The end point is Earth's medium-sized spaceship slowly docking at the Earth space station.

As soon as it stopped, a group of passengers rushed out of the spaceship.

If you take a closer look, you will find that among the passengers who come down from this spaceship, the proportion of youngsters is obviously much higher than that of normal spaceflight flights, and there are many people who are full of air, fast paced, A young Martial Artist with a good martial skill at first glance.

The reason why this happens is very simple. It's the time for the annual Nebula Academy entrance examination, and these youngsters, who passed the preliminary examination, are lucky to come to Earth to participate in the final examination. children.

As outstanding talents who have the opportunity to enter the Nebula Academy, these youngsters are naturally full of self-confidence. The older people next to them look at them with admiration and envy.

Being able to study at the highest federal university at a young age will undoubtedly make a very solid impact on the future of these youngsters. No matter which industry or industry they are in, they will impact a higher position and level. .

Feeling the pride in the hearts of the peers around her and the gazes cast by others, Chu Xiaoxi didn't have time to pay attention to what they were thinking, but just looked around and kept looking around.

"Strange, Elvie said to pick me up, where's her?"

Chu Xiaoxi didn't worry too long, the crowd in front of her receded, and a familiar silhouette appeared.

"Hey, Elvie!" As soon as she saw the silhouette, Chu Xiaoxi immediately cheered, stepped down a little, and instantly rushed over and hugged her. "It's such a pleasure to meet you! When did he appear?"

This person, of course, is Elvie who came to pick up Chu Xiaoxi.

"It didn't take long." Elwei smiled slightly, and suddenly her expression became serious, and asked in return, "Xiaoxi, did you see that message?"

"Which A piece of news?" Chu Xiaoxi was stunned for a moment, then reacted immediately. "Oh, that's what you're talking about."

Chu Xiaoxi opened the personal terminal on her wrist, brought up the virtual screen, and quickly displayed a picture on it.

Above the screen, it is the campus where Chu Nan is being tested.

Chu Nan is deep in the center of the screen. Although the distance is far away, you can zoom in to see his face clearly. At the same time, you can also see a group of Declan Imperial Family floating in the sky above the campus all around. them.

Under this picture, there is a very eye-catching title.

"The super genius from the Earth Commonwealth, an arrogant challenge to the entire Declan Imperial Family!"

The startling title was followed by a short text introducing the picture the meaning of the picture.

Although this passage is not long, it basically explains the situation Chu Nan is facing now. The origin of the test.

Below this image, there is also a video of Chu Nan being tried by the Declan Imperial Family, which was a huge sensation on the pan-galactic network.

Combined with images, it is naturally easy for people to figure out what this image represents.

"Um..." Elvie glanced at the picture, gently nodding. "Xiaoxi, you...have you heard from your big brother during this time?"

"No." Chu Xiaoxi shook his head, sighed. "Since the big brother was arrested by the Declan Imperial Family, I haven't contacted him again. But Angelababy's elder sister often contacted me. In fact, before this news came out, Angelbely's elder sister I've been told in advance that my big brother is going to be tested."

"Well, she told me too." Elvie nodded. "I... also asked her if Chu Nan was willing to take the test because of her."

"Oh? What did she say?" Chu Xiaoxi immediately asked curiously.

"She didn't say anything." Elvie let out a sigh. "I can see that what happened in that trial had a great impact on her, and I feel... she's a little different from before."

"Ah? What's the matter? Different? Could it be that something happened to Angel's elder sister?" Chu Xiaoxi immediately became nervous.

Elwei looked at Chu Xiaoxi with a strange expression: "Hey, don't you understand? Angel Beili and Chu Nan are a couple, but your big brother will be arrested this time. Forced to marry that Viannell Imperial Princess, don't you think Angel Belle would not care about anything?"

"Oh, that's right." Chu Xiaoxi had an expression of indifference on her face. , he said with a smile: "Of course Angelique elder sister cares, but you see, my big brother is trying to find a way not to marry that Vianne Imperial Princess. If he passes the test, Declan Imperial Family There is no way to judge him stealing the Obliteration Core Technique, so he doesn't need to get rid of the crime by marrying Vianne the Imperial Princess, right? I think Angel Belle elder sister should be very happy, because I am big Brother, he would rather take such big risks and difficulties than do something wrong to her. Seriously, if a handsome and powerful boy like my big brother treats me like this, I would be willing to die!"

"You might as well marry your big brother..." Elwei glared at Chu Xiaoxi angrily. "I know why Chu Nan did this, but this matter is obviously not so easy to solve. Didn't you find out? Whether it's the trial or this test, it should be that the Declan Imperial Family is very secretive. It stands to reason that it will never be leaked. But now it has been announced on the pan-galactic network, and everyone knows about it. Don't you think... Is there any conspiracy here?"

"Conspiracy?" Chu Xiaoxi blinked, seeming a little puzzled. "What conspiracy? Who is it targeting? My big brother? But he has been arrested now. If these things are not made public, the Declan Imperial Family may kill him directly, but since it has been fully disclosed, I But I think he will be fine. Declan Imperial Family is very good face, since they let these things out, they can only treat my big brother fairly. Angelina elder sister also said this when talking to me , she said that there are actually a lot of people in the Declan Imperial Family who support my big brother, and he will be fine."

"That's not what I'm talking about." Elvie looked the head again, sighed. "I'm not worried about Chu Nan's life or death now, what I'm worried about is..."

Speaking of this, Elvie hesitated, shut her mouth and didn't continue.

"What are you worried about?" Chu Xiaoxi frowned and looked at Elvie in confusion.

"Worried..." Elvie bit her lip lightly, hesitated for a while, and finally let out a long sigh. "Xiaoxi, you said, even if Chu Nan passed the test and proved that he didn't steal the Obliteration Core Technique, then what?"

"That's good, since he didn't steal, the Declan Imperial Family would Of course, Bian can only let him out, what else can he do?" Chu Xiaoxi was even more confused.

"But have you ever thought about a question, although he can prove that he did not steal the Obliteration Core Technique, he can also prove his innocence, but in the previous trial, he did not deny and Isn't Vianne's Imperial Princess' engagement?"

"That must be fake." Chu Xiaoxi immediately asserted without hesitation. "big brother he is very slow in this regard, he is impossible to get engaged with that Viannele Imperial Princess in less than a month, so this must be fake."

"I know this It's fake, even a lot of people know it's fake, maybe the Declan Imperial Family also knows it's fake, but your big brother didn't deny it, did you? So after this thing was over, you said...he Do you want to marry Wei Annel Imperial Princess?"

Looking at Elwei's serious eyes, Chu Xiaoxi was stunned, and then she began to think about the question that Elwei raised, and thought about it. Later, he also started to get confused.

Yes, big brother, he did not deny the marriage contract, maybe he was forced to do so in order to save his life in the trial, but since he did not deny it, then on the surface it seems , this marriage contract is real.

So is he going to carry out this engagement and marry Viannele Imperial Princess?

What happens to Angelique elder sister if he marries Vianne Imperial Princess?

And... what about Elvie in front of her?

Thinking of this, and looking at the complicated expression on Elwei's face in front of her, Chu Xiaoxi, who has always been lively and cheerful and doesn't want to be too lazy to think about any complicated issues, can't help but go crazy.

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