Chapter 47 Evidence test results, real human skin masks!

As soon as he entered the branch, Liu Feng quickly took the evidence and sent it to the autopsy room, and handed it over to the forensic doctors Tan Xiaotong and Tan Xiaoxiao for laboratory tests.

Li Ming and Han Sen also went to the autopsy room together and used professional instruments to further investigate the evidence.

As for Lin Nan, he went to the room next to the interrogation room.

At this moment.

Except for Song Mingming and Li Weiwei, who were conducting the surprise interrogation of Li Chunhua, the rest of the people were in this room, listening to the real-time voice through a single-sided mirror, and watching the entire interrogation process.

When Lin Nan pushed in the door, he saw Zhang Hai, the captain of his criminal investigation team, and said, “Xiao Lin, you are back! I have heard Xiong Zhuangshi report what happened just now.”

“For today’s arrest, it’s fortunate that you were at the scene, otherwise, I don’t know how much trouble it will cause!”

“Team Zhang, you are overrated!” Lin Nan waved his hand and waited for me in a humble tone: “This is not the work of one person, but the credit of everyone’s teamwork.”

“I am in it, and I only contributed a little bit of strength.”

“If Brother Xiong and Yanran hadn’t risked their lives, rushed into the fire and put out the fire, there would have been a real mess.”

“You! You!” Captain Zhang Hai of the criminal investigation team smiled and waved his finger at Lin Nan and said, “What do you say, this modesty really goes deep into the bones.”

“You don’t have the youthfulness of a young man at all.”

“Team Zhang, how’s the interrogation inside?” Lin Nan turned to look at the one-way mirror and asked, “Have you come up with any information?”

“This one inside is really impervious to oil and water.” Captain Zhang Hai of the criminal investigation team shook his head with a wry smile.

“Right now, I can’t do anything other than give her a major suspect, because the evidence is insufficient, and I can’t ask or find out any useful information.”

“The name Li Chunhua should also be her impostor, but she bites herself desperately and calls her Li Chunhua.”

“Now, I think Song Mingming and Li Weiwei are also likely to have nothing to do with her.”

as predicted.

As soon as Captain Zhang Hai’s voice fell, Song Mingming and Li Weiwei got up and left with the transcript.

After a moment.

The two entered the room.

“You should have watched the entire interrogation process.” Song Mingming sighed and said: “According to my judgment, this person is more difficult to handle than the previous Zhao Laifu. Regarding her, all our information is unknown.”

“Not only her real identity, but also her real experience and everything in her past.”

“Her will is very hard now, and her vigilance is extremely strong. The only way is to use fatigue tactics to weaken her willpower and force her to reveal her flaws.”

“Not bad!” And Li Weiwei also said depressedly: “From the analysis of micro-expressions, she didn’t say a single truth from beginning to end. It was all lies.

“But we don’t have any information to question her lies.”

Everyone you say, I discuss countermeasures in a word,

Lin Nan is constantly looking at the data, various case data, including the disappearance cases 33 years ago, and the disappearance cases in recent years.

And his mind was constantly sorting out his thoughts, thinking about how to pry her mouth open.

After half an hour.

Tan Xiaotong pushed open the door and said, “The test results of some of the evidence have come out.”

“The black carbon-like substance was mainly composed of collagen fibers, elastic fibers and matrix.”

“What… is this?” Li Yanran scratched her head.

“This is the composition of dermal tissue.” Lin Nan said with a gloomy face: “A major composition of skin tissue!”

“Judging from the structure of the scorched marks, it should be the human face structure that has been distorted by high temperature!”

“Human face! Could it be?” Li Yanran said in surprise: “Human…human skin mask?”

“Eighty percent of it is a human skin mask, or it’s made of real skin.” Lin Nan said, “This woman is much more cruel and dangerous than we imagined.”

“By the way! Besides this? Are there any different fingerprints detected on those children’s clothes?”

Tan Xiaotong replied: “This! It has not been detected yet. It is difficult to find complete fingerprints for detection because those clothes are affected by flames and dry powder.”

“Moreover, the number of those clothes is huge, and it takes a lot of time to test one by one!”

“Apart from that?” Captain Zhang Hai asked, “What other strong evidence is there?”

“There is nothing else for the time being. I think the human skin mask should be considered strong evidence, so I came over and said it in advance.” Tan Xiaotong replied.

“Not bad! The human skin mask is really strong evidence.” Lin Nan nodded. “Are the subcutaneous tissue cells alive, and can DNA be used to detect which victim the human skin mask belongs to?”

Tan Xiaotong’s eyes lit up and immediately said, “This, you should try it.”

“Great! As long as the source of the victim can be detected by DNA, this alone is enough to be used as material evidence to convict her.” Captain Zhang Hai of the Criminal Investigation Team said excitedly.

“Quick, quick, get tested, now this is the top priority.”

“Condemn her to death first.”

“This kind of person is too dangerous. I don’t want to let her stay outside for a while.”

After Tan Xiaotong heard it, he immediately turned and left.

And Lin Nan said calmly:

“Team Zhang, can you let me enter the interrogation room and chat with this criminal suspect?”

Captain Zhang Hai of the Criminal Investigation Team: “???”



Why does this sentence sound familiar?

Xiong Zhuangzhuang’s eyes lit up, and he frantically raised his hands and said:

“I…I…I…let me come. Xiaolin and I are interrogating this part. It can be said that we are a combination of swords and invincible in the world.”

Captain Zhang Hai of the Criminal Investigation Team: “!!!”


Now the scene is more familiar. *

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