Chapter 49 Seeing blood with a knife, psychological hint, her name is Lan Xiner!

Li Chunhua’s face was pale, her lips were trembling, and her mind was blank.

“No…no…possible, you…you…can’t do it!”

Lin Nan looked at ants with eyes full of pity, disdain, and playfulness.

“I can’t do it? Sun Mengmeng, this name sounds familiar to you!”

“No! I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Li Chunhua shook her head in denial. “I haven’t heard of it, I don’t know.”

“Denial? With me, it’s just useless effort.” Lin Nan casually sipped tea, and said calmly: “Sun Mengmeng, it should be the flower of sin you cultivated, the first step to take it on your own, the technique is still very It is immature, and there are many flaws.”

“Yesterday, I watched Sun Mengmeng’s case at 9:00 a.m. Today, I succeeded in following the flaws and uncovered you, who had been hidden for decades.”

“How long do you think she can hide?”

“My main goal is to get her out, and you just did it!”

“However, with you in hand, I can save some energy and use you to lead her out to die. That would be the best.”

When Lin Nan said this, he felt like a big villain. In contrast, Li Chunhua, who was murderous, seemed like a vulnerable group.

This scene made all the colleagues of the criminal investigation team who were watching the interrogation in the one-way mirror room feel vaguely that something was wrong.

Captain Zhang Hai touched his chin and muttered to himself while sucking in the cold air:

“sssssssssssssssssssssssss out”

“Why every time I watch Kobayashi’s interrogation, I always feel that there is something wrong with the atmosphere?”

“However, to be honest, did these words affect the image a bit?”

Song Mingming, the leader of the second criminal investigation team who is proficient in criminal psychology, rolled his eyes and retorted:

“Don’t talk nonsense if you don’t understand, Xiaolin, now he is using a very clever psychological suggestion method, which is much better than fatigue tactics.”

“He is trying to establish an omnipotent image in the opponent’s heart through various strikes, causing the opponent’s heart pressure to rise sharply, and thus appear flawed in his speech.”

“Extract more real information and new clues from the flaws.”

“Xiao Lin’s accomplishments in criminal psychology are much stronger than mine. He feels a bit like my teacher. My teacher is a criminal psychology expert who has studied psychology for decades.”

“I don’t know how Xiao Lin can do this at such a young age. I have time to ask him for advice.”

“Hahaha…” Zhang Hai, the captain of the criminal investigation team, smiled and said, “Xiao Lin, he is indeed a talent I like, and my vision is still as good as ever.”

“At a young age, he is proficient in criminal psychology, and he also has knowledge in on-site investigation, trace judgment, forensic science and other aspects. He is indeed a descendant of a police family, and it is passed down from generation to generation!”

Interrogation room.

Lin Nan’s offensive was as turbulent as a torrential rain, not letting Li Chunhua relax for a moment.

“I didn’t expect that a parasite like you, who kills people like numbness, dyes your hands with the blood of countless innocent people, and parasites in other people’s names, will also have maternal love?”


“What an irony!”

“You are also worthy of being called mother’s love?”

“In my opinion, it’s just a product of emotional distortion!”

“The child born, without a name, has become a parasite from birth.”

“I imprisoned her for more than ten years in the name of love, but in the end she could only watch her follow the same path as you.”


“Your love has also become her biggest flaw. You carefully keep those old children’s clothes.”

“Oh~ what a great mother’s love!”

“However, her fingerprints can be extracted from it.”

“Your mother’s love made her fall into the abyss.”

“From now on, she will be like you in the past, in a constant state of panic, wearing a false mask all her life, and never having her own life.”

“People like you, I know what you want.”

“You have pursued and failed in the end.”

“If you let her know that it was you who dashed all her hopes for pursuit, she would probably hate you for the rest of her life!”

Li Chunhua was a little nervous and shouted nervously: “No…no…she’s not nameless…she has a name…I…my daughter has a name, her name is Lan Xiner… Xiner has her own Name, she has a name, she’s not a parasite, she won’t blame me.”

“I’m all for her good. She shouldn’t have gone out and shouldn’t have left me in the first place.”

Li Chunhua was stimulated a little deeply, her words were incoherent, and she kept talking about her daughter Lan Xiner in a trance.

Although sometimes the sequence of words is a bit confusing, Lin Nan also sharply extracted a lot of key points and obtained a lot of key information.

About two hours later.

Lin Nan got up and took Xiong Zhuangshi out of the interrogation room, and entered the one-way mirror room next door. *

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