Chapter 218 Do You Want Evidence? Then I’ll Give You Evidence!

When Lin Nan and the others returned to the Dao branch, they just saw the beaming scene, which made them feel a little baffled.

Team Liu stepped forward with a smile and said, “You guys are back, it’s really hard work, really tired! Take a good rest first.”

Xiong Zhuangshi waved his hand and said, “It’s not hard work, it’s all we should do, Team Liu, we…  

Before the words could be said, Team Liu interrupted and said, “It’s okay if no evidence is found. We have made new breakthroughs here, so don’t worry about the case.”

“You can’t even guess, the real culprit behind the scenes is the bastard Zheng Xiuxian…

Nengzhuang was stunned and continued: “No, Liu team, we have already found…”

Team Liu continued to interrupt and said, “I know that you are looking for it very hard. It just so happens that there is a big show for you to watch. We have arrested Zheng Xiuxian and are conducting a surprise interrogation against him.”

Let’s go “! Let’s go! Let’s go and see.”

After saying that, he pulled Xiong Zhuangshi and Lin Nan into the monitoring room.

At the same time, in the interrogation room.

Li Wenjing sat at one end of the interrogation table, expressionless, with icy eyes, exerting pressure, next to another police officer who was also expressionless.

On the opposite side of her was Zheng Xiuxian, who was handcuffed and was immediately interrogated.

At this time, he was wearing a white hospital uniform, with a white belly wrapped in white, his face was slightly pale, but his demeanor was extremely calm.

Li Wenjing’s icy words blurted out her debut:

“Zheng Xiuxian, where were you at three o’clock in the afternoon seven days ago?”

Zheng Xiuxian looked indifferent, and said casually: “I can’t remember.

Li Wenjing said coldly: “You answer questions honestly and cooperate with our work.”

Zheng Xiuxian made a thoughtful gesture, and then answered thoughtfully again: “I can’t remember, even if I can’t remember, it’s the same no matter how you ask, the doctor said that I am a woman with intermittent amnesia.” ”

“If you want proof, I have it too.

Faced with this extremely uncooperative situation, Li Wenjing took a deep look at the other party, took out a confession and said, “Wen Leshou has already confessed, and it was you who instructed her to kill her wife and frame the blame behind her back.”

“And, the evidence is that you killed your wife with your own hands.

Zheng Xiuxian shook his head disdainfully and said, “Police officer, if a simple one-sided remark is useful, what should the law do?”

“Please come up with some actual evidence.”

“Does it have my fingerprints on the murder weapon? Or is there a video of me killing someone?”

Officer Li Wenjing sneered and said, “Evidence? You want evidence, right?”

“This is evidence that you paid Wen Lexuan two million to buy Niu Yonggui, the vice president of the Sign Language Association, and mislead our police.”

“This is a video profile photo of you looking for Sun Yuan seven days ago.

“This is evidence that you embezzled the company’s public funds…

this is….

“All of these can fully prove that you have enough motives to kill and enough reasons to kill.”

In the face of these evidences, Zheng Xiuxian sneered and said contemptuously, “That’s it?”


“I now seriously doubt your professionalism.

“Does this have anything to do with murder evidence?”

“It’s my freedom to find someone to repair it.”

“I don’t think those deaf and dumb people are pitiful?”

“It’s ridiculous to embezzle the company’s public funds. The company is the legal property of our husband and wife. I can use it as I want. How can I use it?”

“I don’t know how to make two million for Wenle Camp?”

“This is a payment from a company account, and the signatory is not me, what does it have to do with me?”

“Lah~ It turns out that someone embezzled the company’s public funds, I will sue the signatory in a while, so that he will not die and peel off.

For a time, Zheng Xiuxian’s behavior was a little arrogant, and in a few words, he pushed everything away.

No matter who it is, it can be heard that he is talking nonsense with a clear eye, and it is simply messing around.

Then, Li Wenjing slightly followed the other party’s meaning and thought for a while.

Suddenly sad to find that he really has no way to take the other party.

Even if you know that the other party’s remarks are lies or nonsense, you cannot deny the possibility from the perspective of legal evidence.

Therefore, with only the above evidence, there is really no way to convict the other party in this case.

“Officer, my time is precious.” Zheng Xiuxian, dressed in a hospital gown, talked about it. “Don’t continue to waste time on me.

“What you have to do is to hand over the relevant evidence of the case to my lawyer as soon as possible. I will file an appeal to seek justice for my wife’s death.”

Li Wenjing’s face was ugly, she stared at the other party and said, “Don’t you think we have nothing to do with you?”

The corner of Zheng Xiuxian’s mouth raised a hint of sarcasm, he spread his hands, and pretended to say, “I don’t understand what you guys are thinking at all, there is no evidence at all.”

“You can just take me, the victim, to the police station for interrogation.”

“Who gave you so much power?”

“It’s ridiculous to keep making statements to imply that I killed my wife!”

“What about the evidence?

“What about your evidence?

“Show me the evidence!”

“Cough! That’s right!”

“My team of lawyers should be running on all sides, actively appealing, and I will be leaving in a few hours.”

“Send! My wife’s departure really makes me so sad.”

“I decided to go abroad to relax in a while, and by the way, go to a place with a better medical environment in a foreign country to treat the injury.”

These very provocative words not only made Li Wenjing grit his teeth with anger, but also made the police officers who watched the surveillance video of the interrogation explode with anger.

The meaning inside and outside the words is very obvious.

I kill people.

But you have no evidence, and there is nothing you can do about me.

After leaving here.

I’ll go abroad immediately, and you can’t even think of finding me.

At this moment.

Looking at the livid faces of the two interrogating policemen, Zheng Xiuxian felt that he had reached the peak of his life, and he could not wait to laugh a few times in the sky, feeling a sense of joy in his heart.

In the police station of this country, there is no way for the police to take him.

Just ask.

How many people in this world can do it?


at this time.

Just heard a thud.

The door was opened.

Lin Nan is carrying a laptop.

He walked into the interrogation room with a sneer.

“You want evidence? Then I’ll give you evidence!”

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