“What should I do? You ask me what to do?”

Speaker Anduin yelled at the subordinates in front of him, his face already showing anger Some twisted.

The spit from his mouth sprayed directly onto his subordinate's face, but this unlucky subordinate didn't dare to move at all. looks like.

In front of the two of them, a complete video message was displayed on a virtual screen, and the picture on this video was actually what happened when Chu Nan was being tried in the trial hall.

Of course, it's just that this video doesn't matter, what matters is that this video is now on one of the biggest public video sites on the pan-galactic network!

In other words, this video has now been fully disclosed on the pan-galactic network, which means that the previous trial of Chu Nan in the judgment hall has been fully disclosed to everyone!

Although immediately upon discovering this matter, Anduin Elder, through the power of the Elder Council, issued a notice to the relevant departments within the Empire, asking them to immediately intercept the video source and remove it from the pan-galactic network as soon as possible. this video.

However, the speed of this video's spread is extremely amazing, and it has spread almost all over the Pan-Galaxy network in a very short period of time, and it has become the most popular video on the Pan-Galaxy network at present. In less than half a day, the number of views on this largest pan-galactic online video site has reached the number one in history! Viewed more than 10 billion times!

The reason why it exploded like this fire, the biggest problem should come from the title of this video.

Obliteration Core Technique leaked? The engagement of a commoner to the Declan Empire Imperial Princess? A challenge to the entire Declan Imperial Family? All in a shocking trial!

Seriously, it's not uncommon to see such horror-titled videos all over the pan-galactic network, but the key point is that this video is not like the others The video is just selling dog meat in sheepskin, but it has real materials.

The whole process of the previous trial is completely recorded from the beginning to the end in the video, from the very beginning trial of Chu Nan for stealing the Obliteration Core Technique, to the appearance of Viannele Imperial Princess and the claim that Chu Nan has long been there After the engagement, and finally Chu Nan expressed his ability to learn each other's cultivation techniques through combat, Speaker Anduin decided to test him three days later, all of which are clearly shown in this video.

Don't say that this trial contains such exciting content, just being able to release a trial of the Declan Empire Imperial Family Council of Elders is enough to make countless people rush.

This is the most unfathomable Declan Empire Imperial Family Council of Elders that only existed in legends before!

Being able to see these legendary Declan Imperial Family veterans through video is already very attractive!

So this video quickly became popular, and the fire was like Raging Inferno Blazing Praire, which instantly spread to the entire pan-galactic network and could no longer be stopped.

Even if the Council of Elders has the ability to prevent the spread of this video within the Declan Empire, they cannot do anything about the entire pan-galactic network. After all, the power to maintain the overwhelming majority of the entire pan-galactic network is controlled by Nuoyan In the hands of the Chamber of Commerce, it is only possible for the Chamber of Commerce to prevent a message from spreading across the entire pan-galactic network.

And even so, within the sphere of influence of the Elewana military treaty alliance on the Perseus spiral arm, it is still not guaranteed.

That's why Chancellor Anduin is so angry.

If there is still room for rescue and recovery, how could Speaker Anduin, who is over 90 years old this year and has experienced countless winds and waves, lose self-control? He won't even frown at all!

But now, he is really angry, not only that this video has been spread and exposed what the Council of Elders wants to hide, and this scandal can be called the Declan Imperial Family. Exposed in front of everyone in the entire galaxy, the Declan Imperial Family has been greatly embarrassed, but also because of some of the things behind this incident.

After scolding his subordinates angrily, Speaker Anduin sternly waved his hands and expelled his subordinates. After thinking for a while, he opened his personal terminal and sent a communication request to someone.

A moment later, the virtual screen popped up, and Prince Lycus appeared in front of Speaker Anduin with a smiling face.

"Speaker Anduin, do you have anything to do with me?" Prince Laikas greeted Anduin with a smile and raised his hand.

Speaker Anduin looked gloomy and stared at Prince Lycus for a long time before speaking slowly.

"Lykas, tell me, why do you do this? What are you trying to do?"

Prince Lekas looked surprised: "What am I going to do? What are you talking about? ..."

"Don't go in circles with me." Chancellor Anduin interrupted Prince Lycus roughly. "You know what I'm talking about, answer me! Do you know how embarrassing this is for the entire Imperial Family?"

Prince Lycus fell silent, looked at Speaker Anduin, and asked Said: "It seems that you think I did this thing?"

"Or else?" Speaker Anduin asked coldly. "The only people who can release this video are people from our clan, and those who have this ability, and more importantly, have the guts, who else but you?"

"Well, I don't Denial, although I don't have the strength to do this by myself, I did initiate this matter, so it's okay for you to think I did it. But..."Prince Lekas shrugged, the conversation changed" Is this humiliating? I don't think so. Where do you feel humiliated?"

"Obliteration Core Technique almost leaked, and an Imperial Princess is privately engaged to someone else, so it's not ashamed If so, what do you think would be shameful?" Speaker Anduin's tone already contained a hint of anger.

“no no no, the fact is that the Obliteration Core Technique has not been leaked, and this Imperial Princess is not privately engaged to someone else, have you forgotten? She has obtained the Prince of Rocamp’s Isn't it a marriage contract made after agreeing to agree?"

"Rockcamp..." Speaker Anduin pressed his lips together, and the sound of grinding teeth came from his mouth, indicating that he Now in great anger.

It took a while before he squeezed a few words between his teeth.

“Who else?”

Prince Lekas smiled slightly.

"You should be able to guess."

Speaker Anduin's forehead burst with blue veins, and he glared at Prince Lykas, then closed his eyes, his expression gradually recovered, Slowly stretched his expression and returned to his usual calm and unwavering state.

He opened his eyes and looked at Prince Lekas calmly for a while before asking again: "Tell me, why do you do this?"

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