Francito was instantly startled.

He has encountered this situation before, and even said that he is very familiar with the current situation.

Inner Breath is devoured and annihilated without resistance, which is undoubtedly the power from the Obliteration Core Technique.

Chu Nan now solves his method of invading tens of thousands of tiny Inner Breaths in his body, which is clearly from the Obliteration Core Technique!

As a Declan Imperial Family, Francis is of course a person who is qualified for the cultivation Obliteration Core Technique and has a sufficient understanding of the Obliteration Core Technique.

Before this, he used the Demon God Technique of Ten Thousand Ants to fight against people of his family. Of course, it is clear that compared with the authentic Obliteration Core Technique, he has changed it on this basis. After all, the Demon God skill of Ten Thousand Ants is a lot worse. If you meet someone from the same family who has successfully cultivating it on the Obliteration Core Technique, you will inevitably be at a disadvantage in Innate, and you must think of other ways to hope to win.

But he never imagined that Chu Nan would be able to use the same level of Obliteration Core Technique, which is enough to crush his Demon God skills.

Although I knew that Chu Nan secretly learned the Obliteration Core Technique through the announcement in the clan, and I also saw what Chu Nan looked like when using the Obliteration Core Technique from those video images, but Francido never did. I think Chu Nan really mastered the Obliteration Core Technique.

Let's not talk about whether Pamela Imperial Princess will teach Chu Nan the Obliteration Core Technique without reservation. Even so, Pamela Imperial Princess did not pass the test of the garden hunting party. Before, she was just an Imperial Princess with no inheritance rights. The Obliteration Core Technique she could learn did not exceed Third Layer at most, and even if Chu Nan learned everything, she would not be too strong.

But now, the cultivation technique used by Chu Nan is undoubtedly the Obliteration Core Technique, and it is obviously stronger than the Obliteration Core Technique used by the average Imperial Princess!

Francio withdrew his hands sharply, backing away.

Chu Nan stood there smiling, but did not chase after him.

Francio frowned and looked at Chu Nan, suddenly aware of something wrong.

He used Ten Thousand Ants Demon God skill to fight many times with the children of his clan, among which is included and fought against many Imperial Princesses who also did not have the right to inherit, but when fighting against them, his ten thousand Ant Devouring Demon God will never be defeated so thoroughly and without resistance.

And even if he does meet those who have a strong grasp of the Obliteration Core Technique, his Inner Breath will not turn into the completely devoured look just now.

If the Inner Breath derived from the Demon God Skill of Ten Thousand Ants Devourer will be swallowed and annihilated by the Obliteration Core Technique when fighting against the Obliteration Core Technique, then when he encountered Chu Nan's counterattack just now, it was clearly I felt my Inner Breath disintegrating directly from the inside, collapsing faster and more quickly, and losing more without suspense.

Although this is also due to the fact that he did not expect this situation and failed to prepare in advance, but the defeat was so neat, but there was still something wrong.

is it possible that ... This kid has mastered a higher level Obliteration Core Technique than the Third Layer core technique?

"No way..."

Francito couldn't help but turn his head and looked towards the group of compatriots who were watching the outside of the big campus, looked around, and landed on Rokan Prince Pu's family of three.

Before he came, he had received news that the Prince of Rocamp had met Chu Nan before Chu Nan was put on trial, and the Imperial Princess had been with Chu Nan for a long time. As for Vianne Er Imperial Princess... She is married to Chu Nan.

Based on these relationships, would Prince Rockamp privately teach Chu Nan the higher-level Obliteration Core Technique to make it easier for him to pass this test?

"Not true."

Francido shrugged the head at random, denying the guess.

Prince Rockamp and the others are not so stupid. If they do such a thing at this time, it will not benefit Chu Nan and their plan at all, and it may even drag them into the water. the Obliteration Core Technique used by Chu Nan wrong?

Francido turned his head and looked towards Chu Nan again, and suddenly remembered a rumor in his heart.

Pamela Imperial Princess is a descendant of Prince Sallymore, the Prince who is quite legendary in the history of Declan Imperial Family, according to records, has been studying how to improve and improve the Obliteration Core Technique all his life, although His result should have been a failure, but the Obliteration Core Technique he handed down and now mastered by Pamela Imperial Princess is most likely modified.

The Obliteration Core Technique mastered by Chu Nan was learned from Pamela Imperial Princess, so it should be the Obliteration Core Technique modified by Prince Sallymore.

Thinking about it this way, it makes sense to have some differences with the normal Obliteration Core Technique.

