Chapter 52 Everything is ready, Dongfeng has already borrowed it!

Lin Nan’s eyes were full of eyes, his face was facing the bright moonlight, he took a sip of tea, sighed, and continued:

“Then, what Lan Xiner did was naturally discovered by her mother.”

“For Li Chunhua, the regret in life that was originally entrusted to Lan Xiner can no longer be realized!”

“Because Lan Xiner has blood on her hands, she is no longer an innocent child, but a criminal with blood on her hands.”

“As for Lan Xiner, those few days of life fascinated her, and the satisfaction of her social needs made her unable to extricate herself.”

“So, everything went smoothly.”

“The two quarreled, contradicted, and disagreed because of this.”

“In the end, Lan Xiner chose to escape from her mother’s control, sinking deeper and deeper into the abyss, with more and more blood of innocent people in her hands.”

“Do you still remember the missing information about the past three years that you helped me find, Brother Xiong?”

“Based on the information on disappearances above, it is estimated that there are at least 18 disappearances in Longming City alone that are likely to be related to Lan Xiner.”

“The victims have different occupations, including female college students, beauty stall owners selling accessories, female shop assistants selling clothes, female beauty artists, female white-collar workers, female writers…”

“According to my judgment, in the past three years, she has been pursuing social needs frantically at the beginning, and recently, she is pursuing higher-level respect needs.”

“That is to say, the target she is aiming at is getting higher and higher in social status, and the social respect gained by replacing them is getting stronger and stronger.”

“After respecting the needs, what she wants to pursue is naturally self-evident.”

“The last stage, self-realization value needs?” Xiong Zhuangshi frowned and said: “This? How does she pursue, how does she achieve self-realization? Everything she has is someone else’s, where does her self-worth come from?”

“You’re right!” Lin Nan snapped his fingers and said admiringly, “It’s the need for self-worth.”

“As I said before, Lan Xiner is very smart and good at learning. At a young age, she could stealthily learn how her mother peeled off her face to make a face mask. She has replaced the identities of more than a dozen people in three years without being discovered. and anomalies.”

“Lan Xiner is so smart, how could she not understand that her needs in the first four stages are all based on other people’s lives.”

“So, Lan Xiner is very clear that the premise of successfully obtaining self-worth needs is to have a true self-life.”

“There are many ways to get this kind of life.”

“But if Lan Xiner, like her mother, left criminal fingerprint evidence at the police station.”

“Then who waits for her can only be like her mother, another parasite in the shadows who is in constant fear.”

“I will never be able to see the sunshine again, and I will never be able to pursue my own self-worth needs.”

“And now, once Lan Xiner knows that we have just arrested her mother, then Lan Xiner must understand that we may find her fingerprints or other evidence.”

“You said, will Lan Xiner do her best to remove these obstacles that are not conducive to her pursuit of self-worth?”

“Xiao Lin, what you said, I feel a little too mysterious!” Xiong Zhuangshi’s mind was in a mess. “Better than writing a novel.”

“Even if the reality is so mysterious, how can you guarantee that Lan Xiner will know about her mother’s arrest?”

“Lan Xiner hasn’t contacted her mother for three years, so she might have left Longming City long ago, or even went abroad.”

“Also, don’t forget that we have the principle of confidentiality. If we disclose the facts of these cases without authorization, we will be held accountable internally.”

“Don’t be stupid!”

“Fang Xin, I have no intention of violating these principles.” Lin Nan smiled and said, “Relax! Everything is ready, I only owe Dongfeng.”

“When Dongfeng returns, let’s see God!”

“Okay! Hurry up and go to sleep! Li Chunhua will be interrogated tomorrow to find out her true identity and other clues!”

“Ah! Okay!” Xiong Zhuangzhuang scratched his head and walked back into the house with the barbell, ready to sleep. “Then rest early.”


The phone screen lights up, and a series of hot news pops up.

【Shock! A criminal suspect in a community in Longming City was mad and ignited a fire in his home, which almost caused a natural gas explosion! ! ! 】

【Directly hit the hot spot! A community in Longming City was shocked to see the arrest scene…]

【Big news! There was almost a major explosion in a community in Longming City, and hundreds of people fled… 】

【Longming City…………】

Lin Nan glanced at the hot news that popped up on the phone, and raised the corner of his mouth with a deep meaning, revealing a mysterious sneer.

Dongfeng has already borrowed it in advance!

And it’s bigger than expected!

Count the time!

Should be there tomorrow.

Lan Xiner, it’s time for our head-to-head confrontation!

Are you ready to stand trial by law?

Hands full of bloody parasites!

You should pay off your debt! *

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