In the battle with Francido just now, Chu Nan has already judged that this cultivation technique is a variant cultivation technique based on the Obliteration Core Technique. The core characteristics are still Similar to the Obliteration Core Technique, it disintegrates the enemy's control of space energy, thereby suppressing the opponent in this regard.

However, this cultivation technique has lost the biggest feature of the Obliteration Core Technique, which is to directly target the structuring effect of the space energy itself, and just use a little highly condensed node to disintegrate, just as its name Wan Ant Eats Like a demon, it devoured the enemy's control of space energy like ten thousand ants.

Normally speaking, this cultivation technique is of course outstanding, and it is quite an excellent cultivation technique.

But compared to the Obliteration Core Technique, his characteristics are much worse, and he does not have the powerful ability of the Obliteration Core Technique that the core technique alone is enough to use the weak to defeat the strong.

After figuring this out, Chu Nan didn't have much hesitation in his heart. He felt that he only needed to figure out how to adjust Inner Breath in this cultivation technique, and then he would be able to master it easily.

However, now that I crossed my palms with Francis, I felt that the Inner Breath from his palms had increased significantly, and the whole body instantly became more crazy, as if the ten thousand ants had suddenly gone crazy. The energy in the space was surging, but Chu Nan immediately understood that Francido had deliberately hidden his strength before, but now it suddenly burst out, clearly with the idea of using this accident to seriously injure Chu Nan!

The Inner Breath gushing out from Francido's palm is also very different from the ordinary Martial Artist. Although it is turbulent, it can be clearly felt that there seem to be countless tiny strands in it. The Inner Breaths gathered together. As soon as the Inner Breaths in Chu Nan’s palms touched each other, the countless tiny Inner Breaths spread out, instantly surrounding Chu Nan’s Inner Breaths, like ten thousand ants. Eat Chu Nan's Inner Breath.

Not only that, but "they" also unceremoniously invaded Chu Nan's palm, penetrated into the meridian, and gnawed along Chu Nan's meridian.

Under the mutation, Chu Nan wanted to slap his palms and retreat, but Francis had already clenched his palms back, holding Chu Nan's right hand tightly, while urging Inner Breath to continue to attack frantically, While pulling Chu Nan vigorously towards him, the other hand clapped silently at the same time.

"pa ——"

Francido patted Chu Nan's lower abdomen dantian with his other hand without hindrance. The extremely small Inner Breath gathered together and poured into Chu Nan's body frantically. In an instant, it broke through Chu Nan's outer defense, like a hot knife through butter, and went straight into the dantian.

Chu Nan has Inner Breath surging in his body and wants to resist, but under the maddening of tens of thousands of tiny ants-like Inner Breath, he has no resistance, just like a big river The dykes generally collapsed quickly, and without resisting too much, they were already invaded into the dantian by Francido's Inner Breath.

At the same time, the space energy around him surged more frequently, quickly disrupting Chu Nan's move to mobilize space energy to resist.

In an instant, the black mist shrouded the two of them together, making it impossible for the onlookers to see what was going on in the black mist.

"Boy, can't you imagine?" Francis stared at Chu Nan who was close at hand, hehe sneered. "I'm telling you, it's okay to want to hug Lykas's thigh, but you have to survive before you can hug his thigh. Do you think Lykas would accept you so easily? If he really If you want to save your life, he won't let you come in today's test. After all, you are just an outsider. If you want to impudent in front of our honorable Declan Imperial Family, then you must bear the inevitable consequences. !"

Francido kept taunting Chu Nan in a low voice, and squeezed Chu Nan's right hand tightly with his right hand to prevent him from escaping easily, his left palm still pressed against Chu Nan In the dantian position of Nan's lower abdomen, the powerful Inner Breath is continuously injected, so that the Inner Breath in Chu Nan's body has been unable to organize a complete counterattack, and at the same time, it is frantically advancing into the dantian.

But after the initial like a hot knife through butter, going inside of Dantian, his advance slowed down immediately.

The surging Inner Breath in Chu Nan dantian is more powerful, so that his move to completely destroy Chu Nan dantian in an instant cannot be carried out smoothly, and can only be consumed little by little.

However, Francido is very relieved about this. Now Chu Nan can't organize a decent counterattack at all, and it is difficult to even resist. In the end, he completely destroyed his dantian, and then pretended to kill by mistake. It's a matter of course for him, no problem.

Although Francis was assigned by someone to kill Chu Nan directly in the test, he had some scruples about Prince Laikas after all, so he didn't dare to be so obvious, so he deliberately Performing such a play in front of Chu Nan and everyone, not only wanted to lure Chu Nan, but also so that the audience could not directly say that he killed Chu Nan on purpose.

Now that Chu Nan is so powerless to resist, he actually pretends to be inseparable from Chu Nan. When the right time comes, he can complete this plan perfectly.

It's just that Chu Nan's toughness is much stronger than he imagined. He motivated the Inner Breath for a long time, but there is still not much progress in Chu Nan dantian. It seems that he wants to completely destroy his resistance. It's not that easy either.

After dawdling like this for a while, Francido became impatient.

Although he has absolute confidence in destroying and killing Chu Nan in the end, if the time drags on, the clansman onlookers cannot help but doubt it, it will be difficult to explain at that time.

Francido's thoughts changed in his mind, and he decided to stop worrying so much, strengthen the Inner Breath again, and activate the Demon God skill with all his strength, intending to create a situation where he has the upper hand, and in one fell swoop Defeat Chu Nan.

If this kid has a big life and can survive even if his dantian is completely destroyed, that's fine. Anyway, if his dantian is destroyed, even if he is a waste, but if he can resist, he will be fine. It is more in line with Francido's intentions, because it can create the appearance of a missed kill.

But just as Francido's Inner Breath strengthened, Chu Nan, who was just a stone's throw away in front of him, suddenly opened his eyes.

Chu Nan seemed to close his eyes tightly because of the pain when he was madly invading the dantian by Francis Inner Breath, but now he suddenly opened it.

Francido looked towards Chu Nan in astonishment, and as soon as he met Chu Nan's gaze, he immediately heart trembled.

Chu Nan's eyes were clear at this time, and the expression on his face didn't have the slightest bit of pain that he had just now, and even the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and there was a rather strange smile on his face.

"Hey, His Royal Highness." Chu Nan even had time to open his mouth and greeted Francis. "You seem to have forgotten one thing."

Even in such a tense situation, Francido couldn't help but take the time to answer: "Forgot what?"

"You seem to have forgotten that the reason why I came to take this test is because I learned the Obliteration Core Technique."

As soon as he finished speaking, Francido suddenly felt Chu Nan A strange Inner Breath wave suddenly appeared in the dantian in the body, and at the same time, the massive space energy condensed out of thin air, perfectly fused with the Inner Breath in Chu Nan dantian, and the tens of thousands of tiny Inner Breaths that penetrated into Chu Nan's body were instantly swept away by this powerful force. The Inner Breath devoured it completely, like ten thousand ants suddenly being transferred into a black hole, disappearing silently and without any resistance.

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