his mouth and smiled bitterly.

"compelled by circumstances?" Chu Nan shook his head, sneered, not intending to dwell on this issue, and asked, "How is Pamela now?"

Hearing that Chu Nan was still concerned about Pamela's situation, Prince Montico sighed in relief, but his expression was still not relaxed.

"Pamela is fine now, and since you passed those hundred tests, the Elder Council let her out. Of course, I think you should also understand that she wasn't Something."

"I understand, but I still have to ask." Chu Nan shrugged. "And you should also understand that what I'm most concerned about is not whether she was released, but other aspects."

"Other aspects?" Prince Montico looked up. Glancing at the sky, Inner Breath turned, and the sound was directly transmitted to Chu Nan's ears through the microwave vibration of space energy. "I don't know if it's because you improved the cultivation technique for her, or because her body has changed a lot, but she hasn't had any problems with the cultivation obliteration core technique. She also asked me to ask you , can she start the cultivation 4th Layer Obliteration Core Technique?"

"For now, let's not." Chu Nan shook his head. "I only got a general idea of what the 4th Layer Obliteration Core Technique is after I played with Greymane Your Majesty before, and what she wants for cultivation must be the 4th Layer cultivation technique modified by Prince Sallymore, what will happen? I don't know the problem. If she wants to start cultivation, it's best to try it first, and if there is a problem, stop and continue cultivation."

"You mean to let her wait for you to go out Start cultivation?" Prince Montico frowned. "Hey, Chu Nan, I've been thinking about a question, it would be easy if Prince Laikas chose Pamela directly, you and Pamela get married, then you can help her better in the future, so as not to let Pamela get married. Vianne Neil came out to block the gun."

"It doesn't make any sense for anyone, I will not do it." Chu Nan shook his head and rushed to Prince Montico's beckons with the hand, no longer using space energy microwaves Vibrate the sound transmission, but directly whispered: "Come on, since you're here, don't talk nonsense, let's have a big fight. I warn you, Montico, you better go all out, because I won't Stop. You know what I did before."

Prince Montico gave a wry smile and shook his head slightly.

"I knew you were doing it on purpose. You have already forged a great feud with countless families within the Imperial Family, plus what you said on the test, now there are countless families in the Imperial Family. Everyone said that must kill you, the arrogant and cruel guy. Hey, are you so unwilling to marry Vianne?"

Chu Nan gave Prince Montico an admiring look.

This guy is really smart and sensitive. He actually sees his true purpose completely.

That's right, the reason why Chu Nan made a false statement in front of Greymane Your Majesty in the previous test, deliberately angered so many Declan Imperial Family who were watching the game at that time, is still in the duel these days All the Declan Imperial Families who came to challenge were deliberately beaten seriously injured or even dying, in order to completely anger these Declan Imperial Families.

To put it bluntly, he just wants to become the villain and enemy in the eyes of all the Declan Imperial Family, so that all of them have a bad impression of themselves, and force Prince Lycas and Prince Rockamp to make a new choice.

"Since you understand what I'm thinking, if you dare to come and challenge me, that means you're already mentally prepared to be seriously injured by me?" Chu Nan hehe dashed towards Prince Montico again. waved. "Come on, don't think I'll show mercy to you when I know you, don't forget, you betrayed me before."

Prince Montico gently took a deep breath, his expression changed Gotta get serious.

"As a member of the Declan Imperial Family, I have to fight for the honor of the Imperial Family. And to be honest, I've been wanting to have a good fight with you for a long time, just because Papa Mira's concern has not been able to come true. For me, now is also a rare opportunity."

"Very well, since you have enough awareness, come on."

Chu Nan and Prince Montico looked at each other, no more words between them.

Prince Montico's body was full of black gas, and the surrounding space cracked in an instant, and even directly launched the 4th Layer Obliteration Core Technique.

Chu Nan heart startled.

According to the information obtained before, a young Imperial Family younger generation like Prince Montico will be granted the Obliteration Core above the Third Layer only after passing the garden hunting party and obtaining the right of inheritance. Technique.

And it was only a few months before the end of the park hunting party. Prince Montico was able to cultivate the 4th Layer Obliteration Core Technique to this level. It is worthy of being praised by the Declan Imperial Family. the super genius.

Chu Nan has no fear in his heart, only more excitement.

Only a powerhouse can make him enjoy more fighting fun.

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