Chapter 50 Chatting under the moonlight, forcing Lan Xiner to show up!

As soon as he entered the one-way mirror room, Song Mingming walked up with a smile and said, “Xiao Lin, your knowledge of criminal psychology is really profound.”

“Today’s case of using psychological cues for oppression and forcing the suspect to reveal his flaws really amazes me.”

“When we have time, let’s have a good discussion.”

“Sister Mingming, you have won the prize!” Lin Nan replied with a smile: “It’s just some small application of criminal psychology!”

“It’s just that I have a little more inferred information.”

“There is some information, and it is bombing her with ambiguous words.”

“After so many years of hiding in Tibet, her psychology has begun to become weak.”

“As long as she finds her weakness, it is not difficult for her to break through her psychological defense line.”

“Today is a major breakthrough. We only need to follow this breakthrough to make a breakthrough.” Captain Zhang Hai of the criminal investigation team also stepped forward and said with a smile: “Naturally we can get more favorable clues.”

“No! She can only do this now.” Lin Nan shook his head, expressing his regret. “She is on the verge of collapse because of psychological suggestion of oppression.”

“Once the oppression is carried out again, it will be like the last straw that overwhelms her sanity, causing her to be confused and mentally abnormal.”

“So, the interrogation can only come to an end.”

“Just spend the night, let her ease her emotions, and then try to get some more clues.”

“Is this…is that so?” Captain Zhang Hai of the criminal investigation team scratched his head dumbfoundedly and muttered, “I thought she could tell all the facts of the crime in one breath!”

“Forget it! I don’t know much about these profound criminal psychology things. I will leave the interrogation to you and Mingming to study!”

“Liu Feng and Zheng Hu, you two are now responsible for bringing Li Chunhua back to the temporary guard room for custody, and bring her back to the interrogation room tomorrow.”

“Lin Youwei, Han Sen, tomorrow, your job is to sort out the information on a series of disappearance cases that started 33 years ago, and find out which other cases may be related to Li Chunhua other than the cases that have actually been committed by Li Chunhua.”

“Also, you guys also searched for what she did when she used the two identities of Hua’an Community, and try to find out if there is any other information.”


“Okay! It’s almost 11 o’clock in the middle of the night, everyone go back to rest as soon as possible, and continue to fight tomorrow!”

All the criminal policemen replied: “Yes!”


It was quiet outside in the middle of the night.

Only the street lamps on the side of the road are still shining softly.

The two also returned to the dormitory together, after some washing.

Lin Nan sat on a chair on the edge of the small balcony, holding his beloved thermos cup.

While drinking tea while blowing hot air, I looked up at the bright moon hanging high in the sky through the open window.

The full moonlight came into view, and the tense mind was relaxed, and the exhaustion in my heart slowly came up.

Just when Lin Nan was enjoying this peaceful and quiet atmosphere.

Wearing a close-fitting black vest, the sturdy bear squeezed into the small balcony with a barbell.

While exercising with a barbell back and forth with one hand, he asked to break the atmosphere:

“Xiao Lin, what are you doing? Nervous!”

“Don’t sleep so late, go to the balcony to watch the moon?”

Lin Nan glanced at this Hanhan and said helplessly:

“Brother Xiong, you are really a little expert at destroying the atmosphere.”

“Didn’t you see that I was enjoying this peaceful and peaceful atmosphere?”

“And said to me, don’t you stay up in the middle of the night, take a barbell to exercise!”

“I don’t practice this day, and I always feel that I am missing something.” Xiong Zhuangshi didn’t care, and continued to practice with another hand.

“By the way, in the interrogation room today, do we cooperate very well?”

“You are responsible for verbal confrontation and oppression.”

“I’m responsible for intimidating her with my body shape!”

“Let’s combine our swords, and we’ve got it right at our fingertips.”

“However, she doesn’t seem to have any useful clues.”

“According to what she said, that Lan Xiner seems to have quarreled with her after committing the first case, and soon left her side, never to return, and never contacted her again.”

“From this point of view, she should not have a very good relationship with Lan Xiner.”

“How can we catch Lan Xiner’s trace through her?”

“Maybe, everyone has run out of Longyang City right now.”

“We can’t do it either! Handling cases across provinces is not that easy. For some things, our level of authority is not enough, and information is even harder to find.”

“Lan Xiner?” Lin Nan said calmly, “She won’t leave. Even if she does, I will find a way to force her to come back by herself.”

“Xiao Lin, I don’t believe what you said!” Xiong Zhuangshi smiled and said, “Why did you force her back?”

“Could she still take the initiative to run to the police station and surrender herself!”

“Surrender is not necessarily!” Lin Nan said confidently: “But running to the police station, it’s impossible to say.”

Bear Zhuangshi: “???”*

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