This group of stronger "ants" joined, like a horn for Chu Nan's counterattack.

Francito soon discovered that on the "battlefield" where the two were originally stalemate, Chu Nan continuously mobilized a stronger Inner Breath and a stronger "ant" from the rear.

What's even more amazing is that every time Chu Nan re-assembles the Inner Breath, it becomes stronger and faster and faster.

Although it seems that Chu Nan is constantly being defeated and withdrawn by Inner Breath on this battlefield, but he has been joined by more and more powerful new forces, and the situation of the battlefield has begun to emerge little by little but quickly. changed.

It didn't take long for Francis to discover that the tens of thousands of Inner Breaths that Chu Nan had fought against him before had all been replaced. Stronger than before, he began to find that he could not resist.

And this trend of replacement has continued, and more powerful "ants" have been added to the battlefield, replacing the previously stronger "ants".

Not long after, the "ants" on the battlefield were all replaced again, each one stronger than before, making Francido even more irresistible.

Francido suddenly found that he could no longer resist Chu Nan's Inner Breath attack.

A trace of fear suddenly appeared in his heart.

As a Martial Artist, he is well aware of the consequences of losing Inner Breath's direct confrontation.

But what really scares him is not the consequences of this terrifying, but every time he thinks he will win, Chu Nan always has a new change, which makes all his ideas fall to the ground in an instant .

This damn kid never seems to show his trump cards. It seems that he can always find a way to deal with it, and he can never be defeated.

This guy is simply a monster.

This trace of fear and despair in my heart was born, and the resistance that Francis had been able to maintain quickly collapsed. Drive straight in.

Francie is faceless.

In the last battle just now, he had completely mobilized the last ray of Inner Breath and the last ray of inner space energy in his body. Now that the frontal battle is defeated, he has no ability to resist, only Can let Chu Nan's Inner Breath wreak havoc in his body.

Feeling the tens of thousands of Inner Breaths controlled by Chu Nan surging in his body, Francido felt a deep sense of sarcasm in his heart.

There is no doubt that Chu Nan is now using the real Demon God technique, and he is even better than Francois himself in the manipulation and use of the tiny Inner Breath.

Francito never imagined that one day he would die under the power of Demon God.

And the person who used this cultivation technique was actually the first day he was exposed to this cultivation technique.

"It's a good death to be swallowed by my own cultivation technique..."

Francido sighed inwardly, closing his eyes and waiting for death.

However, he soon discovered that the tens of thousands of tiny Inner Breaths controlled by Chu Nan were raging in his meridian for a moment, and after they all rushed towards his lower abdomen, they all stopped.

Tens of thousands of tiny Inner Breaths surrounded his dantian firmly, almost destroying all the meridians connected to his dantian, but no Inner Breath poured into the dantian.

Francito endured the extreme pain caused by the severe damage to the meridian in his body, barely opened his eyes, and looked at Chu Nan in surprise.

"Boy, what are you... doing?"

Chu Nan grinned at him, the Inner Breath retracted, and the space energy mobilized around him also retracted, surrounding the two The thick black mist around the person dissipated, completely exposing the two of them.

The Declan Imperial Family onlookers looked at the situation on the field at this time, and they all showed their surprised expressions.

Chu Nan was still standing firmly on the spot, while Francis was lying on the ground, blood dripping from the corners of his mouth, looking sore and weak, obviously he had lost.

"Hey." Chu Nan looked down at Francis on the ground. "This is just a test, not desperate. Although you look like you want to kill me, I'm sorry, at least I can't kill you right now. Come on, let me tell you, I have mastered the Demon God skill of eating tens of thousands of ants. The test."

Francio fell silent.

He stared at Chu Nan for a while, then suddenly coughed a few times forcefully, spits blood from his mouth, barely recovered after a while, looked at Chu Nan fiercely, said solemnly: "Boy, You're threatening me!"

"You think so." Chu Nan shrugged. "Besides, even if I don't have to threaten you, do you dare to say that I haven't learned your Demon God skill?"

Francito fell silent again.

That's right, no matter how unwilling he is, he must admit that in the confrontation between the two just now, Chu Nan has undoubtedly mastered the skill of devouring Demon God by 10,000 ants, and even "looks" more He's got better.

This cultivation technique He cultivated for so long, but it is not as good as what Chu Nan has mastered in just a short fight. This serious frustration makes him almost have no face to look at Chu Nan.

After being silent for a while, he suddenly extended the hand to Chu Nan.

"Pull me up."

Chu Nan stretched out his hand and pulled a hand. At the same time, the white radiance represented by the cultivation technique of the flame of life penetrated into Francis' body, letting him The injury in the body improved slightly, and he was barely able to stand up straight.

Francido glanced at Chu Nan again, took a deep breath, turned his head, looked towards the sky, and shouted with a wisp of Inner Breath that had just condensed: "I admit, Chu Nan has He has mastered the Demon God skill, and I admit that he passed the test."

The voice spread throughout the entire campus, and also into the ears of every Declan Imperial Family watching the game.

Except for Romandy Imperial Princess who cheered loudly and Vianne Imperial Princess beside her with a bright smile, all the Declan Imperial Family watching the game showed more or less on their faces. Or less surprised and blank expression.

This kid from the Earth Federation... actually succeeded again!

Chu Nan successfully passed the test in the previous four games. Although everyone was surprised, they were not particularly surprised.

Because the Imperial Family sent out in the first four games all used external martial skills, theoretically speaking, it is not particularly difficult to learn and master the external martial skills by playing against each other. Since Chu Nan has the courage to judge It is not surprising to have such an ability.

But in this one, Francido is clearly using the Inner Breath cultivation technique!

Even he can learn to master the Inner Breath cultivation technique by playing against each other, which is too incredible and goes against common sense!

However, just by looking at Francido's frustrated expression, everyone knew very well that Chu Nan had indeed passed the test successfully, and that he had indeed mastered the Demon Demon. God Gong is the Inner Breath cultivation technique.

Watching Francis slowly exit the stage, everyone's eyes refocused on Chu Nan, who was still on the stage.

This kid has not only passed the external martial skill test, but also passed the Inner Breath cultivation technique test, so... what other cultivation techniques can stop him?

Could it be that...he could really pass the hundred tests that everyone thought was impossible?

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