The Earth Federation is more than 30,000 light-years away. The northern hemisphere of Earth is in the early spring season. When the sun just rises to the horizon in the early morning, there is still a chill in the air, which makes many early rise nebulae Academy students had to wrap themselves more carefully.

But in the corner of the Life Science Academy, a young girl only wore a short-fitting short dress, which fully revealed her slender figure, but also highlighted her extremely plump breasts. His body trembled and trembled slightly, easily attracting the attention of almost all the male classmates who passed by.

However, Elvie didn't have time to pay attention to those eyes at all, even though she usually hated those boys projecting their wretched eyes on her chest, but now she is completely disinclined to pay attention to, because In her heart now, nothing is more important than her own cultivation.

Yes, it's cultivation, not learning.

If it was the usual Elvie, she would either have a sweet dream in a warm bed in the early morning, or she would be doing experiments in the laboratory that seemed to never be finished, not to mention running away Morning exercises are rarely even outside.

However, starting from a week ago, she would wake up early every day for morning exercise, trying to pick up the martial skill that she had abandoned for a long time.

The effect of morning exercise is very mediocre. After all, since she began to like the study of life sciences, the cultivation of the martial skill was almost completely abandoned, and she wanted to rely on just one week to recover the previous one. level, that's certainly impossible.

But Elvie did not give up, but was more determined.

Of course, she did not blindly increase the amount of training for herself. On the contrary, through her contact with her big brother Dunleavy, she asked Dunleavy to assist her in formulating a complete and detailed training plan. She everyday all The training is arranged according to this training plan, never too much, but never too much.

Although the training effect was average, Elvie clearly felt that her body became a little stronger because of these trainings, and the Inner Breath was significantly more active.

According to Dunleavy's statement, after a month of training like this, Elvie's innate talent is enough to show a significant breakthrough, allowing her martial skill to bring it up a level.

But if you want to truly obtain the breakthrough of the martial skill level, it will take more years of cultivation, and it will not be achieved overnight.

Elvie was a little anxious, but she knew very well that the cultivation of martial skill had to be step by step, so she pressed her anxiety to the bottom of her heart, and completed these cultivations every day seriously and meticulously. All the training requirements are fully in place, and I do not allow myself to have any loose relaxation.

This is not only because of her high demands on herself and self-discipline, but also because of her goals.

She wants to get stronger.

Through childhood, Elvie, because of her family background, was able to get in touch with many powerful Martial Artists, which also allowed her to easily get in touch with the martial skill, but her interest in the martial skill has always been average, although in the father Some of them are indeed cultivated under the strict requirements, but because they are not persistent enough, their strength can only be considered sloppy, and they are not outstanding among peers.

She has never wanted to be stronger than she is now.

As for the reason...of course it's because of Chu Nan.

A week ago, when she learned from Angelique that Chu Nan had been arrested by the Declan Empire Imperial Family, she immediately contacted Dunleavy and asked him to make this cultivation plan for herself.

Although Dunleavy was very surprised by her choice, she made an arrangement for her making an all-out effort, and then Elvie started her cultivation.

Elvie wants to get stronger, of course she doesn't think she can be strong enough to rush to the Declan Empire in such a few days and take Chu Nan out of the hands of a large group of powerful Martial Artists in the Declan Imperial Family Grab it out, she just wants to get stronger.

Because only by becoming stronger, can she possibly stay by Chu Nan's side when he has an accident, instead of being separated by tens of thousands of light-years like now, listening to Angelababy occasionally Tell her some news about Chu Nan.

Even if you may not be able to help Chu Nan, as long as you have enough strength to stay by Chu Nan's side.

Fortunately, there was good news from Angelique yesterday, Chu Nan was not directly executed after the trial of the Declan Imperial Family, but was arranged for a test by the Declan Imperial Family. If the test is successful, then Chu Nan is likely to be acquitted. Even if he fails, he should still have no mortal danger, because as long as he admits his engagement with the Imperial Princess of Vianne Neel, he is still innocent.

When the word "Vianelle Imperial Princess" flashed in Elvie's mind, the movement of her feet involuntarily paused for a while, and she suddenly slumped and almost fell, fortunately she was originally martial The skill foundation is good, and the serious cultivation in the past few days also reawakened her martial skill foundation, twisted her body in time, and regained her footing with a beautiful flip.

