Chapter 154 Doctor Strange? This is it?


Hong Kong holy place.

Lin Yu stood in mid-air.

A pale green halo appeared on his hands.

The surrounding time began to slowly flow backwards.

It’s like rewinding the video.

Everything around, in a very strange state, kept backtracking.

No matter the destroyed holy place or the destroyed city, it began to be slowly repaired and restored to its original appearance.

Even those who died because of the impact were also resurrected.

The power of the Time Stone is such a pervert.

At the side, Mordo, Kaecilius and Wang watched all this quietly, their eyes full of surprise.

They had never seen such a sight before.

It was as if the surrounding time was separated from them and had nothing to do with them.

Turning back time next to them, they did not receive any impact.

“Senior Brother, you are really getting more and more proficient in your control of Eye of Agamotto.”

“Eight two,” Kaecilius said.

Lin Yu just smiled lightly.

“Just borrowing the power of the Infinity Stones is nothing to be proud of.

He still does not have the ability to master time, but the time gem is very easy to use.

“Senior brother, won’t there be any consequences for using the power of the Time Stone like this?”

“The multi-universe timeline, will it collapse because of this.

Moro said with a worried look.

For the time gem, Mordo has always remained in awe.

To some extent.

Mordo is a very conservative guy.

Because of the environment in which he grew up and the things he has experienced, Mordo has become very stubborn and conservative.


Seeing Lin Yu wielding great power without any scruples, he was a little worried.

“Modu, don’t worry.

If the timeline of the multiverse’ universe were so easily destroyed, our world would have been destroyed long ago.3

“In this world, there are people who maintain this timeline.

“It’s just going back in time, there’s nothing wrong with it.

Lin shook his head.

Inside the movie.

Doctor Strange also went back in time and repaired the holy place, but no one came to him.

As long as the strength is strong enough, some troubles are not troubles.

“But, Sorcerer Supreme once said…”

Mordo opened his mouth.

“Sorcerer Supreme is just afraid that you will use this powerful force at will,”

“The power of the Infinity Stones, if used casually, will bring serious consequences.

“However, as long as it doesn’t exceed the limit, it’s fine, don’t worry.

Lin Yu comforted.

Using too many infinity gems will definitely cause rhyme problems.

Otherwise, how could treasures like the Infinity Stones be found in every planet?

Like a power gem.

Such a powerful treasure was actually blocked in a dilapidated planet. Star Lord is just an interstellar hooligan who can obtain this kind of treasure.

Does this room make sense?

Even if there are not many people in the universe who can use this power, it is not that there are none.

But apart from Thanos, no one has any intention of looking for the Infinity Stones.

It doesn’t matter.

Although not sure why, Lin Yu knew there must be something wrong.

Chatting with Mordo.

Lin Yu turned back the time of Hong Kong holy place.

The building that exploded, began to slowly recover and became its original appearance.

He didn’t notice.

Among the Hong Kong holy place, there are not only those powerful magicians.

And an intern guy.

This man is Strange.

Originally, the holy place was attacked, and he was still practicing magician, so he would not participate at all.

But because it was too rushed.

Strange actually happened to pass through the portal and entered the holy place.

Ordinary magicians are cannon fodder in this kind of battle, let alone Strange who has not yet become a magician.

in the movie.

After Strange mastered magic, he studied at Kamar-Taj for a year and became a normal magician.

At this moment, Strange is just a newbie, an ordinary person.

He didn’t even have the magic power.

I’ve been training every day, and I’ve been a little impatient recently.

The former pride of heaven suddenly turned into a crippled, hands trembling constantly.

How unacceptable is this for the arrogant Strange?

For such a long time, Strange has become very irritable without realizing the power of magic.


When I came to the Hong Kong holy place, I was directly smashed by a stone and turned into mashed meat.

Strange burst out immediately.

Although resurrected.

But the memory of being crushed to death still existed in Strange’s mind.

If it was the future Doctor Strange, it would be nothing.

Strange can’t stand it now.

His hands were constantly shaking.

The expression on his face looked very frightened.

“Damn, God, I actually died once..”

In a panic, he stroked his body with both hands, making sure that he was still alive, and then heaved a sigh of relief.

“No, I’m here to treat the injury, not to die.”

“I’m getting out of here.”

Strange couldn’t help shivering when he remembered his previous experience.

Being stoned to death is not a good experience.

His original intention was to treat the injury on his hand.

He didn’t want to fight some dark forces.


As soon as Lin Yu returned to Kamar-Taj, Strange came directly to the door.

“I’m leaving, I’m going back!

“You liars, this is not a place to treat injuries!

Strange said loudly.

Instead, Lin Yu was at a loss.

After half a day, he continued to figure out what happened.

It turned out that Strange suffered this in the holy place in New York, and his mentality collapsed all of a sudden.

Lin Yu looked at Strange strangely.

This is Doctor Strange?

Can’t stand this experience?

But think about it.

For Strange, who is still an ordinary person, these experiences are indeed a bit exciting.

Lin Yu looked at Strange quietly, and saw Strange’s scalp tingling.

“Strange, who told us you were a therapy facility?”

“Did we ever say that?”

“It was you who thought it would heal your wound and joined Kamar-Taj.”

“Now that you have learned the way of our Kamar-Taj, turn your head and walk away, say leave and leave, whatever.

“Do you think my 4.5 Kamar-Taj is a public toilet? Come as you say it, and leave as you say it:

The expression on Lin Yu’s face was serious.

Strange was taken aback by Lin Yu’s serious expression.

He still said bravely.

“Your method has no effect at all, and I can’t learn anything at all.

“These are fake! 91


Lin Yu smiled disdainfully.

“Who do you think you are? Are we trying our best to deceive you?

“Do you think you are qualified to be deceived by us now?”

Strange was speechless when he heard this.

It’s really hard to hear the truth.

“Then why haven’t I mastered magic!”

Strange said immortally.

“Just because of your food.

Lin Yu said lightly.

Strange’s face turned red,

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