"Hey Chu Nan, it's been a long time since I saw you, it's really nice to see you alive and alive again."

Elcatel got off the shuttle. The car looked towards Chu Nan and walked straight over, and Chu Nan couldn't help rolling the eyes with the first sentence.

"Master Elcatel...do you want to expect me to die?"

Since the last conversation between Elcatel and Chu Nan, he encouraged him to face his special , the relationship between the two has undergone some subtle changes.

Originally, the identities and statuses of the two were very different, so Chu Nan would feel somewhat restrained in front of Elcatel, but now, when he thinks that the brains of the two are extremely special, Chu Nan will even have some dislikes for Elcatel. With a special intimacy, speaking is much more natural.

"Of course not, I really hope you can live well, or I'm very confident that you will live well." Elcatel spread his hands, walked up to Chu Nan with a smile, and looked at him from head to toe again. "The facts also prove that I have no problem with your confidence. Even if the Declan people test you, you will still solve it successfully, right?"

"No, it's obviously not over yet. "Chu Nan glanced up at the sky, slightly frowned.

Although no matter how strong his vision is, he can't penetrate the atmosphere above his head, but he is very clear that there must be a hover shuttle in the atmosphere above his head.

According to the judgment of the Elder Council when he was released, he must be under the surveillance of the Elder Council at all times during this month, so there will always be a suspension in the sky above him that only belongs to the Elder Council The shuttle followed.

And Chu Nan must also ensure that he is always under surveillance and must not make any moves to escape, otherwise it is equivalent to actively violating the agreement, and the Elder Council can directly kill him.

The reason why the Declan Imperial Family who came to challenge these days can find him accurately every time is obviously because of the existence of this surveillance.

speaking of which Chu Nan was released this month, but in fact he is equivalent to being placed under house arrest on this planet, which is only a scope of activity compared to when he was held in prison before Much older, but with so many people constantly harassing and challenging him, he was much more tired than he was in prison.

“Speaking of which, Elcatel, why are you here?” Chu Nan asked. "You're not the Declan Imperial Family, and besides, you don't have a martial skill at all."

"Can't I just come and meet my close friends?" Elcatel laughed, then put away his smile. "Okay, no kidding. I'm meeting with you this time after applying for approval from the Declan Imperial Family Council of Elders many times. The opportunity is rare and the time is very tight, so let's not waste time, let's get down to business. ."

"Business?" Chu Nan looked at Elcatel strangely.

Now that he is in such a situation, he may not be able to save his own life. What is Elcatel coming to discuss with him?

"It's the business that I talked to you in the endless abyss before."

Elcatel waved his hand back, and those who came with him immediately stepped back a distance, Then he moved his finger, and a faint blue light shield emanated from him, covering both him and Chu Nan.

Feeling the faint but obvious energy fluctuations in the light shield, Chu Nan couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

The energy fluctuation pattern in this light shield is very close to the Energy Shield commonly used by martial artists, but it is obviously not the same as the individual energy shields used by the Chamber of Commerce in Nogentum.

Is this the rumored new energy shield mode developed by the Chamber of Commerce based on the Martial Artist shield?

"Without a doubt, this is one of the little things that our Chamber of Commerce Chamber of Commerce has come up with based on research on Martial Artists that can be as convenient as the Energy Shield you Martial Artists use Filled with energy, it is also easier to control, and it can be said to have advantages and disadvantages compared to the previous energy shields of Chamber of Commerce. Of course, I use it now just to isolate the voice of our conversation."

Elcatel glanced at Showing the puzzled expression on Chu Nan's face, he explained it with a smile, and then continued: "What I'm going to discuss with you today has something to do with this. Hey, Chu Nan, you should remember the Chamber of Commerce in your Earth. The federal branch did some collaborative research with you, right?"

Chu Nanp>nounion "Obviously related. I submitted my findings on you in the Infinite Abyss to Headquarters, which reviewed your information and your previous work with Chamber of Commerce and made a judgment that you are, without a doubt, a Chamber of Commerce developer. Among all the Martial Artists who have cooperated with martial skills and science since the research, the most suitable Martial Artist who is also the easiest to bring results to Chamber of Commerce."

"Oh? Do you rate me so highly? ?" Chu Nan was a little surprised. "You're the one bragging about me in front of them."

"Of course not." Elcatel shook his head. "Although my personal opinion occupies a large proportion, the final judgment made by the headquarters is the conclusion after analysis of various aspects. I tell you this, just want to tell you that Chamber of Commerce is very important to you now. I An order I received before is to save your life at all costs."

"Is that so?" Chu Nan frowned. "But I don't see at all where your efforts at Chamber of Commerce are, and I'm in a situation where I could lose my life at any time these days."

Elcatel reluctantly sighed: "You should Knowing what a group of arrogant and conceited guys the Declan Imperial Family is, it is the result of a lot of hard work that we have made to evolve into what it is now. Otherwise, according to the information I have obtained, I know in the Elder Council that you have indeed mastered some of the Obliteration Core Technique. At that time, the first order was to kill you with all your strength. Do you think... under normal circumstances, do you still have the life to stand here and have a good chat with me?"

Chu Nan looked at Elcatel suspiciously .

According to what he said, he was arrested by the Elder Council this time, put on trial, and there is a shadow of the Chamber of Commerce in the aftermath?

Even...the whole thing is a joint plan between Prince Lycas on behalf of the Declan Imperial Family and the Chamber of Commerce in Norantham?

Chu Nan shook the head.

He does not believe this judgment.

With the strength of both Declan Empire Imperial Family and Noventum Chamber of Commerce, don't say he is just a Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist, even if he is the most powerful Star Level Martial Artist There is no resistance, if these two really join forces to target him, there is no need for such trouble.

Perhaps the Chamber of Commerce of Norantham has worked hard to save Chu Nan's life in this matter, but to say that the two are working together would be a bummer.

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