Chapter 88 Distorted Values, Murder Notebook.

This is a bit awkward.

However, being able to strengthen the experience is still very old-fashioned.

At this moment that could easily lead to misunderstandings, he proved his identity for the first time and did not let the situation expand out of control.

“Hello, we are the police of Beining Branch.” Neng Zhuangshi took out his police card and said, “We are currently in the process of

Lin Nan calmly followed Xiong Zhuangshi’s words and said, “We are checking whether there is any relevant information on the door lock of Room 404.

“who are you?”

“La! It’s a police comrade! I was shocked. You guys are not wearing police uniforms. I almost misunderstood!” My buddy, he lives in room 403.”

“504! 403! Is one upstairs and one next door?” Lin Nan said, rubbing his chin, “That’s just right!

“Brother Xiong, ask this Mr. Xiao if he has seen any abnormal situation related to Room 404 these days.”

“Remnant! And his friends, let’s ask the same way!”

“No problem!” Xiong Zhuangshi nodded and said, “You and Ruyan go into the room to check, and Ma Ran and I will make a record.”

After speaking, the four were divided into two groups to carry out their work respectively.

After Xiong Zhuangshi explained it to the young man Xiao Ming, Xiao Ming immediately said that there was no problem, and took the initiative to say that it would be more convenient to go to his friend’s house to make a transcript.

After the two parties reached a consensus, Man Ming brought Neng Zhuangshi and Li Yanran to the door of Room 403 and knocked on the door of his buddy’s house.

dong dong dong~

The door of Room 403 opened with a sound.

Brother Xiao Ming looked at the three people at the door with a dazed expression.

“Hello, I’m a police officer from Beining Branch. I need to consult some information. Please cooperate with my work.” Xiong Zhuangshi smiled and showed his police card.

Brother Xiao Ming: “…

the other side.

Lin Nan also did not continue to perform the wire to open the security door, but honestly inserted the key left in the property into the security door to open the door.

Lin Nan took out two sets of disposable dust-free shoe covers and disposable dust-free gloves, and while handing one set to Song Ruyan beside him, he said: “This is a disposable dust-free shoe cover and disposable dust-free gloves, It must be worn every time you enter a place related to the case to search for evidence.

“Prevent unnecessary damage to leads related to the case.”

After Song Ruyan took it, she followed Lin Nan’s movements to wear it.

After a moment.

The two walked into room 404.

Lin Nan looked around at everything in the room.


What caught my eye was the various cosmetics thrown on the bed.


You can see half-drawn sketches everywhere on the floor.

But the most conspicuous places in the room are not these.

It was a drawing board standing beside the bed.

On the drawing board, there is a sketch with a head portrait.

And the face of this head portrait is astonishingly Lan Xiner’s original appearance.

On Lan Xiner’s sketch, there was an unpredictable and strange smile on her face.

It should have been an all black and white sketch.

But the portrait hair is scarlet,


In the face of these things, Lin Nan chose to ignore them for the time being.

Because, in his heart, there are more important goals.

That was the diary Lan Xiner said on the ward.

Intuition is telling him.

The notebook that Lan Xiner said is very important, and there should be amazing information hidden in it.

Lin Nan walked to a desk in the room.

A diary is placed on the desktop, it looks ordinary, no different from ordinary notebooks.

Pick it up and open it.

Lines of beautiful small characters, densely written.

Lin Nan glanced at every line.

brush brush~

Turning page after page, watching page after page.

During this period.

Song Ruyan is like a curious baby who is going on an unknown adventure.

Look left and right in the room.

Looking around to see if there is anything that looks like evidence.

After about ten minutes.

After Lin Nan read the last page of the diary, he closed the diary, took a deep breath, and then exhaled softly.

This notebook really is what he intuitively perceives.

Very important!

Although, it looks ordinary, just an ordinary diary.

But in fact, the above content is shocking.

each line.

every word.

All are bloody and cruel.

This is a veritable murder diary.

In the diary, Lan Xiner recorded in detail everything Lan Xiner had done from killing Sun Mengmeng for the first time three years ago to killing Leng Chulu last Friday.

There are a series of information on her detailed killing methods, specific handling methods of the corpse, feelings after killing, harvest and so on.

The twisted thoughts contained in it are simply suffocating.

After reading the murder diary in his hand, Lin Nan’s mood was very complicated at this time.

There is anger at Lan Xiner doing so many appalling things.

There is also sadness for her distorted values ​​since she was a child due to lack of complete education and failure to successfully establish a good and evil outlook on life.

Lin Nan sorted out his emotions, took out a transparent evidence bag, and put the murder record notebook in it solemnly.

As he walked towards the door, he said in a low voice:

“,”Ruyan, we can go! There is no need to continue checking here for the time being!”

“Ah! What?” Song Ruyan asked strangely, “I don’t need it anymore? Why?”

Lin Nan bowed with the evidence bag containing the murder record notebook, and continued in a low tone: “Because we have this now, it’s enough!”

“This room is temporarily sealed and sealed!”

“This is the first scene of Leng Chulu’s death, and other evidence will be extracted by other detectives!”

“Now, let’s go back to the precinct first!”

Ruyan suddenly realized: (Nuo Nuo is good) “Ah! Ya! Got it!”

However, despite what she said, Song Ruyan was still a little lost, and it was the first time to conduct an on-site investigation of evidence.

It’s over before it even started.

It made her feel a little disappointed and dull.


Lin Nan took Song Ruyan to put a seal on the door of Room 404.

Then shop.

Knocked on the door of Room 403.

To Neng Zhuangshi and Li Yanran inside, he said:

“Enough evidence has been found! Let’s go back to the precinct!

“Thank you for your support, let’s make our record here!” Neng Zhuang stood up and said, “If there is anything else, it may trouble you again!”

After speaking, Xiong Zhuangshi and Li Yanran left together with Lin Nan.

Inside Room 403.

Xiao Ming and Brother Xiao Ming looked at each other.

For a while, I didn’t know what to say.

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