Across the distance from Chu Nan, the Francisdo complexion changed.

This did he know?

Chu Nan's voice continued to come from the black mist.

"Looks like I'm right? Well, not bad. Although this cultivation technique is based on the Obliteration Core Technique, it has made very meticulous and meticulous adjustments. The effect is concentrated in more and smaller places, which can not only improve the formidable power of the cultivation technique, but also make the manipulation of the cultivation technique easier. I have to say that the person who created this cultivation technique is really a genius. But I I am very curious, since he is such a genius, why not obediently and honestly learn the Obliteration Core Technique, but create such a cultivation technique? Does he not know that the Obliteration Core Technique has been basically lost by him after he changed it so much Is the Obliteration Core Technique the most important feature?"

Francido's face changed rapidly, and finally he snorted and said: "hmph! Boy, what's the use of talking with your mouth, there is ability Just break the cultivation technique, or you can't blame me for being impolite!"

"Oh? Is that right?"

In the black mist, suddenly a group of extremely strong The milky white radiance erupted, and the black fog shrouded Chu Nan's body suddenly seemed to be dispelled by the blazing sun, and instantly disappeared without a trace.

Francido's body was shocked, and he staggered back a few steps before he could stabilize his body, lifts the head with a shocked look on his face, looked towards the man who had reappeared from the black mist. Chu Nan.

Although he was devoured by the black mist just now, Chu Nan's entire body is only half of his clothes damaged by the black mist, but the skin on his body is as smooth as new, and he can't see the slightest injury at all. In appearance, the whole person is even more calm and composed, with a calm and calm smile on his face, where is it that he has just been trapped and seriously injured by the Demon God Power of Ten Thousand Ants.

Francito is not surprised that Chu Nan is not hurt. In the information about Chu Nan from the Imperial Family, it is emphasized that this kid has the peculiar ability of self-healing, but What surprised and even shocked him was that Chu Nan broke through the Demon God skill so quickly and easily, and even made him suffer backlash for it.

Chu Nan in the distance looked at the expression on Francido's face and smiled and looked the head.

"His Royal Highness, I advise you that it's best not to keep fighting with me from a distance and not let me probe you into the flow of your Inner Breath. Everyone is a good Martial Artist, you It should be clear that doing so puts you at a natural disadvantage. Unless you can confirm that you are far superior to me and that you can easily defeat me just by doing this, you are playing with fire."

Francis frowned tightly, gritted his teeth and looked at Chu Nan, knowing that Chu Nan was right.

Unless you reach the realm of Heaven and Earth that is inherent in the Heaven and Earth, and the realm of the realm of the Star Level Martial Artist, if you want to attack from a distance by manipulating the energy of space, you can only attack it with strength. Easy win.

And now it seems that his strength is obviously not that much more than Chu Nan. Of course, it is impossible to beat Chu Nan easily in this way.

However, his original intention was to try to delay this time, so that Chu Nan could not accurately judge the true situation of the Demon God skill he used, and naturally he could not learn this from him. cultivation technique, then the test fails.

Of course, if there is someone who will be able to inflict heavy damage or even kill Chu Nan, he will never keep any hand.

After all, he has already been entrusted by some people within the Imperial Family when he came this time.

It's just now that he really fights, he finds that Chu Nan's strength is stronger than he guessed, so he gave up the idea of killing Chu Nan and let him fail the test instead.

Although Chu Nan broke his mind now, he didn't feel flustered, thought about it, sneered, and said to Chu Nan: "You don't need to care what I do, you just need to know, time When you can't learn the Demon God technique, then you lose."

"There is only one possibility that I can't learn this cultivation technique, that is, from now on, you will not use it at all. Ten thousand ants eat Demon God, but Your Highness, would you do this?" Chu Nan asked with a smile.

"Nonsense!" Francis immediately scolded. "What do you think of our Declan Imperial Family? Since I have named this cultivation technique, I will definitely use it after that!"

"Oh? That's very good." With a flustered and exasperated appearance, Chu Nan couldn't help but feel happy.

Actually, he also knew that under the circumstance of so many people watching, this Prince Francis should not be so shameless, and other Declan Imperial Family would not allow him to do so, but Now, after being deliberately proposed by Chu Nan, he agreed, but he fell into Chu Nan's plot against, so that he can only challenge with such a cultivation technique, which will naturally make Chu Nan a lot easier.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, if you think you can't learn, then quickly admit defeat." Francis waved at Chu Nan. "If you want to continue, start the fight. Of course, if you insist on wasting time with me chatting with you, then I don't really want to. Hey, the time wasted is not mine anyway."

Chu Nan shook the head, this guy was quite impatient, he couldn't hold his breath more than himself.

"Come on then."

Chu Nan's thoughts changed, Inner Breath was activated, he glanced at Francis, his body flashed instantly, and he had already deceived himself. In front of Francis.

This Ten Thousand Ants Devouring Demon God is indeed a variant of the Obliteration Core Technique, but even if it is the Obliteration Core Technique, it is only after Chu Nan has a detailed understanding of the circulation of the Inner Breath in Pamela's body that he knows it to the end. What's going on? Now, if you want to learn how to devour the Demon God, you must also find out how the Inner Breath circulates in Francis' body.

No matter how similar the two cultivation arts are, the inner breath that really determines the effect of the cultivation technique will never work the same. If there is a slight difference, it will show the difference between Heaven and Earth.

Francido's reaction was also extremely fast. Chu Nan had just made a move, and he had already reacted immediately. The black mist all over his body instantly filled out, covering a large space in front of him, and also covering Chu Nan. go in.

However, this time Chu Nan did not stay in place obediently and honestly as before, waiting for the black mist to fill up, but as soon as he touched the black mist, his figure flashed again, like a ghost-like suddenly appearing Behind Francis, a palm slapped him on the back.

Francido noticed it very quickly, reacted immediately, quickly turned around and slapped the backhand, coming with a thick fog.

However, in terms of close combat martial skills, with Chu Nan's extremely powerful fleshy body ability, coupled with powerful brain data calculations, Chu Nan can even call himself Star Level Martial without exaggeration Artist Number One Powerhouse.

Between the fists and palms of the two, Chu Nan has accurately grasped the traces of the palm shadow of Francis, and his right hand strikes like lightning, hitting the palm of Francis.

"pa ——"

With a crisp sound, the palms of the two people completely fit and meet exactly.

If you want to investigate the fluctuations of the Inner Breath when Francis is running the Demon God Gong in his body, of course, he needs to do this frontal investigation the clearest way.

Chu Nan and Francido's palms crossed each other. In addition to sensing the surging energy of the surrounding space more clearly, they also instantly sensed the clear and powerful Inner Breath emanating from Francydo's palm. fluctuation.

Just as he was concentrating on holding his breath, preparing to carefully sense the subtlest Inner Breath fluctuations in Francido's palm, and by means of this to investigate the truth of Ten Thousand Ants Devouring Demon God, he suddenly sensed the whole body. The energy fluctuations in the space changed again, and the Inner Breath in Francis' palm instantly became turbulent. In an instant, he seemed to be facing an ominous beast, and his heart was full of warning signs.

Chu Nan's eyes narrowed.

This guy is actually hiding his strength on purpose!

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