Chapter 220 The news of Plum Blossom Q, a strong old acquaintance.

Lin Nan and the other group of four stood at the gate of the branch, watching the family of three leave, speechless for a long time.

And this time.

Captain Zhang Hai and other colleagues appeared out of nowhere, and they all applauded and praised.

“Xiao Lin, you did a good job this time!

“Yeah! It’s done–beautiful!”

“There is a bit of work network-Fan that I had back then.

“Send it! Young people, just have a lot of effort.”

Facing the praise from his colleagues, Lin Nan waved his hand modestly.


He suddenly found out that among the many colleagues, there was a person he didn’t know.

This is a woman in her thirties, with short hair, expressionless face, about 1.7 meters tall, with sharp eyes, tight muscles all over her body, and slightly wheatish skin, giving people a sense of strength and an explosive feeling at any time.

Of course, on this occasion, Lin Nan did not ask the question directly.

After all, with Team Zhang here, this woman must also belong to someone inside.

Otherwise, she wouldn’t be here.

After a moment.

Lin Nan and Neng Zhuangshi were taken to the conference room alone by Captain Zhang Hai.

And the one who entered with them was the unidentified woman.

After entering.

Captain Zhang Hai began to introduce each other for the two parties: “Xiao Lin, this is Comrade Leng Mei from a higher-level organization. She came to you this time.”

“Comrade Lengmei, this is Lin Nan, and that one is strong.

“You talk, I’ll go first.”

Having said that, Captain Zhang Hai left early.


In the blink of an eye, there were only three people left in the conference room.

Leng Mei stretched out her hand and said, “Guoan, Leng Mei.”

As soon as he heard the word Guoan, Lin Nan vaguely guessed the other party’s intention.

The intersection between himself and Guoan is nothing more than the poker organization.

Therefore, he judged that the other party’s intention must be related to the poker organization.

as predicted.

After Lin Nan shook hands with each other.

Leng Mei succinctly stated:

This time, “I came mainly because we received information from foreign countries.

“There is a new change in the poker organization. They have sent a person codenamed Plum Q to sneak into our country.”

“The target is probably you.”

Hearing this news, Lin Nan frowned and muttered to himself.

“Club Q? Sure enough, it’s a poker organization again! Why did it suddenly target me?”

Leng Mei replied: “Recently, we have based on the information obtained from the interrogation of 10 of spades, 8 of hearts and others.

“The intelligence network and members of the entire poker organization in my country were attacked, and 34 main members were arrested, involving 206 persons who were dealt with.”

“We suspect that they may feel that because of you, their organization has suffered a major blow in our country.

“So, see you as a target for revenge.

Lin Nan’s face was dark, and he said solemnly: “It’s really no disaster.”

“However, to get revenge on me, what about my family and friends?

“Is it also within the scope of their revenge?”

Leng Mei waved her hand and replied, “Don’t worry about this, they can’t find it.

“I can find you because you showed your face at the press conference before.”

“Otherwise, with our country’s secrecy of information from law enforcement agencies, they would not even try to find out.”

“However, having said that, in recent times, I have tried to explain it in simple terms and be careful.

“Prevent those with ulterior motives from finding information about your family from you.”

Lin Nan frowned and asked, “About Mei Hua Q, is there any information about this person?”

Leng Mei replied: “Yes!

“Plum Blossom Q, a member of the poker organization, a foreigner, his real name is ominous, and his appearance is ominous. It is said that he likes to use probabilistic methods to create accidental murders, and he mostly acts in foreign countries…  …

“The above is the basic information of the other party.”

Lin Nan stretched out his hand and rubbed his eyebrows.

Does Probability Create Accidental Killing?

Another high IQ player.

Really headache.

This kind of person is the most annoying as an opponent.


Lin Nan didn’t worry much.

Because, in the last lottery draw, he obtained the sixth sense of hall-level ability.

This ability can just improve the sensitivity of the sixth sense, danger perception, danger prediction, and intuitive reminders for his own threatening targets

This Plum Blossom Q’s usual killing method should belong to the existence of being suppressed by the sixth sense.

…for flowers…………

But after the club queen is settled, the poker organization may send others to show up.

Thousands of days to guard against thieves, and eventually one loses.

Find a way to wipe out this poker organization.

Although Lin Nan wants to think about it, now he is not able to go to foreign countries to fight criminals.

It can only be discussed from a long-term perspective, one by one.

Perhaps with the help of the power of the organization.

Think of it this way.

Lin Nan squinted his eyes and asked, “Comrade Leng Mei, what does the organization mean?”

Leng Mei’s eyes flashed.

“Wait for the rabbit, wait for the other party to appear, confirm the suspected target, and directly implement the arrest.

Next, “I will be temporarily seconded to your team and become a member of the third criminal investigation team of the Beining Branch Criminal Investigation Team.”

Lin Nan nodded, already understanding what the other party meant.

This is to use yourself as bait, to stay by your side, and to protect your own safety.

Possibly, there are already other members of the National Security around me who are deploying control, waiting for Plum Blossom Q to jump into the trap.

As for taking yourself as bait, will you feel angry or not?

To tell the truth, they are all adults, and the things to consider are more comprehensive.

Even if you don’t use yourself as bait, won’t the plum blossom Q appear?

No, the other party will still appear.


A wise man has a thousand thoughts, and he must make a mistake.

Lin Nan wouldn’t feel the existence of a sixth sense.

You can be foolproof yourself.

after all.

You only have one life, so be careful.

It feels good to have these national security comrades hiding in the dark and protecting themselves at all times.

And this time.

Leng Mei suddenly smiled and said: “Okay! The business has been discussed, I don’t think you have any special emotions.”

“Then I can talk about other things.

Big Bear “Long time no see!”

This statement came out.

Bear Sturdy, who has been by the side as a background board.

A slightly shy smile appeared.

He scratched his head and replied naively: “Sister Leng, it’s been a long time since I haven’t seen you, and I almost don’t recognize you.

Lin Nan:???”Little,

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