Chapter 155 No one knows the sky better than me

Strange looked at Lin Yu in front of him with a dull expression.

too much.

It’s just too much.

What do you mean he can’t?

How could he not?

From an ordinary family, he has become the most powerful neurosurgeon in New York.

Is this something ordinary people can do?

He’s also one of a kind, isn’t he?

How could this guy say he can’t?

“I can’t learn magic, just because my hands can’t do it!”

“It’s not that I don’t have the ability, you don’t need to challenge me, I don’t want to stay here anymore.”

Strange said loudly.

“Can’t you do it with your hands?”

Lin Yu gave him a strange look.

“For magic, physical strength is nothing but your spirit.”

Lin said lightly.

“Heh, you’re in a bully.”

“You don’t have a disability in your hands, you can say that.

Strange said.


. ”

“Strange, ignorance is never the problem, the problem is arrogance and self-righteousness!

“You said you can’t use magic with both hands disabled? 03”

“I’ll prove it to you now that magic can be used without hands.

“follow me.

Lin Yu sneered and said.

After speaking, he directly stretched out his hand to tear open a space crack and walked in directly.

Strange was hesitation for a moment and followed in.

next moment.

They appeared in front of Hamill.

Seeing Lin Yu coming to Xiao, Hamill was startled, and then spoke very respectfully.

“Lin Yu is a great magician.

“Not so polite.

Lin Yu waved his hand.

Hamill is a veteran at Kamar-Taj.

Even Sorcerer Supreme has great respect.

Lin Yu wouldn’t pretend to be here.

“I have something to do with Master Hamill this time. I need your help.”

“Show the kid some magic.”

Lin Yu said coldly.

Strange gave Lin Yu a very dissatisfied look.

“Yes, Lin Yu is a great magician.”


Hamill stretched out his arms and drew a magic circle in front of him.

Strange’s eyes widened.

because he saw.

One of Hamill’s hands has been cut off at the same time, leaving only one wrist.

And that’s it, using magic so easily.


“Didn’t some people say that with disabled hands, they can’t use magic?”

Lin Yu said yin and yang strangely.

Strange blushed, but had nothing to say.

Hamill has proved that whether or not he can use magic has nothing to do with his health.

Portraits can use magic!

“Also, I want to tell you something. 99

“Hamil’s hand was broken by his research on the forbidden seam.

The forbidden technique directly caused the defect in his soul, and he had completely lost the concept of his left hand. 9

“Even if his body recovers, his left hand cannot be used.”

“Compared with ordinary magician, using magic like this is ten thousand times more difficult, but he still became a powerful magician.”

“I said you can’t, do you have any opinion?”

Lin Yu stared at Strange and said.

Strange was silent.

Looking at Strange, Lin Yu snorted coldly.

“Hmph, I’ll give you a chance now.”

“You can leave Kamar-Taj now, and the dangers of the wizarding world are none of your business.39

“But you also lose the opportunity to see the real purpose of the world.

“Also lost the opportunity to protect the world.

“You choose.

Lin Yu said coldly.

Strange does canopy.

But Tianzhuo, who has lost his enterprising heart, is useless, and it is impossible to provide him with any help.

It’s better to go, save the waste of resources.


Strange is Doctor Strange after all.

Although he is an ordinary person now, he is still very decisive.

He thought for a moment, looked at Hamill, and recalled what he had seen and heard in Hong Kong holy place before.

Several magicians lost their lives to protect ordinary people.

Without any reason, Strange took a deep breath and made a decision immediately.

“Lin Yu great magician, please forgive my previous offense, I will stay in Kamar-Taj. 3)

Strange bowed respectfully.

“Fairly smart. 9

Lin Yu snorted coldly.

“However, previous offenses can’t just be ignored. 99

“The magician of our Kamar-Taj, the most rewarding and punishing. 33

Lin Yu said.

“Lin Yu is a great magician, I am willing to accept the punishment.”

“Please tell me.”

Seeing Hamill, Strange rekindled hope of healing himself.

Even in danger, Strange recognized it now.

“No, no, this is not a punishment, it should be a reward.

“I want to let you walk on the path of transcendence and help you truly master the power of magic.

Lin Yu said with a smile.

“Thank you Lin Yu the big magician.

Strange was a little surprised.

I think Lin Yu is really broad-minded.

Before his tone was so bad, this one didn’t even care.

“follow me.”

Lin Yu didn’t let Strange think about it, he opened a portal and stepped in.

Strange followed.

Coming out of the portal, Strange was immediately stunned.

What hooked in front of him was a very shocking scene.

Hastily constantly huge amounts of snow-capped mountains, it looks very shocking.

“This, here is Mount Everest? 39


Strange sighed and said.

“That’s right, this is Mount Everest. It’s really beautiful.”

“However, ordinary people will die due to hypoxia and hypothermia in only ten minutes at this altitude and temperature.

“You’re running out of time for 820, Strange.

Lin Yu said something, turned his head and entered the portal directly.

When Strange turned around.

All I saw was a golden light that disappeared.

Strange looked at the surrounding snow-capped mountains, felt the coldness, and his whole body was not well.

Can only desperately draw a circle, want to open a portal.

Lin Yu returned to Kamar-Taj with ease.

Hamill was a little surprised when he saw Lin Yu coming back by himself.

“Lin Yu, big magician, is this really good?”

“Strange is just an ordinary person now, this is too dangerous Akatsuki.

Hamill said worriedly.

“Don’t worry, Hamill.”

“No one in this world understands Tian Ji better than me.”

“If you don’t put some pressure on this guy, he won’t grow. 93

“Don’t worry, within two minutes, this guy will welcome you”

Lin spoke very calmly.

Here he is, and Strange can’t die.

What are you panicking about?

Everything is within his grasp.

The two of them waited from the room.

Compared to Lin Yu’s calmness, Hamill was a little nervous.

After all, this is a circle.


He hasn’t been nervous for long.

A golden spark appeared in front of him.

A portal is formed.

Strange stumbled and ran from the portal.

“Hamil immediately looked at Lin Yu in shock.

Lin Yu is a great magician, what a god!

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