Chapter 46 Searching for evidence, clues about the real murderer of the 903 case!

As soon as I went up to the third floor, what caught my eye was the security door that was violently kicked open.

“Brother Liu, can you kick open the security door in one night?” Lin Nan smacked his tongue after seeing it, turned his head and asked.

Hear this question.

Liu Feng actually seriously thought about the answer.

He walked to the security door, studied it carefully, and replied:

“If there is a security door of this structure, I should be able to kick it open.”

“Look, this anti-theft door structure is an inner door. The main acceptance structure is actually on the lock. As long as you have enough strength, you can kick it open.”

“If the anti-theft door structure is an external door, and the kind of iron door embedded in the outer wall, it is basically difficult to kick open.”

Lin Nan: “…”

I really appreciate your tips.

Useless knowledge has increased a lot.

Go into the room.

There are traces of dry powder residues scattered by dry powder fire extinguishers everywhere, as well as scorch marks from the fire.

Lin Nan looked around in the room, constantly speculating on the scene at that time in his mind, and combining with the pictures taken by the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft before, he restored it little by little.

He first found traces of remnants that Li Chunhua burned in the brazier.

Bunch of unknown black objects, bent and crumpled into a lump, like black charcoal, and exuded the strange smell that appeared after being scorched.

Although, on the bright side, if it doesn’t pass the test, I don’t know what it is.

But Lin Nan didn’t need to think about it to know that Li Chunhua’s urgent desire to destroy it as soon as possible only explained one problem.

That is, they are very important, and it is important to force Li Chunhua to not hesitate to expand the risk of exposure, but also to destroy them.

Lin Nan carefully stuffed the black charcoal-like object into the transparent evidence bag.

While handing it to Liu Feng, he said:

“Brother Liu, this is the evidence that Li Chunhua wanted to destroy in the first place. It should be very important. When you go back, you need to check its material composition in order to determine the source and make speculations.”

After Liu Feng took it, he put it away carefully, put a label on the transparent evidence bag, followed by Lin Nan, and continued to act as a qualified assistant.

Lin Nan walked into the side bedroom, and the charred curtains and the closet were filled with charred clothes, the size of which seemed to be worn by children.

From a few years old to a teenager.

Seeing this, a smile appeared on Lin Nan’s face.

That’s right!

It was alright to speculate before.

Li Chunhua really has something to do with the murderer of the 903 pedestrian street disappearance case.

Mother and daughter are very likely.

One step closer to finding her.

Because there were too many burnt clothes, Lin Nan did not pick them all up, but turned to Liu Feng and said:

“Brother Liu, the clothes here are all evidence that can find some clues. You need to take them all back.”

Liu Feng looked at the pile, opened his mouth wide, and said in surprise, “All? So many?”

Lin Nan explained further: “Of course, Brother Liu, don’t forget our original purpose.”

“Catch Li Chunhua is just a matter of the way. The important thing is to find her who pretended to be Sun Mengmeng in the disappearance case of 903 Pedestrian Street through Li Chunhua.”

“These clothes are full of clues!”

“It must have been worn by her, and there must be fingerprints left on it.”

“Li Chunhua hid her for so many years. After buying these clothes, only Li Chunhua and she who wore clothes must have encountered them.”

“So, the fingerprints on it are very important.”

“Unfortunately, Li Chunhua set the fire and used a dry powder fire extinguisher to destroy most of the fingerprint residues in advance, otherwise there would be no need for such trouble.”

Liu Feng nodded clearly and said, “I understand!”

“I will collect all of these. I will work overtime at that time, and I must extract fingerprints from them.”

Lin Nan looked left and right in the wardrobe, all kinds of pacifier bottles, all kinds of small clothes… and all kinds of slightly old children’s things.

It looks like it’s something she’s used.

If this scene is placed in a normal family, it can show great maternal love.

But Lin Nan thinks of Li Chunhua’s past sins and the new generation of sins she has cultivated.

Just thought it was a bit ironic.


At this time.

Liu Ming, the leader of the first group, who is good at on-site investigation, and Han Sen, the second group, also came here.

After the four met, Lin Nan, Liu Ming, and Han Sen began to discuss with each other about the situation at the scene, and cooperated to dig more clues.

And Liu Feng, as a combat player who focuses on fighting and shooting, chooses to be an on-the-spot assistant who doesn’t interrupt.

About an hour or so.

Lin Nan and the other three have dug up the clues at the scene.

Plug the door back.

I borrowed the tape from the next door, and used the tape to deal with it first.

Then stick a seal and temporarily close the scene.

Lin Nan and the other group took a lot of evidence and sat in a police car driven by Liu Ming, a group leader, and drove to the Beining branch.

This time, Lin Nan took the co-pilot and felt relieved.

There is no feeling that all men are left and right, which is good! *

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