Chapter 153 Multi-universe vibration! Kamar-Taj is famous

Dark spaces are found throughout the multi-universe.

The dark side of the whole world.

It can be said that this is the reflection of the dark space.

Countless universes have reflections in dark spaces.

Naturally, there are many strong people who are paying attention to the situation in the dark space.

Ancient One is naturally one of them.

In the early days of her enlightenment, she once experienced a life-and-death battle with her friends.

She finally won.

But it also left the root of the disease and lost the ability of eternal life.

In order to protect the earth, she can only choose to absorb the power of the dark space and maintain her lifespan.

In a demonic sense, the Ancient One is a thief, stealing the power of Dormammu-.

Know to break through the single universe level.

The Ancient One regained its strength and repaired its irreversible wounds.

After cutting off the connection between himself and the dark space, he no longer maintains his lifespan through the dark space.


After all, the Ancient One has drawn on the power of the dark space.

Stay in touch with the dark power for the rest of your life.

She was naturally the first to notice the state of the dark space.

The moment when Lin Yu completely destroyed Dormammu.

Ancient One, who was invited to travel in the multi-universe, suddenly trembled.

A shocked expression appeared on his face.

In the center of the forehead, a red rune suddenly appeared, and the next moment it was hidden again.

“Dark space.

“There is no owner.”

The Ancient One sounded like a moan.

She knew what it meant.

This means that Dormammu, the dark space lord, has fallen and died completely.

“Who the hell can kill Dormammu?”

Ancient One’s expression was solemn.

Although let Lin Yu protect the earth.

Ancient One is still very concerned about the earth.

in the original comics.

Even if the Ancient One dies, the soul becomes the Holy Spirit and follows the Eternal God.

Still the hook is now in front of Doctor Strange, offering pointers, showing her love for the earth.


The title of Sorcerer Supreme is definitely not given to Ancient One for nothing.

It can be said that Ancient One has spent most of his life for the earth, which is very great.

At this moment, the dark space was turbulent, and she suddenly became worried.

Hand flashed.

Green light flickers.

Using a powerful force, the Ancient One began to peek into the long river of fate and wanted to find out the truth.

“It turned out to be Lin Yu?

“He beheaded Dormammu?99

A look of astonishment appeared on Ancient One’s face.

this kid.

It was beyond his expectations!

It’s not hard to beat Dormammu.

She can do it easily now.

But behead Dormammu.

This is not something ordinary people can do.

Even the five gods, I am afraid it will take a little effort.

Lin Yu actually killed Dormammu.

Ancient One thought it was incredible.

“This kid, he is really better than blue.

“Now, I can rest assured.

A smile appeared at the corner of Ancient One’s mouth.

next moment.

There was a flash in front of her.

Gu disappeared directly into this space and began to wander in the multi-universe.


Unknown deep space.

An incomparably huge figure stood in this void.

His body is silver-white, and there seems to be a universe and nebula running in his body, emitting light.

His body is extremely huge, it seems to be bigger than a universe.

Absolutely top-notch.

Just seeing his figure can make ordinary people insane.

Every line on the body represents the ultimate secret of this world.

Every strong man knows that.


It is one of the five gods, one of the four abstract entities, eternal.

Eternity is powerful.

He is the abstract entity, the embodiment of the eternal concept.

That is to say.

As long as the concept of eternity exists throughout Marvel.

Eternity never dies.

So it is.

He has unrivaled power.

With just a little thought, the entire multi-universe will be destroyed.

As long as he moves his mind easily, the information of the whole world will be controlled by him.

Turmoil in dark space.

Eternal found Akatsuki the first time.

“The dark space has lost its lord.”

“Dormammu was actually beheaded in the dark space.

“Who did it? Could it be that old guy?”

Eternal is a little suspicious.

If you want to kill Dormammu in the dark space, you must at least have the strength of a multi-universe police officer.

In the multi-universe, when did there become such a strong man?

Eternal is a little suspicious.

Countless streams of data flowed from his eyes.

through the river of fate.

Find information about Dormammu with eternal clarity.


As long as he thinks, with a single thought, Dormammu can be resurrected by him.

0・Ask for flowers・・

This is the power of the five gods.

Possess the most powerful force in the world.

Kamatay “Ji, magician. 99

“A disciple of the Ancient One.

“Dormammu, who was able to beheaded, even exists among mortals.”

Eternal couldn’t help being a little surprised.

in this world.

There were not many things that could surprise him.

This counts as one.

in the world of Marvel.

Most of the strong are born.

Like eternity, annihilation, born to be strong.

It’s a bit incredible for ordinary people like Lin Yu to become a strong person who kills Dormammu.

Even with his eternal strength, he couldn’t help being a little shocked.

“Looks like we’ll have to pay more attention in the future.

Eternal shook his head.

There are some thoughts in my heart, but Eternal is not thinking too much.

This is just a little bit of turbulence in his endless life.

Not just eternity.

Throughout the multi-universe, huge amounts of waves occurred.

Dark space coverage is very light.

In this universe, there are many strong people.

Dormammu was very lucky and got the position of Lord of Dark Space.

These powerhouses are naturally very recognizable ships.

But with Dormammu occupying this position, there is nothing they can do.


When Dormammu was beheaded, they immediately became excited.

The entire multi-universe.

All got confused.

Countless powerhouses were in the dark space of the Kai ship, and battles broke out because of the unknown number of powerhouses.

Also because of this.

Kamar-Taj’s name also spread throughout the multi-universe.

I don’t know how many strong people know it.

The strong from Kamar-Taj, beheaded Dormammu.

This caused huge amounts of shocks throughout the multi-universe.

“Sorcerer Supreme, what a successor.

“This guy, Agamamoto, has created such a powerful strength.”

“Dormammu was killed too, it looks like we’re going to have a big fight.

“It’s hard not to provoke that universe in the future, Kamar-Taj is too perverted.”

Countless whispers spread wildly across the multi-universe.

In the multi-universe, as long as there is a card face, everyone knows that the magician from Kamar-Taj killed Dormammu.

for a while.

Kamar-Taj’s name spread across the multi-universe.

Lin Yu’s name has also become a legend,

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