Chapter 219 Little girl: “Thank you. Police brother. Police sister…

Zheng Xiuxian’s smile froze when he heard the words, his face changed, and he was a little frightened. He didn’t know what the strange policeman in front of him meant.

And Lin Nan didn’t mean to give a long speech.

Put the laptop on the interrogation table.

screen alignment.

Play button a little.


A scene that shocked Zheng Xiuxian appeared in front of him.

It was his living room.

At the same time, the sound of the video is also released, very clear, and everyone can hear it.

“Zheng Xiuxian, don’t forget, who did you rely on to get to where you are today?

“Of course I won’t forget…now I don’t need it!”

“Ah…you let me go

“”You Jingjing two crystals…dog thing,

“Okay…Two cuts are basically dead, as planned, give me one…

After the video was over, Zheng Xiuxian blushed and pointed at Lin Nan tremblingly.

“ video..

Lin Nan took back the laptop impatiently and said disdainfully:

“Okay, at this point, don’t make useless struggles.”

“Whether it is a fake video, you know in your heart, the authenticity of the video will be identified by our law enforcement department, and the 527 you said doesn’t count.”

Zheng Xiuxian took a deep breath and said calmly, “I didn’t kill people, I want to see a lawyer.

Lin Nan said with a half-smile, “Yeah! You didn’t do it yourself, it was Wen Lepu’s hand, but you deliberately restricted your wife’s movements at that time so that she couldn’t resist.”

“Combining the content of the dialogue, it can be basically concluded that the two of you are conspiring, and the crimes are equivalent.”

As for the “lawyer, you’ll see.

“It’s just, what kind of lawsuit is the lawyer you hired?”

“La! There is a person who stabbed you with intentional injury, right?”


“Yours is Wen Lepu, it seems that this lawyer should sue Wen Leying.

“The other is to sue your wife’s case, so this lawyer should be entrusted by you to bring you to court.”

“Also interesting.

“Pay someone to put yourself in jail.”

As for “your defendant’s lawyer, you don’t have to worry about it. We will provide a friendly lawyer to defend you as your defendant’s lawyer.”

“It’s a lawyer surnamed Zhen, quite famous.

Zheng Xiuxian couldn’t keep his composure any longer, his face was hideous, his breathing was short of breath, and he was so angry that he was speechless.

“you you you.…..”

Lin Nan interrupted without hesitation: “What are you?”

“Wait to be judged by the law!

After speaking, he ignored him and turned to the two stunned police officers in the interrogation room and said with a smile: “Sorry, I was a little angry just now, so I’m a little rude.”

“I’ll leave first and wait outside, so I won’t disturb Officer Li to continue the interrogation.

And at the same time.

The surveillance room was also in shock.

After a long while.

Team Liu looked at Xiong Zhuangshi next to him and asked, “Xiao Xiong, why didn’t you tell me earlier?”

Xiong Zhuangshi rolled his eyes helplessly and spread his hands.

“Lao Liu”, we don’t carry this pot, I just wanted to tell you when I came back.

“But you interrupted again and again, and before we could finish speaking, you happily pulled us over.

Team Liu smiled awkwardly and said dryly, “It’s my fault, my fault.”

Let’s go”! We welcome the big heroes of this time.

After a moment.

In the midst of boasting, Lin Nan handed the video evidence to Team Liu, and declined the invitation of the other party to stay and watch.

This time.

Four people came and five people left.

That’s right.

Sun Yuan has been acquitted.

Lin Nan and others took Sun Yuan and his daughter back to the Beining branch to reunite their family.

after an hour.

Bac Ninh Branch Medical Office.

The family is reunited.

The deaf-mute couple hugged and wept silently, with a bit of desolation in their touching.

Lin Nan and the others stood silently outside the ward, also silent.

After a long while.

Nengzhuang said with a sigh and sympathy: “The world is too cruel to them.”

“Laughing can’t be heard, crying can’t be heard.”

“In a world without (bcdi) sound, they can only snuggle with each other.”

“Under such circumstances, there are still villains who set their sights on them, which is extremely Damn it.”

“It’s really pathetic.”

Lin Nan replied: “What they need is not sympathy and pity, just some respect.”

“Even in a silent world, sometimes there is still hope.

Xiong Zhuangshi shook his head and sighed: “Hope? Where is it? I didn’t see it anyway.

“I only see those bastards adding fuel to the fire, bringing more suffering to this already suffering family.”

At this time.

After the family of three stabilized their emotions, they communicated with each other by sign language.

After a moment.

The family of three walked out, the deaf-mute couple, with grateful eyes and gestures of gratitude, silently expressing their hearts.

At this moment.

All they want to do is go home!

Back to the little world that belonged to the three of them.

Lin Nan and others also smiled and sent them out of the branch.


When offered to send them a gift, the other party stubbornly refused, and expressed thanks again in sign language.

Seeing this, Lin Nan and others decided to follow their choice.

Before parting.

The little girl pursed her lips and her eyes turned firm.

She struggled to get out of her father’s arms and landed on the ground, under the eyes of everyone.

He blushed and opened his mouth that had been silent for a long time.

First he coughed hard.

“cough, cough”


Shouted out the first sentence of this life.

“Thank you, police brother. Police sister.”

this sound.

Somewhat immature.

Some dry wine.

The words are also somewhat out of tune.

But it is the most beautiful thanks Lin Nan has ever heard.

never expected.

This little girl actually overcame her psychological barrier and spoke by herself.

A dazzling smile appeared on Lin Nan’s face.

said softly:


“This is the hope of the silent world.

And the same scene.

In the eyes of Xiong Zhuangzhuang, the deaf-mute couple and others.

It also shocked them enough.

after all.

Except for what Lin Nan speculated, no one knew that the little girl could actually talk.

The deaf-mute couple was in shock. They saw the little girl’s movements, but couldn’t hear the sound.

There is a glimmer of hope in my heart, but I dare not give myself hope.

After all, if you don’t see the light, you don’t fear the dark.

In the past seven years, they have long been disappointed how many times.

The fact that my daughter is just like them has been accepted.

but now

They were too timid to be sure. . . .

I am afraid that this time, it will also be a disappointing ending.

And Lin Nan also brought the demeanor of the dumb couple into his eyes.


Without hesitation, he made a string of sign language.

“Your daughter has spoken!”

When the deaf couple saw this, they couldn’t help themselves.

The two embraced.

Silently, tears of excitement fell from the corners of his eyes.

There is always hope in life!

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