Chapter 89 Li Yanran’s diary, a few words in three days.

On the way back to the precinct.

Neng Zhuangshi said confidently while driving the car: “Xiao Lin, Ma Ran and I successfully obtained new clues when we just took the transcript.”

“On Friday last Friday, Xiao Ming met Leng Chulu in the elevator, and Leng Chulu was carrying a suitcase in his hand at that time. There was a brief exchange between the two, and Leng Chulu once said that She’s using a suitcase to take out the trash!”

“So, judging by my more than ten years of experience in criminal investigation and solving cases…”

“You judge that the Leng Chulu that Xiao Ming encountered at that time was Lan Xiner’s disguise, right?” Lin Nan sat in the co-pilot and interrupted what Neng Zhuang was going to say next.

“In the suitcase is Leng Chulu’s body.”

“Lan Xiner was actually using the suitcase to hide the corpse and then throwing the corpse.”

“That’s right!” Nengzhuang said happily: “Xiao Lin, what you said is exactly the same as what I judged.”

“The two of us are worthy of being a pair of swords, and we really have a good heart!”

“However, I still don’t understand a question. That Lan Xiner once pretended to be Lu Tiantian, used Bai Tiantian’s identity to approach Leng Chulu, and then killed 007 and pretended to be Leng Chulu.”

“Who is Lu Tiantian who left under surveillance?”

“Could it be that Lan Xiner didn’t pretend to be Lu Tiantian to be close to Leng Chulu? Instead, she used other identities?”

Lin Nan opened the thermos cup and answered Xiong Zhuangshi’s questions while drinking his beloved wolfberry health tea.

“This question is very simple. Think about it in another direction. Since Lan Xiner can pretend to be Leng Chulu, pretending to be a lot of people will not reveal obvious flaws.”

“Then why couldn’t she pretend to be Lu Tiantian again and leave to clear her suspicions for her next identity?”

“You mean, Lan Xiner first approached Leng Chulu by pretending to be Lu Tiantian, then killed and pretended to be Leng Chulu, and then pretended to be Lu Tiantian and left to clear her suspicions for her next identity.” Xiong Zhuangshi gasped. Air-conditioned.

“Finally, find another hidden place, pretend to be Leng Chulu again, walk back into the building, use the suitcase to transport the corpse, and then throw the corpse.

“She has a hidden place outside where she can hide and change her clothes!”

“Oh my God! This Lan Xiner is really scary, cunning and cunning, and she does everything flawlessly.”

“Fortunately, I caught her this time.”

“Otherwise, I can hardly imagine how many lives she will harm in the future.

“Xiao Lin, it’s still you who is so powerful that you can speculate and analyze Lan Xiner’s method of killing and hiding corpses so quickly.”

“I haven’t seen the video of the building, and of course it’s not something I haven’t figured out yet.” Lin Nan shook the evidence bag in his hand and said, “It was Leng Chulu who recorded everything about her on her own. The diary is on.”

“It’s written very clearly, the whole process needs to be as detailed as possible.”

“What? What did you say? Diary?” Xiong Zhuang said in a different way, “Lan Xiner still has this hobby?”

“Write all these things down in a journal.”


“I have to say, this kind of behavior is too perverted!”

“I suddenly realized that there was a sentence that seemed to make sense.

“Brother Xiong, what are you talking about?” Li Yanran asked curiously.

“Hahaha Xiaoyanran is a good question!” Neng Zhuangshi laughed and said, “That’s a serious person who writes a diary!”

“a ha ha ha.……….”

Lin Nan cast a glance and said coldly, “Is it funny?”

“I’ll keep a diary!”

at the same time.

“I wrote it too!” Song Ruyan’s slightly cold words came from the back seat.

The sturdy laughter came to an abrupt end.

An embarrassing atmosphere of confusion spread throughout the car.

After half a sound.

Li Yanran turned her head and thought.

Xiao Linzi is very smart, (bcai) keeps a diary.

Sister Ruyan is very smart and keeps a diary.

Brother Xiong is a bit stupid and doesn’t keep a diary.

So, Li Yanran is…

This is a quiz!

“I… I, I, I also write a diary.” Li Yanran said cheerfully, as if she had become a smart person after saying that.


As soon as the words fell, Lin Nan, who knew the bottom line, said frantically: “Stop for me, you write a diary of the ball!”

“How many words can we say in three days, and our names account for five words, is this also worthy of being called a diary?”

Atmosphere killer Lin Nan, successfully used two words to make the car become dead silent again.

But soon, Nengzhuang broke the dull atmosphere with laughter.

“Hahaha. Nine characters in three days? You and Lin Nan’s names only take up five characters?”

“Xiao Yanran, how did you do it?”

“I’m curious, what exactly are those nine words of yours?”

Li Yanran: Angry.jpg.

Lin Nan gave the answer with a calm expression.

“Late! That nine-character diary!”

“It’s very simple, she wrote it, Li Yanran beat Lin Nan for a day.”

When I heard it, I laughed even louder.

“Ahahaha.. Li Ma Ran beat Lin Nan for a day?”

“Xiao Yanran, you are so interesting, how much did you want to hit Lin Nan when you were a child! The resentment is so deep!”

“How can this be considered a diary, Li Yanran does often write it.” Lin Nan said in a flat tone: “Also, I guess her diary tonight may write ten words. Li Yanran beat Xiong Zhuang for a day.”

“You’re wrong!” Li Yanran vehemently denied: “Tonight’s content is that Li Yanran’s beatings can make her strong for a week.

“By the way! Li Yanran’s diary also has a reminder function!” Lin Nan gave another combo.

“When she’s free, she always likes to take it out and look at it, and sometimes she will use a stroke to remove one or two things.”

Bear is strong; “.

This f*ck is not a diary at all!

This is Li Yanran’s little black book at all, remember that it is hatred!

Every now and then I cross a line or two.

This is clearly a small book for revenge!

Unexpectedly, Xiao Ma Ran still has this hobby. She likes to hold grudges, and she even uses a small notebook to write it down.


Can Zhuang suddenly think of some bad things.

Did you hear something just now?

What Xiao Yanran wants to record today is, can Li Yanran be strong for a week after beating?


Simply ruthless!

Neng Zhuangshi suddenly recalled the horror of being dominated by Li Yanran when he was sparring in Li’s martial arts hall that day.

At this moment.

He admits.

He was a little flustered!

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