Chapter 45 Lin Nan’s self-defense technique, Li Yanran’s sassy moment.

Lin Nan went straight to Li Chunhua, stretched out a hand and grabbed her arm.

With the other hand, he took out the handcuffs from his waist and handcuffed them to the other side.

And Li Chunhua didn’t know how to expose it.

However, he immediately started desperately resisting, using his aunt’s life-threatening scratch to stab Lin Nan’s eyes, and shouted loudly:

“What are you doing? The police are hooligans! The police are hooligans!”

Lin Nan kept lying in his heart. He never thought that the other party would be so shameless and come up with such a trick at such an age.

But he didn’t have time to think about it, and when he saw the other party’s vicious shot, he went straight to his own eyes.

Lin Nan directly used his self-defense techniques that he had practiced for many years.

The upper body dodged backwards, avoiding the danger of gouging out the eyes.

lower body.

The ankle joint moves, twists, and pushes!

Right foot kicked up sharply.



Just heard a scream.

Li Chunhua fell down in response, clutching her lower body tightly, kneeling on the ground, rolling and screaming in pain.

Residents who saw this scene all around felt cold in their crotch, and couldn’t help pinching their legs.

He looked at this handsome young policeman with weird eyes.

And Liu Feng and Zheng Hu, who had been maintaining order, also came over, smacking their tongues secretly.

Police Officer Xiaolin’s move is a little bit out of martial arts.

However, Lin Nan stepped forward without caring about the eyes of others, and placed the handcuffs that had just been placed on Li Chunhua, who had lost the ability to resist.

And Li Chunhua is also a ruthless person. After such a tragic attack, she still held back the pain in a short period of time and shouted frantically:

“The police are killing people! The police are killing people!”

This time, the emotions in it are more real than before, and there is a kind of empathy and sincerity in it.

Lin Nan twitched the corner of his mouth.

This… as for?

He said he was a hooligan just now, but now it has become a murderer?

Lin Nan was so embarrassed that she wanted to give her another shot to shut her up.

However, even if it is not known whether it is true or false, this miserable cry has attracted many people to watch.

“Don’t get me wrong!” Lin Nan decided to explain his behavior just now for the sake of his reputation. “She is a criminal suspect in a major case. She just resisted arrest and assaulted the police. I did it as a last resort.”

But Li Chunhua shouted even louder.

On the other hand, he intended to use his voice to cover up the voice of Lin Nan’s explanation.

Struggling back and forth, trying to escape.

At this time.

Li Yanran and Xiong Zhuangshi, who were disgraced, also successfully extinguished the fire on the 3rd floor and walked out of Unit 2.

Heard the quarrel outside.

Li Yanran snorted coldly, like a butterfly wearing a flower, took a few vertical steps, passed through the crowd in an instant, and walked behind Li Chunhua.

Raise your right hand.

Silently, it was placed on Li Chunhua’s neck.


A crisp sound.

Li Chunhua rolled her eyes.

There was no sound in an instant, and the whole person fell into a coma.

The man was just unable to fall halfway down.

Li Yanran grabbed the opponent’s collarbone with her hands and picked it up.

Just toss.

Resist on the shoulders.

He walked to the police car without saying a word.

Lin Nan gave Li Yanran a thumbs up.

Just that.

It’s so sassy!

The degree of handsomeness is simply explosive!

Of course, Lin Nan did not boast on the bright side, but solemnly did the surface work. He explained in a serious and loud voice:

“The fire just now was deliberately set by her to escape in the chaos. Our unmanned reconnaissance aircraft took pictures of these things clearly.”

“As for the sudden fainting of her just now, it must have been caused by carbon monoxide poisoning due to inhaling too much smoke produced by her own arson.”

Onlookers: “…”

Do you think we are stupid?

Such a crisp sound, who didn’t hear it!

It was clearly the policewoman who got dizzy!

But well!

When they heard Lin Nan said that the fire was set by her, they couldn’t care less and started yelling.

: “This old man who has no children and no grandchildren actually set fire to it, he’s a lunatic.”

: “That’s right, I usually see that she has a problem, she’s not like a good person, but today I see it, and it’s true.”

: “F*ck, this bastard, set fire to the house and smoked the outer walls of my house into a black pot.”

: “Good catch!”

:”well played!”

“Cough cough~” Lin Nan coughed twice and said, “Don’t talk nonsense, I’ll repeat it again, she fainted herself.”

“It’s carbon monoxide poisoning!”

“It’s really carbon monoxide poisoning!”

“There is no other reason.”

“The rescue is still in time, and the inside has not been completely burned!” Xiong Zhuangshi came over and said, “But some of the evidence may have been destroyed.”

“Xiao Lin, you are also proficient in on-site exploration. Would you like to go up and take a look?”

Lin Nan nodded, of course he wanted to go up and check it carefully.

If he guessed right.

This house hides a big secret.

There should be more than Li Chunhua’s secrets in it.

It has its own original goals.

Clues and secrets of the murderer of the missing 903 pedestrian street.

“That’s good!” Seeing this, Xiong Zhuangshi said quickly, “You go up there and look for favorable clues. Old Liu will stay with you.”

“Old Zheng, come with me, meet with Xiao Yanran first, and send the suspect back to the branch.”

“That’s right! I’ll contact you later with Liu Ming, the team leader of the first team, and Han Sen, the second team member, who are in charge of the on-site survey.”

“After they have completed the on-site survey of Li Chunhua’s home, they will also go here for on-site survey.”

After that, Xiong Zhuangshi hurried away with Zheng Hu.

Lin Nan also went upstairs with Liu Feng to check whether there were any important clues or evidence left at the fire scene. *

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