“pa pa pa——”

Suddenly loud applause sounded from the front right, Elvie frowned and saw two students wearing Life Science Academy The boys in uniform stood there, and one of them raised his hands and clapped hard. Seeing Elvie looking over, he immediately gave her a bright smile and praised her loudly.

"Pretty! So beautiful! Hey, Miss Elway, I can't believe that you are not only beautiful, but also have such a strong martial skill. I even think that you are fully qualified to enter the martial skill branch! With you Your strength will definitely make those guys fall for you!"

The other boy next to him did not speak as directly as he did, but just vigorously nodded Elvie, and was also full of admiration.

The expressions of admiration on the faces of the two of them did not falsify, but Elvie could clearly see that the eyes of the two of them had been moving up and down, clearly on their own faces. Glancing back and forth with the chest, immediately frowned, coldly snorted, kicked and stomped hard.


The land under her feet was originally saved by blue bricks, but when she stepped on it, the blue bricks let out a moan and instantly cracked into pieces. broken pieces.

"fuck off! Don't get in the way of my cultivation!"

Elvie drank coldly, and the two looked at the broken bricks under Elvie's feet in surprise , immediately shut up, turned around obediently and left.

But even so, before they left, they couldn't help but cast their greedy eyes over Elvie's chest.

Watching the two disappear, Elvie frowned, looking down towards her towering chest.

This pair of overly plump breasts will always be envied or even envied by her female friends and dormitory roommates, and coveted by countless men, she knows this very well.

Although she minded this before, she didn't think it was at worst. Anyway, those nasty smelly men only dared to look at it. With her family background, no one dared to do it. What, not even any excessive performance dared to reveal.

But now that she started martial skill cultivation, she felt that it was too cumbersome for her chest.

Because she is too plump, she will be dragged down by every action she makes, and many times she has to spend a little more effort.

This will undoubtedly bring some obstacles to her martial skill improvement, and make her troubled in the past few days.

"Should we just have an operation to cut it off?" Elvie couldn't help but flash this thought in her mind, and then she hooked the head. "No, maybe Chu Nan big brother will like it?"

She flashed back the previous time when Chu Nan went to Aucma to rescue her from a group of robbers.

In order to save her at that time, Chu Nan could strip off her upper body, leaving her entire breasts safely exposed in front of him.

That was the first time that Elvie had been exposed to another man like this since she grew up. At that time, Chu Nan seemed very calm and didn't show any lewd looks like these stinky men, but he It's obvious that he cares a lot about it.

Elvie is well aware of the attractiveness of her looks and plump breasts, she doesn't care what other men think, but of course she cares what Chu Nan thinks.

“speaking of which Angelique elder sister has not small breasts, how did she deal with the cultivation martial skill afterwards? Next time you have a chance, you must ask her carefully.”

As Elvie thinks of Angelique, she thinks of that question again.

Why did Chu Nan suddenly have an engagement with that "Vianelle Imperial Princess"?

This is too weird.

Elvie has never heard the name before, so she can be sure that Chu Nan definitely didn't know this Viannele Imperial Princess before she went to Declan Empire.

Could it be that he just went to the Declan Empire for a few months and betrothed to an Imperial Princess?

How could it be so fast...

What's even more strange is that when Angelababy mentioned this matter, the expression on her face was very calm, even with a hint of joy.

This made Elvie even more puzzled.

Although Angelina is carefree and informal, she is now in a real relationship with Chu Nan. As a result, Chu Nan ran off to marry an Imperial Princess. Angelique Impossible doesn't mind.

However, Angelique's expression during the remote communication between the two seemed very sincere, and she was by no means good at hiding herself, so she should really not mind, but because of this Happy.

"What's going on?"

Yesterday's remote communication with Angelina was not long, and Angelique only introduced some of Chu Nan's situation. Elvie has no time to ask, nor is it convenient to ask directly, so she can only suppress the question.

But in retrospect, she finds it very strange.

This is not a marriage contract with an ordinary person, but a marriage contract with a Declan Empire Imperial Princess, which is no joke.

Since even Angelique knew about this engagement, Chu Nan would definitely marry that Viannele Imperial Princess.

But what if Chu Nan does marry Vianne Imperiale Imperial Princess... Angelique? And... what about Elvie herself?

Elvie was still cultivating meticulously with punches and kicks, but her eyebrows were involuntarily furrowed tightly.

What should I do?

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