Thinking of this, Francis sighed in relief.

As long as it is still expected, the Obliteration Core Technique mastered by Chu Nan is only a low-level Obliteration Core Technique after all, even if it is a version improved by Prince Sallymore, at best, it is no more than a Demon Eater with Ten Thousand Ants. God's work is also an imitation cultivation technique, and it does not pose too much threat to him.

"Hey, Your Royal Highness, have you finished demonstrating your Demon God skill?" Chu Nan suddenly asked.

"en?" Francie was stunned for a moment, then frowned and sneered: "What? Can't you wait for courting death?"

Chu Nan couldn't help grinning.

His Royal Highness had failed to kill him just now, but now he simply doesn't make any cover up.

"Isn't the purpose of this test to let me learn the Demon God skill you specified? If you haven't finished the demonstration, how can I possibly learn it, are you right? So I I have to ask first, are you finished now?"

Francido narrowed his eyes and stared at Chu Nan, his voice becoming extremely low.

"Before I solve you, of course, the demonstration has not been completed."

"Okay, please continue to demonstrate." Chu Nan smiled and made an inviting gesture.

Francito didn't act immediately, but continued to squinting at Chu Nan, thinking in his heart.

Just now Chu Nan's counterattack was sudden and violent, which made him unable to react for a while. Chu Nan counterattacked successfully. He also suffered a small loss. suffer.

Seeing that Francis didn't do anything, and Chu Nan didn't rush him, he just stood there and watched with a smile, as if he remained calm and composed while handling pressing affairs.

A kind of Declan Imperial Family watching in the sky can't help but feel a little strange when they see the situation below.

It was clearly a test on Chu Nan, but now it seems that it is not Chu Nan who has encountered the problem, but Francis?

Fortunately, Francido didn't think about it for too long. He just thought about it for a while and then decided on a countermeasure. He didn't warn Chu Nan, and suddenly slapped it.

Chu Nan didn't seem nervous at all, but as soon as Francis made his move, he immediately reacted.

Although it was Francis who made the first move, Chu Nan came first and flipped his palm. Francido saw the palm shadow flying in front of him, and next moment found that his palm had been swept away. Chu Nan's palm shot accurately.

"pa ——"

The two palms crossed each other, and Francis thought about it and decided to repeat the old trick, and he would shake the right hand with Chu Nan. The Inner Breath in the palm was activated, and the Demon God of Ten Thousand Ants was fully functioning, and more than 10,000 extremely small Inner Breaths were mixed together and rushed over.

According to Francido's idea, Chu Nan has already suffered a loss, and this time he will not fall into the same trick again, but he stretched out his palm, only to find that Chu Nan did not at all. To make any response, he actually let his left palm hit the lower abdomen.


Francido’s left palm firmly hit Chu Nan’s abdomen again, and the Inner Breath exploded, with tens of thousands of tiny Inner Breaths like an army of ants Usually rushed into Chu Nan's body and went straight to dantian.

This time the situation was exactly the same as before, even much smoother than before, and Francis' Inner Breath poured into Chu Nan dantian almost without hindrance.

However, seeing that these Inner Breaths were about to devour Chu Nan's dantian like tens of thousands of crazy ants, Francido once again sensed that strange gust of breath coming out of Chu Nan's body. Like Obliteration Core Technique, but somewhat different Inner Breath, mixed with powerful space energy, once again invaded the Inner Breath in Chu Nan dantian and completely destroyed it in an instant.

With the experience just now, Francido didn't have the slightest accident this time. Thoughts move, the tens of thousands of tiny Inner Breaths that had invaded Chu Nan dantian suddenly turned to zero, and instantly became Threads and strands, all directions spread out.

Although the scattered Inner Breath is too weak and small, any counterattack that hits Chu Nan will be completely annihilated and swallowed up, but because it is too weak and small, it will flow through Chu Nan's body like a needle in a seam. It's not that easy to guard against, just a moment of cultivation technique, the Inner Breath protection in Chu Nan's body has been pierced with holes.

At the same time, the space energy condensed from the outside world is also condensed into a little dark energy group and poured into Chu Nan's body because of the Inner Breath scattered in Chu Nan's body.

In an instant, Chu Nan was attacked both internally and externally. Inside his body, he was ravaged by countless tiny threads, but the Inner Breath with astonishingly sharp formidable power was raging everywhere. Crazy attack.

Francido tried his best to promote the cultivation technique, hehe sneered in his heart.

"Boy, do you see it? This is the real Demon God skill!"

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