Chapter 91 Hold a press conference again, the cruel and terrifying truth!

The press conference process this time is no different from the previous two days, and it is still the same.


Zheng Aiguo, director of the Bac Ninh branch, came to the stage to speak, and it was still a commonplace.

Then, Captain Zhang Hai of the Criminal Investigation Team came to power.

Then, it was the special performance of Lin Nan, Li Yanran, and Xiong Zhuangshi.

This time, the reporters tried their best to focus on Lin Nan, even ignoring Li Yanran, a very distinctive female detective, not to mention the strong and sturdy background board.

All of this is because they discovered a secret when they were conducting a live press conference two days ago.

As long as Lin Nan speaks, the traffic has a very prominent growth compared to other times.

Obviously, Lin Nan is the traffic password for this press conference.

When it comes to traffic passwords, what “Zero Zero Seven” has to do is to dig out more and more valuable information within the rules as much as possible.

The first reporter came up and made a big move, and asked a heavy question.

“Officer Lin Nan, it is said that yesterday afternoon, in the Kangbo International Art Exhibition Center, Xihu District, Longming City, Police Officer Li Yanran seriously injured a new famous female painter, Ms. Leng Chulu. What law did you break that led Police Li Maran to do such a vicious attack?”

Hearing this question, Lin Nan said solemnly: “First of all, I want to correct one of the most critical mistakes in your question!”

“That female criminal suspect is not Leng Chulu, a new famous painter!”

The reporter’s eyes widened and retorted: “Impossible, Officer Lin Nan, this is absolutely impossible!”

“There are already a small number of related videos circulating on the Internet.”

“The woman who was beaten in the video is the new female artist Ms. Leng Chulu.”

“The video has been verified and is not fake!”

“Please tell us the truth!”

Lin Nan said again slowly: “Next, I am correcting the mistake in your question just now.”

“That wasn’t a beating.

“It is the police officers who are forced to fight back in a just and principled manner in the face of extremely vicious, dangerous, and socially destructive criminal suspects.”

“The main purpose of the act is to make the suspect lose his ability to fight back.

“This is a just move to protect the personal safety of the people.”

This set of rhetoric with very official characteristics made all the reporters present dumbfounded.

They felt that they were not participating in a press conference held by a prefecture-level city branch, but a diplomatic conference between a certain country.

For a time, their minds were full of love, and they forgot everything they wanted to ask.

The meeting place also became silent.

And Lin Nan saw that the effect of writing down Ma Wei was unexpectedly good, he smiled with satisfaction, and continued to speak:

The above are the two questions that I must correct. When asking friends from other media reporters to ask questions, they must pay attention to the wording. ”

“Let’s turn the conversation back to the original question.”

“We had a press conference a few days ago.”

“I believe everyone should still have an impression of the criminal suspect Lan, who was involved in more than 20 disappearances in the past 33 years.”

“And the suspect in this case is also surnamed Lan, and has a direct blood relationship with the suspect in the previous case, Lan.

“And the means of committing crimes between the two are extremely similar, only the victim group is different.”

“And the Ms. Leng Chulu, who was subdued in the video, was disguised by Lan.

“Unfortunately, Ms. Leng Chulu, a real new and famous female painter, was killed last Friday.

This series of explosive information shocked all the reporters present.

Leng Chulu in that video isn’t Leng Chulu herself, a famous new female painter?

Leng Chulu was killed last Friday?

Is this another fake case?

Is the suspect still surnamed Lan?

Is there a direct blood relationship with the suspect in the sensational Painted Ghosts case two days ago?

Explosion point! Explosion point! It’s all explosion point!

After a short period of calm, many media reporters once again broke the original rules and order of questioning, and began to ask questions in a frantic rush-to-answer style.

“Officer Lin Nan, how did you determine that Ms. Leng Chulu was disguised..

“Officer Lin Nan, how many cases are the suspects involved in this time…

“Officer Lin Nan, may I ask…


If it weren’t for the fact that many reporters still have some sense, remember that this is the Bac Ninh branch…

Afraid that he would run to the stage and put the microphone in Lin Nan’s mouth.

at the same time.

Lin Nan felt a little headache listening to the rambling questions.

What happened to these reporters?

At the last press conference, after a few questions were asked, such a situation of disobedience appeared.

Why did it crash so soon this time?

It’s so hard to carry!

This group of reporters is so hard to bring!


Lin Nan didn’t intend to let the order continue like this.

With a serious face and a solemn and powerful tone, he shouted loudly into the microphone:

“Quiet! Quiet! This is the state law enforcement agency! Please remember principles and order!”

“I will explain the basic situation in brief language below.

“For more details of the case, please log on to the official website of our Beining Branch to view it.”

As the noise in the conference room gradually decreased.

Lin Nan began to tell the case.

“The criminal suspect Lan, involved in 0.8 and the case includes a total of 42 cases in various areas of Longming City. All relevant evidence has been found, and the victim’s remains are also being searched for in an orderly manner.”

“The victims were mostly women between the ages of 15 and 25. The criminal suspect Lan used illegal means to kill female victims of the same age and height, and then consciously impersonated her identity to live.”

With the disclosure of the contents of the case, the meeting scene fell into dead silence.

Although the words were filled with the rigor of the official statement, the keen reporters were still aware of many twisted and cruel truths from the rigorous words.

42 cases?

That’s 42 families involved!

This cruel number is simply terrifying.

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