Chapter 90 Human Leather Gloves, Lan Xiner is even scarier than her mother!

[August 17, 2017, my mother never let me go out to play, nor let me see other children, so sad, there is nothing in this room, why can’t I go out to play, that little girl said she was going to school . Going to school? That must be fun. ”

[On August 25th, I also want to go to school. ”

[On August 30th, I decided to go to school. As long as I become someone else like my mother, I can go to school. It’s great. I decided to go to school for that girl. She doesn’t like it anyway, so let me go to school. Let her go!”

[On September 1st, I learned from my mother’s previous practice and peeled off Miss Mengmeng’s face, but why did she cry! Shouldn’t she be very happy! She doesn’t have to go to school anymore, what about her, maybe I’m crying with joy! The trick is a little off. Miss Mengmeng doesn’t move. I just throw her into the dry well. I’m so smart. I went to her house as Miss Mengmeng, her mother is very good, and I follow My mother is different.

[September 2nd, go to school! The school is really amazing, there are many people, and many things I have never seen before, it’s really amazing. ”

[September 3rd, ah! Mom seems to have found me! I will go to that street again, take a look around, and then go home. ”

[On September 4th, my mother beat me, I was so sad, why she could, but I couldn’t, I want to leave here and change into the appearance of other young ladies, my mother will never try to find me again. ”


[September 18, 20, Lu Tiantian’s life is really boring, I want to live another life. ”

[On September 19, 2020, I found another one, Leng Chulu, I like this name, and it will be mine in the future. )


Bac Ninh branch meeting room.

The contents of the diary are being projected on the projector, and a group of detectives from the Criminal Investigation Team are sitting below.

When they looked at the content, they were shocked.

In the somewhat childish words, there was a bloody aura that came to the face.

Seemingly simple words, but deep in sin, distortion and madness.

At this moment.

The meeting room was silent.

a time.

The detectives didn’t know how to speak.

Captain Zhang Hai of the Criminal Investigation Team took a deep breath and sighed heavily and sadly: “The contents of this diary are recorded.”

“Really! It’s terrifying!”

“I didn’t expect this Lan Xiner to be so cruel.”

“It has no humanity at all, and treats killing and taking other people’s lives as food, drink, and daily life.”

“This kind of distorted thinking is really terrifying.”

“Indeed!” Neng Zhuangshi echoed with a dignified expression on his face: “Also, her killing methods and methods are even better than Lan Die.

“Blue Butterfly just peels the skin, but can’t cover up the fingerprints.”

“And she is better than blue. In the past three years, she has also developed a method of skinning her hands and making human-skin gloves by analogy. Even other people’s fingerprints can be used in a short time.”

“She’s more of a real Painter than Blue Butterfly.

“Yeah!” Captain Zhang Hai of the criminal investigation team nodded heavily and said, “This time, the third criminal investigation team did a good job, and they acted swiftly and powerfully, and arrested Lan Xiner in the shortest time possible.”

“If such people are allowed to roam in society again, I don’t know how many lives will be killed!

“However, the principle issue cannot be ignored, Xiao Yanran, pay attention next time!

“Now, let’s start the groups!”

“Criminal investigation team, you are responsible for finding the remains of the victims of the 20 disappearances as much as possible based on Lan Die’s transcripts.”

“Criminal Investigation Team 2, you are responsible for finding the remains of 42 missing victims related to Lan Xiner based on Lan Xiner’s notebook records.

“As for the third criminal investigation team, let’s prepare first. Today at 1 o’clock in the afternoon, it’s still the same place. negative impact.”

All the criminal policemen of the criminal investigation team stood up in unison, and answered in unison: “Yes!”

After speaking, they started their own actions and work.

Not long after, there were only three groups of criminal investigators left in the conference room.

Lin Nan stretched, took out his mobile phone and sent a message and some information to Auntie Sun of the household registration department, asking her to help with something.

ask for flowers…

After doing this, Lin Nan turned to Song Ruyan, who was a little panicked because he read the contents of the diary, and said, “What’s wrong?”


Don’t worry, “This kind of case is generally considered a special case, and in general, it is rare.”

Song Ruyan took a few deep breaths, rolled her eyes at Lin Nan and said, “Cut! I believe what others say!”

“But when you say that, I’m still skeptical.

“Humph! You don’t know good people, you bite Lu Dongbin!” Lin Nan said angrily: “Let’s go! Let’s eat!”

When you’re done, turn around and leave.

Song Ruyan frowned and chased after him angrily.

“Wow! You actually called me a dog?”


Li Yanran also chased after her energetically.

“Hey! Wait for me, I’m going to eat too.”

“Send it! Xiaolin, it’s true.” Nengzhuang shook his head helplessly and said with a sigh, “Isn’t it good to comfort others? You have to choose this way.”

If it weren’t for “beautiful looking, you’d be hard-pressed to find a wife in your life.

One o’clock in the afternoon.

Bac Ninh branch meeting room.

It’s still the familiar group of reporters, photographers, and people in the bureau.

However, this time, there was an extra Song Ruyan.

Of course, this time Song Ruyan did not need to speak on stage or answer reporters’ questions.

After all, she’s just an outsider and isn’t suitable for these things.

She is just a spectator.

At this moment.

Song Ruyan felt quite miraculous.

It was because she saw this press conference on TV and the Internet a few days ago that she had the idea of ​​becoming an outsider of the criminal investigation team.

Unexpectedly, only two days after joining, I will have the opportunity to appear at the press conference.

When she thought about it, she felt a little dreamy and magical.

Recalling the experience of the past two days, Song Ruyan felt that she had opened the door to a new world.

This is the other side of the bizarre buried under the peaceful life.

It seems to have magic power.

Attracting her to keep digging and exploring the secrets. Eight

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