Chapter 51 Maslow’s pyramid of needs, distorted life values!

“Xiao Lin, are you kidding me!” Xiong Zhuangshi said in confusion, “You said she would appear at the police station?”

“Why? Isn’t this using the lantern to go to the toilet ~ looking for shit (death)!”

“She, a criminal suspect, will run to the police station to find a sense of existence?”

“Why?” Lin Nan changed into a comfortable position, tilted his head back, looked at the bright moon in the sky, and the bright moonlight swayed on his handsome face, with a faint tone:

“This is related to the hierarchy of needs theory!”

“Do you know Maslow’s pyramid of needs?”

“There are five levels of pursuit in a person’s life in a pyramid shape.”

“Level 1: Physiological needs!”

“Second level: security needs!”

“The third level: social needs!”

“Level 4: Respect Needs!”

“And the fifth level: Self-actualization needs!”

“These five needs contain all the needs of a person’s life.”

“You say, what level is Lan Xiner at now? What kind of needs do you need?”

“No…I don’t know!” Xiong Zhuangshi scratched his head and said hesitantly, “Can you tell me in detail?”

Lin Nan’s eyes were like water, and he spoke slowly.

“Okay! Then I’ll give you an analysis of Lan Xiner’s life experience.”

“Lan Xiner, her father is unknown for the time being, and her mother is a criminal suspect in a major case that we have recorded.”

“Because of this, she has been a black household since she was a child. She is a person without identity. She has no way to obtain a household registration, no way to obtain an ID card, no way to go to school…”

“But her mother loved her very much, and her physical and safety needs were met except for not letting her be free and not letting others know.”

“About 3 years ago, Lan Xiner should have been around 15-17 years old. After she was imprisoned for more than ten years, she gradually began to pursue the third-level needs, social needs.”

“Because she doesn’t have any identity, she started to pursue the third need using the skills she stole from her mother.”

“Wait! Why is it stealing? Instead of her mother teaching her?” Xiong Zhuangshi raised his hand and asked.

“Because parents always arrange everything for their children.” Lin Nan raised his eyebrows and said, “They will entrust the regrets in their lives to the next generation.”

“It’s like parents who haven’t gone to school want their children to read more and go to college, because they suffer from the loss of lack of education.”

“And what do you think is Lan Xiner’s mother’s biggest regret in life?”

“Of course, I don’t have an identity of my own, but my own life. I hide in Tibet all my life, and live by parasitizing other people’s names and lives.”

“Do you think she would want Lan Xiner to go her own way?”

“So, she will not hand over these means to Lan Xiner.”

“But she is not an identity in Hua’an Community. Under a certain opportunity, Lan Xiner saw the process of her mother’s skin peeling and making a human skin mask.”

“Lan Xiner is very smart. The long life in captivity and all the boring things made her eager to learn everything new. She learned this method.”

“Xiao Lin, what you said seems to make sense!” Xiong Zhuangshi gasped, feeling a little chilly. “She must hope that Lan Xiner can have her own life.”

“However, isn’t this Lan Xiner too scary, she is so smart?”

“Not bad!” Lin Nan nodded and continued: “According to my estimation, she should have arranged everything, and will choose to surrender at the right time and place, and then use the public’s attention to give Lan Xin the opportunity. Get a real identity certificate and give her a real life.”

“However, this plan was shattered three years ago.”

“About three years ago, when the school was about to start in September, Lan Xiner, who had begun to have social needs, secretly observed from the window again and again, and became curious, longing and longing for Sun Mengmeng’s life.”

“So, she killed Sun Mengmeng by an unknown method. For the first time, she used the method of skinning and making a human skin mask that she learned from her mother, and disguised herself as Sun Mengmeng.”

“In her place, a few days passed her life.”

“So, Sun Mengmeng’s eyes in the video are full of curiosity, because everything is so fresh for her child who has been imprisoned for more than ten years, and everything is full of unknown happiness.”

“Wait a minute, she killed it?” Xiong Zhuangshi asked in disbelief, “Isn’t it possible! A teenage child, kill another child?”

“How can she get away with it?”

“Why can’t she do it?” Lin Nan said quietly: “A mother who has been imprisoned for more than ten years and whose mother is a parasite who kills countless people, do you think she will have normal values ​​and outlook on life?”

“Perhaps, in her eyes, killing other people, peeling off their skin, and making human skin masks to replace their lives is as normal as eating and drinking.”

“Ah this…this…this outlook on life is too distorted!” Xiong Zhuangzhen was stunned and muttered to himself. “It’s terrifying!”*

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