"Hey, Chu Nan, how do you feel?" Romante Imperial Princess landed directly next to Chu Nan, patted his shoulder, asked a question, and handed over a set of clothes. "Come on, put it on."

"en?" Chu Nan froze for a moment and looked down, only to realize that the suit he was wearing had already gone through sixty-seven tests. Most of it has been damaged, and now a lot of skin is exposed, and it is not even different from **.

Romandy Imperial Princess was rather dignified, calm expression, but Vianne Imperial Princess next to her was slightly red, her eyes were dodging, she didn't know where to look.

"Wait for me."

Chu Nan took the clothes, dodged to a corner of the campus, first used the high-frequency vibration Inner Breath to wash the stains on his body, and quickly changed clothes, when I came back to Romandy Imperial Princess and Viannele Imperial Princess, they had become fresh and clean again.

"Well, not bad." Romandy Imperial Princess swept Chu Nan's side up and down, nodding with satisfaction. "Vianelle picked this outfit for you, how about it? She has a good eye, right?"

Chu Nan astonished looked towards Viannele Imperial Princess, her face turned redder, but not because of Shy and averted his eyes, he instead met Chu Nan, looking directly at him.

"I didn't measure your body, I just picked one, do you think it fits?" asked Vianne Imperial Princess.

"It fits well and is comfortable to wear." Chu Nan shrugged, said with a smile. "Speaking of which, how did you two come here? Is anyone still allowed to visit in the middle of the test?"

"We just applied to Speaker Anduin, and he directly agreed." Romandy Imperial Princess pointed out Pointed to Vianne Neil Imperial Princess. "Of course, Viancee came in the name of your fiancee, I just dipped in her light."

"fiancee..." Chu Nan turned to look at Viancee Imperial Princess again, thinking that in Before the test started, she didn't know what to say for a while.

On the other hand, Vianne Imperial Princess seemed to have regained her calm after such a period of time, so Chu Nan looked over and smiled nodded at him.

"Yes, I told Chancellor Anduin to come to see you, and he just approved it. Chu Nan, are you... ok with the next test?"

" Of course there is no problem." The one who grabbed the words directly and was full of confidence was Romandi Imperial Princess. "The first sixty-seven games are no problem, and of course the next one is no problem, right, Chu Nan?"

Chu Nan smiled slightly, and looked the head.

"Not necessarily. Although so many people have seen my performance in the previous 67 tests today, my ability should be re-evaluated, and the test will start tomorrow. At that time, the difficulty will definitely be much higher than it is today. I think...Speaker Anduin is suddenly suspending the test now, maybe he intends to spend some time rethinking the strategy to make it more difficult for me to pass the test."

"You're thinking too much." Romandy Imperial Princess shook her head in denial. "The decision to suspend the test and rest has been made a long time ago, and it is not a temporary intention to target you. And..."

Speaking of this, Romandy Imperial Princess looked around and determined that the nearest outsider was a foot. The two guards who were five hundred kilometers away lowered their voices and continued: "I overheard the conversation between the father and Speaker Anduin, and found that Speaker Anduin's attitude towards you has actually changed. Listening to his tone, it doesn't seem like he's really going to kill you right now, this test is just for other people in the Imperial Family to see. So don't worry, tomorrow's test won't be harder than today, maybe even more Easier."

"Is that so?" Chu Nan still looked at Romandy Imperial Princess.

"Of course, I heard it with my own ears." Romandy Imperial Princess nodded with great certainty. "And the father also clearly told me and Vianne Nair that Lycus Uncle went to see Speaker Anduin, and they seem to have reached an agreement that they won't really put you to death."

" The premise is that I'm married to Vianne, right?" Chu Nan asked rhetorically.

Romandy Imperial Princess startled, turned to look at Viannele Imperial Princess beside her, her face changed, and finally lightly sighed.

"That's right. The father made it clear that only after you and Vianne Neil are married can you be considered our own Imperial Family. Whether it's Laikas Uncle or the father, can there be sufficient reasons to convince them. Other clansman accept you. But if you don't marry Vianne, then even if you do pass the whole test, there will be a lot of clansman who won't accept you and still feel that you offend the entire Imperial Family, Chancellor Anduin and the Elder It's also very difficult for the council to completely eliminate your accusation of stealing the Obliteration Core Technique. So... if you want to survive, you'd better marry Vianne."


Chu Nan looked towards Viannele Imperial Princess, but when she saw her lightly shooing the head at him, she could only shut up.

Obviously, Vianne Imperial Princess didn't want to disclose her previous conversations with Chu Nan alone, even with Romandy Imperial Princess.

"Nothing to be desired." Imperial Princess Romandy obviously misunderstood Chu Nan's meaning, she grabbed Vianne Imperial Princess and said resolutely to Chu Nan: "You should be very clear, Vianne. What a sacrifice she made for you. Although she likes you and is willing to disregard her own reputation in order to save your life, I will not allow you to accept her sacrifices and sacrifices with peace of mind, let alone trample on them. Her choice, understand?"

Chu Nan bitterly laughed.

He believed that Vianne's Imperial Princess had a pure purpose, but she and Romandy Imperial Princess probably would not think that this whole thing was in fact the result of Prince Lycas' deliberate arrangement, and they would not believe it either. It's a conspiracy at all.

No, this is not a conspiracy, it is a conspiracy at all.

Prince Laikas had made it clear in his private conversation with Chu Nan that he was deliberately trying to force Chu Nan into this situation.

In the current situation, Chu Nan has no choice.

Chu Nan may not be afraid of the threat to him from the Declan Imperial Family, or even lose his own life, but this ruins the reputation of Vianne's Imperial Princess and completely fails her heart. But he couldn't accept it anyway.

Prince Lekas and Chu Nan have not been together for a long time, but they are very accurate in Chu Nan's character.

This move grabs Chu Nan's dead end in one fell swoop.

"elder sister, don't do this." Viannele Imperial Princess shook the head, preventing Romandy Imperial Princess from continuing to overbearing. "I'm doing this just to help Chu Nan. If he can pass the test and make the Elder Council think he didn't steal the Obliteration Core Technique, then it doesn't matter if I marry him or not."

"Why doesn't it matter?" Imperial Princess Romandi glared and said angrily: "You told everyone in front of everyone that you and Chu Nan have a marriage contract. If you don't get married, won't you be punished by everyone in the future? Ridiculing?"

"I don't care about their jeering." Vianne's Imperial Princess smiled, indifferent but determined. "I just want to help Chu Nan."

Romandy Imperial Princess widened her eyes and stared at Vianne, but looking at Vianne's gentle but very firm expression, she It softened up quickly.

She knows more than anyone about her own younger sister.

She knows very well that although Vianne seems to be a gentle and kind girl, she actually has a firm belief in her heart. If it is what she believes, she will never be influenced by others.

Since she says so now, it proves that she has made her own decision, no matter what Romandy Imperial Princess says, it has been impossible to change her mind.

Thinking of this, Romandi Imperial Princess sighed, turned her head, looked towards Chu Nan, and looked the head.

"I really don't know what's wrong with you guy. How can you make two such good girls give you so much heart."

"Two?" Chu Nan was stunned Startled.

"Bullshit, have you forgotten about Angelique in just a few days?" Imperial Princess Romandi gave Chu Nan a fierce look, and then opened the personal terminal on her wrist.

A virtual screen pops up, and a silhouette emerges, which is Angel Belle.

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