In a room outside the Judgment Hall.

Overy Venerable looks on the virtual big screen with a calm expression and a smile on your face, Chu Nan, frowned.

What does this kid want to do?

He obviously only needs to obediently and honestly admit that his engagement with Vianne's Imperial Princess is not good, so why does he have to cause so much trouble?

If the proof fails, wouldn't it give those Elders more reasons to suspect him, and possibly Viannele Imperial Princess, which might add trouble to Laika in the end Prince Si's arrangement fell short, making him lose his life in the end?

This kid is impossible so stupid that he doesn't know the problem, so why would he do this?

"Hey, Angela, isn't this kid so stupid?"

Overy Venerable couldn't help but turned her head, looked towards Angela, turned her head, But startled.

All the melancholy and sad expressions on Angelique's face around her were swept away, and the iconic carefree and heartless smile reappeared on her pretty face, as if in the previous episode. In an instant, an incomparably dazzling brilliance erupted, and it was like a different person at once.

"Don't worry, Master, of course he's not stupid anymore." Hearing Overie Venerable's question, Angelique turned her head with a smile, and then immediately turned her head to look towards the virtual big screen. Chu Nan on the top, showing great confidence on his face. "I don't know why he did it, but I believe he can do it!"

Overy Venerable looked at Angelique, who seemed to be elated all of a sudden, and couldn't help being stunned. stay.

After thinking about it, she could only shrug, sighed.

"Ai, it looks like you've been completely fascinated by this kid. Well, let's see how this kid can do it."

Overy Venerable He also turned his head and looked towards Chu Nan on the virtual big screen, his eyes full of inquiry.

Can you learn each other's cultivation technique just by playing against each other?

This kind of thing can be done in theory, but in fact, even if each Martial Artist uses the same cultivation technique, it will show different results due to their own cultivation methods or processes. Mastering the core of this cultivation technique through hands-on rather than detailed teaching is tantamount to fooling around.

Olivier Venerable of course knows that Chu Nan is a boy with extremely high martial arts innate talent, and there are many things that are different from ordinary Martial Artists, but...why does he have the confidence to do this?

In the Judgment Hall.

Everyone, including Chancellor Anduin and Prince Lycus, looked at Chu Nan in surprise.

This kid... is too arrogant!

He can master anyone and any cultivation technique by playing with each other?

Does he know what he's talking about?

After a moment of silence, the Declan Imperial Family onlookers couldn't help but discuss spiritedly with each other.

This time they didn't directly laugh at, accuse or even scolded Chu Nan as they did just now, because Chu Nan was too calm and confident, which made them suspicious.

What this kid is doing is so unreasonable, he doesn't look like such a stupid person, but he is still so confident, so maybe there is a chance, he can really do it this kind of thing.

"Speaker Anduin." Prince Lycus suddenly turned his head and looked towards Speaker Anduin. "I think... Since Chu Nan thinks he can do it, let him try it. Since it is a trial, we must give him a chance to defend himself, right? Otherwise, if it is spread, won't it be punished? Outsiders say our Declan Imperial Family is unreasonable?"

Speaker Anduin frowned, looking towards Prince Lycas suspiciously.

Outsiders say our Declan Imperial Family is unreasonable?

What a joke! When will our Declan Imperial Family have to reason with outsiders? The entire galaxy doesn't have that claim, okay?

What made him even more puzzled was that, from the standpoint of Prince Laikas, he wanted to save Chu Nan's life, shouldn't it be that he didn't want to have such extracurricular troubles now?

Now he has voluntarily agreed and let Chu Nan try it. Doesn't he know what the consequences will be if Chu Nan fails?

Prince Lykas met Speaker Anduin's gaze, his smile remained the same, and his face was calm.

Speaker Anduin stared at him for a while, then turned to discuss with the other Elders in a low voice for a while, and then raised the "gavel" gently clapped table.

"Quiet." Speaker Anduin looked around, making the Declan Imperial Family in discussion shut their mouths, refocused their eyes on himself, and then looked towards Chu Nan. "Lykas is right, since it is a fair trial, then of course we allow you to defend yourself. You just said that no matter who you are, you can learn any cultivation technique by playing against each other?"

"Yes Yes." Chu Nan nods. "I think this should prove that I didn't stealthily learn the Obliteration Core Technique, but mastered some of its characteristics through the fights with the Imperial Princesses. As I said just now, the Obliteration Core Technique is just a cultivation technique, It is the use of Inner Breath and space energy, and it is not fundamentally different from other cultivation techniques."

As soon as the voice fell, the surrounding Declan Imperial Family suddenly started to make noise again, and many people pointed out that Directly scolded Chu Nan.

Chu Nan is so disdainful of the Obliteration Core Technique in his words, how can they bear it.

"Silence!" Speaker Anduin had to slap the "Gavel" vigorously, forcibly suppressing the surrounding noise. "Okay, since this is your defense, then we'll give you this chance."

He turned his head to communicate with the remaining elders in a low voice for a while, then turned his head and looked towards Chu Nan, His expression became solemn.

"I announce that after three days, we will arrange a test for you, if you cannot prove your defense in the test, then you will still be convicted, waiting for your results... "

Speaker Anduin glanced at Prince Lycus and Vianne Imperial Princess.

"The sentence will be re-sentenced later."

After dropping this sentence, Chancellor Anduin stood up, and the other Elders also got up and left together.

The two guards who had just escorted Chu Nan in came over, picked up the hood that had just been placed on Chu Nan's head, and prepared to put it back on his head.

"Wait a minute."

Prince Laikas suddenly stopped the movement of the two guards.

He walked over and glanced at the two guards, who looked at each other and stepped back obediently.

"For the sake of saving my life, I allow you to be willful once." Prince Lycas belongs to the iconic Declan Imperial Family man, tall and strong, standing like this. In front of Chu Nan, he lowered his head slightly and looked at him with a serious expression, which seemed to suppress the power of the machine. He looked directly into Chu Nan's eyes, and solemnly asked: "But I have to remind you that your willfulness may cost many people's efforts, and it may cost you your own life, so tell me how sure you are ?"

Chu Nan's eyes didn't flicker, and he looked the head.

"Not sure."

Prince Lykas narrowed his eyes, coldly snorted.

"You dare to brag about Haikou without any certainty? Could it be that you really want to court death?"

Chu Nan smiled slightly.

"His Royal Highness, when I passed the Transmission Gate before, I had no confidence. For me, anything that has not been realized has a 0 probability of success."

"Oh? Is it?" Unexpectedly, after hearing this answer, Prince Laikas put away the cold expression on his face and laughed. "But you're going to make the change 100 while you're doing this right?"



Prince Lycas nodded, turned around, beckoned to Imperial Princess Vianne, and motioned her to leave together.

Viennale Imperial Princess kept looking back, until her eyes met Chu Nan, Chu Nan nodded with a smile to her, then showed a reassuring smile, followed Prince Laikas to leave the judgment hall .

The other Declan Imperial Family in the hall looked at Chu Nan with strange expressions for a while and then left.

The two guards stepped forward, raised their helmets, and gestured to Chu Nan with questioning eyes. After Chu Nan cautiously agreed, they put the helmets on Chu Nan's head. superior.

The icy helmet fell, Chu Nan's vision and hearing were cut off, and the darkness reappeared in front of him.

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