
The red light burst like a lava eruption, and the Norman prince finally spurt a mouthful of blood, but was instantly swallowed by the red light It evaporated, and the body flew backwards like a heavy blow.

Flying more than 30 meters, he barely stopped after rolling a dozen laps on the ground.

A silhouette fell from the air, just in front of him.

"His Royal Highness, do you think my Fiery Fire Fist is okay?" Chu Nan lowered his head and looked at Prince Norman with a smile on his face, with a relaxed and happy expression on his face. .

"This kid is really a monster..."

Prince Norman silently recited in the heart, took a deep breath, the inner breath circulated, barely suppressing the injury in his body, standing Get up.

He stared at Chu Nan for a while, before reluctantly nodding.

"Although I'm reluctant to admit it in my heart, it's clear that you have fully mastered the Fire-Burning Fist. You... passed my test."

Chu Nan's face Immediately burst into a bright smile.

“many thanks for your affirmation.”

Prince Norman shook the head, sighed, no longer said anything to Chu Nan, step down and fly directly outside the campus out.

A group of Declan Imperial Family who were still watching the battle around the campus watched Prince Norman leave the field, their faces were not too surprised, and they seemed to have expected this ending.

This is the 67th Test that Chu Nan has taken.

In these sixty-seven tests, no matter what kind of cultivation technique the Declan Imperial Family who tested Chu Nan used, whether it was an external martial skill or an Inner Breath cultivation technique, it was the same. Chu Nan was able to successfully master the strange, special cultivation technique that combined various cultivation techniques and was not easy to judge, and made his opponent who was in charge of testing him unable to say anything negative and had to admit that he passed the test.

If most of these Declan Imperial Family members came here with the intention of watching Chu Nan's jokes at first, then after witnessing these sixty-seven tests with their own eyes, there is no right in their hearts. Even the slightest contempt of Chu Nan.

Everyone began to involuntarily feel that it was very likely that Chu Nan would actually break through the hundred tests, proving the madness he uttered during his trial.

Everyone couldn't help thinking in their hearts, maybe... this talented kid really mastered the Obliteration Core Technique just by playing against other Imperial Family younger generation?

This idea that seemed ridiculous to everyone before has gradually become a reality after witnessing Chu Nan's amazing performance.

Chu Nan glanced up at the Declan Imperial Family around the campus, put out a breath lightly, sat cross-legged without the slightest hesitation, and began to breathe with all his strength.

According to the rules that Speaker Anduin told him before, he has a fifteen-minute rest period after each test, and he can use these fifteen minutes for the Inner he will consume. Breath , and check the wounds you get in battle.

Normally, fifteen minutes is certainly not enough.

Although this is just a test, it is not a life-and-death struggle. They all have more or less hostility towards Chu Nan, and the tests that were originally just point-to-point will always be turned into fierce battles, or even life-and-death struggles.

In such a high-intensity battle, it is impossible to not consume Inner Breath at all, and it is basically impossible to not be injured at all.

So this rule is simply deliberately embarrassing Chu Nan, the purpose is obviously to make him unable to hold on and forced to admit defeat.

However, with his special understanding of the Nine Revolutions Core Technique, Chu Nan perfectly integrates the Inner Breath with the external space energy, and the speed of restoring the Inner Breath is extremely amazing. With the blessing of the hymn cultivation technique, the injuries obtained in battle will not have any effect on him at all.

In this way, even though he has actually fought sixty-seven times in a row, his current state is still excellent, and he is no different from someone who has hardly ever fought.

Of course, it's good to be able to use these fifteen minutes to recover a little more, even if it's not for the purpose of recovering the Inner Breath, repairing the injury, calming down the mind, and don't let the nerves always be in a tense fighting state Also good.

Although Chu Nan's brain is now as strong as a lightbrain, it is not a real lightbrain after all, and there will be times when he is tired -- not to mention that even a lightbrain needs regular maintenance.

As soon as Chu Nan sat down, he immediately looked at his nose and heart with his eyes, and let himself enter a state of complete meditation. The purpose is not to restore the Inner Breath, but mainly to completely relax the brain.

Another advantage of lightbrain's generally powerful brain is that when he wants to relax his brain, he can do it to the extreme. He can temporarily forget everything and get the most effective. Restoring relaxation.

After the previous sixty-seven tests, Chu Nan did this every time, so he has been able to maintain a stable and efficient mental state until now, allowing him to better cope with the test and learn to master the various the cultivation technique.

But this time, Chu Nan had just entered this state, but suddenly heard a voice mixed with old age, but very loud.

"It's getting late, this is the end of today's test. Chu Nan, you are here to rest for the night. The test will continue at sunrise tomorrow."

Hearing the voice, Chu Nan adjusted, retracted his thoughts, looked up towards the sky, and saw that the spaceship representing the will of the Elder Council was still floating in mid-air, but the huge virtual screen that released the real-time image of the campus was retracted.

Of course it was Speaker Anduin who spoke just now, and his statement was obviously announcing that the test had really come to an end for the time being.

Chu Nan only discovered at this time that after 67 consecutive tests, the surrounding area of the main campus was already shrouded in darkness, with the stars shining overhead, and the night was intense, but it was already night time.

No wonder Speaker Anduin would say it was getting late, but it was really late.

It's just that Chu Nan didn't listen to Speaker Anduin's mention of stopping the test at night, so he had always been mentally prepared for a hundred consecutive battles, but didn't expect it to stop suddenly now. Yes, it left him at a loss for a while.

Speaker Anduin's voice spread, and the Declan Imperial Family around the campus looked at each other and retreated.

Most of these spectators brought their own flying shuttles, which made it easy to come and go.

It's really not good. They are also experts with the lowest Voidbreak Grade. They can fly far away by themselves. They don't have to worry about the distance on a planet, and they will be scattered in bits and pieces soon. .

Chu Nan was about to look away, stop caring about what the Declan Imperial Family was doing, seize the time to take a good rest, and take advantage of tonight to digest the cultivation techniques he learned in today's test, but suddenly found two things. A silhouette flew over from the distant sky.

A closer look reveals that it is Romandi Imperial Princess and Vianne Imperial Imperial Princess.

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